Giant fertilizer: reviews of the application

How to understand the sea of ​​fertilizers and top dressings offered everywhere? A huge amount of chemicals threatens to reduce the quality of the crop, or even its absence. It’s not easy to find the best fertilizer.

Types of fertilizers

giant fertilizer

All fertilizers can be divided according to purpose:

  • Complex - laid in the season or in the formation of beds.
  • Mineral - laid to improve the mineral composition of the soil. They can be both homogeneous and mixed.
  • Top dressing - is introduced periodically to improve plant growth. Divided into root and extra root
  • Organic, natural fertilizers - are usually laid once a season to improve the organic composition of the soil.
  • Impurities for loosening, settling the soil. Not only fertilizing determines the quality of the crop. The physical characteristics of the soil material are also important.

You can also highlight the mixture for:

  1. Vegetables.
  2. Potatoes.
  3. Fertilizers for seedlings.
  4. Colors.
  5. Indoor plants.
  6. Greenhouses.

There are many types of specialized fertilizers. They differ in the concentration of a substance, the presence of additional trace elements.

universal giant fertilizer
Fertilizer composition

Mineral fertilizers are divided into:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphoric.
  • Potash.
  • Multimineral.
  • Enriched with macrocells.
  • Lime mixes.
  • Chlorine-containing compounds - this element is necessary for many plants.

According to the consistency of top dressing and fertilizer can be liquid and solid, granular and granular.

giant fertilizer reviews

In this case, the view does not affect the properties. Fertilizers in granules have a prolonged effect, dissolving gradually in the soil. Liquid feeds are predominantly. The introduction of mineral fertilizers is best done using complex formulations. It is necessary to clearly observe the time and amount of additives, depending on the type of soil and the type of plant. Excessive amounts of nitrogen will not only not increase the yield, but will also make it harmful to health. Soil disintegrants and lime dressings are added only if necessary, when the composition and condition of the soil require this.

What's better?

Good old organic fertilizers do not contain any chemistry and are as natural as possible. However, their use is associated with a number of difficulties. Simple, or organic, fertilizers are vermicompost, peat, humus, manure, bird droppings (or guano), compost, sapropel, mullein and other nitrogen-containing natural substances.

It is preferable that bioorganic fertilizers for seedlings be not only rotted, but also checked for pests, infections, toxic substances.

fertilizers for seedlings
Together with compost, dangerous pests such as the bear migrate to the greenhouse. The animal litter may contain undigested weed seeds. And peat, humus or sapropel can be brought from ecologically unfavorable areas. Fertilizing poor quality, of unknown origin can greatly disappoint you.

It is almost impossible to accurately calculate the amount of bioorganic fertilizer. Natural processes in it do not stop in the open air, and the nitrogen content can vary. It is preferable to use complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen. Their composition is verified and adapted for a specific type of soil or plant.


This fertilizer belongs to complex - organomineral. It is enriched with biohumus. The Giant fertilizer is considered the best assistant to plants. Composition includes: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium. Important components are humic acids, growth stimulants, trace elements.

fertilizer application

"Giant" is a completely natural fertilizer. Its action is long. Provides accelerated growth and flowering of plants, as well as ripening berries. Fertilizer is intended for berry shrubs, but is successfully used both in indoor floriculture and for growing potatoes.

Available in granular as well as in loose or liquid form. It is used either as a dry fertilizer or as top dressing. "Giant" is bred in water and watered plants. For indoor flowers, you can simply sprinkle it in a pot on top.

Giant: fertilizer composition

In the giant fertilizer "Giant" in terms of dry matter, the percentage contains:

  • Nitrogen compounds, including NH 4 and NO 3 - 2.5.
  • Phosphorus oxide (P 2 O 5 ) - 4.5.
  • Potassium oxide (K 2 O) - 9.0.
  • Calcium oxide (CaO) - 1.0.
  • Magnesium oxide (MgO) - 0.2.
  • Iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ) - 0.1.
  • Water-soluble humic acids - 2.0.
  • pH of the aqueous suspension: 8.0-10.0.

