Kindergartens in St. Petersburg: list, addresses, rating

Each parent wants only the best for their child. It is a fact! And the question of which kindergarten to send your child to must be approached very responsibly, because in the media you can often see what is happening outside the walls of these institutions. But, fortunately, neglect of children is a rarity. Now we will only talk about kindergartens in St. Petersburg.

This will not even be an article, but a kind of TOP. The main areas of St. Petersburg will be affected and the best kindergartens will be displayed. They will be selected according to three criteria: reviews of people, popularity and overall rating.

kindergartens spb

Kindergartens of Primorsky district

The first in line will be kindergartens in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The TOP includes only the most popular kindergartens, which enjoy the trust of all parents who gave their children to them.

  1. So, we present to your attention a kindergarten called "Ray." It is located on Silver Boulevard, house 25, second building. "Ray" is a private kindergarten in St. Petersburg. In addition, this institution has its own website, its own e-mail and a group in contact, where you can find out a lot of useful information.

  2. If you choose a kindergarten with a municipal form of ownership, then kindergarten No. 65 will be an excellent choice. It is located on Komendantsky Avenue, building 35, building four. The presence of its own site can not boast, but it has speech therapy groups.

  3. The list cannot but mention the English manger-garden under the name β€œfrom A to Z”. Many parents are in a hurry to send their children there, because people say that the educational part there is at the highest level. It is located on Primorsky Avenue, in the first building with the letter A, room 345. Not many kindergartens in St. Petersburg boast a bias in English.

Kindergartens of the Kirov region

private kindergarten spb

Kirovsky district boasts an abundance of upscale kindergartens. However, the list will feature the best ones that have been repeatedly marked by parents.

  1. Kuzya is probably the most popular kindergarten in the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg. Over the years, he has been a leader in the number of children. The queue for St. Petersburg kindergarten is planned for years to come, so if you decide to give your child there, you need to call in advance. You can find him on Tankist Khrustitsky Street in 62. The kindergarten is private. Children are accepted from two years old.

  2. Kindergarten No. 33. Not all kindergartens in St. Petersburg can boast the best reviews, but it can. The kindergarten is located on Dobrovoltsev street 52, building 2. Children are accepted from two years. Also in the kindergarten there are gymnasium groups. And the bias goes both to intellectual development, and to physical.

  3. Kindergarten No. 13. He was on the list, as it is not simple, but compensating. It is located on Novatorov 15. You can get there only as prescribed by the doctor. A large number of people celebrate the professionalism of the team. The kindergarten has a corrective state program for eyesight, as well as an additional art studio, massage and a dry pool.

Kindergartens of the Kalinin district

It's time to talk about kindergartens in the Kalinin district of St. Petersburg.

  1. Kindergarten No. 76. You can find this institution on Svetlanovsky Prospekt, 109/4. The presented kindergarten is private and has a personal e-mail and its website, where you can read the details. It is compensatory and provides highly qualified services to correct deviations of both mental and physical development.

  2. Kindergarten No. 90 is located on Prospect Enlightenment 84, building two. He works from seven in the morning to seven in the evening, and takes children from 1.5 years. Kindergarten is aimed at the intellectual development of the child, as well as thoroughly preparing children for school, and development progress, as they say, is obvious, according to the parents.

  3. State Kindergarten No. 98. Exact address: 78 Lunacharsky Avenue, building four. Many kindergartens in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg deviate from the physical and intellectual development of children, and this institution is no exception. In general, the institution is a general educational type.

Kindergartens of the Nevsky district

turn to kindergarten spb

Parents who live in the Nevsky district can not worry, they also have good St. Petersburg kindergartens nearby.

  1. Kindergarten No. 114. It is located on 11/2 Kollontai Street. This institution is not very popular, but this does not mean that it is bad. A huge number of people praise this kindergarten and recommend that most parents give their child there. Reception of children is from two years old, no one complains about food. They feed, by the way, four times a day. They also note excellent child care.

  2. Kindergarten number 130. Located on the street Karavaevskaya, 10/3. About this kindergarten, most people respond very warmly. Recruitment also comes from two years old. The institution is public, but the entrance fee is necessary, but it is symbolic. There are two groups in the kindergarten and 25 children each.

  3. Kindergarten "Rainbow". This is another private kindergarten in St. Petersburg. You can find it at the address: Belorusskaya street, 16/3. For a child to be accepted, he must be over two years old. Since the kindergarten is private, it is necessary to pay, but the amount is small, and additional funds are taken for visiting circles. Many people say that the educational program is very good.

Kindergartens of the Central District

kindergartens of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Those parents who live in the center can visit the following kindergartens in St. Petersburg:

  1. Kindergarten No. 109. It is located on Millionnaya street, 22. The form of ownership of the institution is municipal. Kindergarten is located, as many say, in the most beautiful place in the city, next to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Payment takes place on receipt of a monthly basis. The kindergarten is relatively large, five groups are recruited, of which two are main, and three are nursery.

  2. Kindergarten No. 110 is located on the embankment of the Fontanka River, 24. It is a public institution. Recruitment is from three years old. As for the payment, there is no obligation, but it happens that they organize repair fees and small expenses. This kindergarten is famous for its educational program. Only because of this, the queue in St. Petersburg's kindergarten is huge. Children receive not only intellectual development, but also spiritual development. They are often taken to museums, they draw on easels and study the history of various countries.

  3. And the last in line, but not the least important kindergarten Infant School. It is located on Nevsky Prospect, 150. As the name implies, this institution is private and has a bias in English. The kindergarten also has its own website, by accessing which you can get a complete picture of it. And an important factor is that the summer semester takes place in England.

Kindergartens in the Frunze district

kindergartens of the Kalinin district

Unfortunately, there are not so many kindergartens in the Frunze district, and there are even fewer good ones, so the list will be small.

  1. It should be noted kindergarten number 59, which is located on Slavy Avenue, Building 23, Apartment 3. This is a public institution, about which a lot of parents respond flattering. Recruitment is from two years old. Many note good nutrition and childcare.

  2. Kindergarten "Epigraph" is a private kindergarten located on 54A South Highway. There is not so much information about the kindergarten, but there is a personal website where you can find out the details and reviews of parents, which are mostly positive.

Kindergartens of the Admiralteysky District

Admiralteysky district is the last in line. Now let's talk about kindergartens that are located there.

  1. Kindergarten number 8. It was he who was recognized as the best among the rest in the area based on reviews about him. It is located on Pochtamtskaya Street, 13. Parents notice that the building is in excellent condition. But every month you have to pay 1000 p. However, the majority says that this money is not a pity for such conditions.

  2. Kindergarten No. 29 is located on Labutin Street 9. This is a short-term kindergarten. Its working hours are from 11am to 4pm. Payment is tolerable and does not require large investments. The kindergarten team is very kind to children, and they go there with great pleasure.

  3. Kindergarten No. 45. Address: Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue, 65/11. Also an excellent kindergarten in which parents gladly gave their child away and do not regret it. Reception starts at three years old. There are 4 groups in it, each of which 12 children. The rooms themselves are in perfect condition.


kindergartens of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg

As you can see, in St. Petersburg there are a huge number of kindergartens in various areas. A far from complete list was presented to your attention, but the best of the best were selected. This will give you even the slightest idea of ​​the kindergartens in your area. The best option after you read this article and you liked some kind of kindergarten, would go there on your own and check everything.


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