Advantages of the Giant

Natural origin makes this tool very close in composition to the soil. This helps the fertilizer dissolve as quickly as possible without harming the plants and microorganisms. It is extremely important not to change the chemical composition of the soil, but only to adjust the amount of substances necessary for plant growth. The Giant fertilizer (universal) will be an ideal assistant in this. Harvest will delight you not only with the number of fruits, but also with their high quality.

Improving the natural properties of the soil, such as the content of humic acids, the Giant fertilizer launches important mechanisms that promote planting growth. Due to the supply of additional nutrients , the growth of soil microorganisms is activated, aeration improves, which ultimately leads to a further increase in soil quality and active plant growth.

best fertilizer
The “Gigantic” effect on humus-poor soils is especially pronounced. The difference is noticeable to the naked eye. No other fertilizer gives such a quick effect. You can see the result already at the seedling stage. They will be friendlier and appear earlier if you applied the Giant fertilizer (universal) before planting.

The formula of the humic substances contained in "Giant" is unique in its essence. They are resistant to leaching, but are easily absorbed by plants. Vegetable and berry crops can eat nutrients for a long time due to fertilizer introduced earlier. The so-called organic-mineral complex promotes the binding of free nitrogen in the soil for its further assimilation. The same thing happens with phosphorus.

It was noted that improving the composition of the soil can reduce the number of diseased plants, and the growth of soil microorganisms can effectively overcome mold and fungal diseases.

fertilizer application
From an environmental point of view, the Giant fertilizer is harmless. It is not necessary to combine it with other means. If the soil is very acidified or too heavy, it is advisable to dilute it with sand, add lime or dolomite flour.

The use of "Giant"

To make the proportion, it should be borne in mind that one tablespoon of powdered fertilizer contains 15 grams.

  • For potatoes, add 15-30 grams to each well, mix with the ground. Plant potatoes, sprinkle.
  • Autumn preparation and digging. Pour granules at the rate of 1 liter per 1 square meter. Spread evenly on the ground and dig.

The fertilizer works especially well on potatoes. It improves the penetration of the eyes. Created a special adapted composition "Giant potato", there is a mixture for cucumbers.

Giant fertilizer reviews

Granular fertilizer is widely used by gardeners and gardeners, there are only positive reviews about its use. Here are a few good points to note:

  • Most gardeners note the usability of the fertilizer and its efficiency. One mixture replaces several compounds, enriching the soil with humic acids and adding minerals, as well as trace elements.
  • The second advantage noted when using the product is its durability. The Giant fertilizer is applied once per well during planting or mixed with the ground when preparing the soil. The same can be done when planting seedlings. A handful of granules are added to the ground and mixed evenly.
  • You can add fertilizer to flower pots sometimes by simply sprinkling it over the ground. This method saves time, does not interfere with plants, does not get dirty hands and clothes.
  • It is noted that even a year after using the “Giant”, the land in the greenhouse is acceptable for planting.
  • There are more earthworms in the soil, it shrinks less and does not slide into clods.
  • Plants rise quickly, become strong. Due to this, the number of large weeds that do not have time to rise is reduced.
  • With fairly light soil, hilling and loosening is not required. It is enough to mulch it after watering.
  • Many noted a decrease in the number of viral diseases and fungus in greenhouse and indoor plants after using the Ispolin drug. Fertilizer receives positive feedback from farmers. Large yields fully justify the investment.
  • Convenient 2-liter packaging allows you to test fertilizer at the stage of seedling distillation. Having convinced of the effectiveness of "Giant", you can buy it by weight.
  • During storage, the granules do not crumble. They are not sprayed upon use. The fertilizer does not caking, it does not need to be prepared before application.

You are unlikely to find a dozen pluses in one package somewhere else. No composition will give so many advantages at once. The answer to the question whether “Giant” is an effective fertilizer and the reviews of gardeners are unambiguously affirmative.

Fertilizer cost

Fertilizer prices are very important, since the cost of your crop depends on them. Organic fertilizers are traditionally expensive. This is due to the complexity of their preparation, cleaning, transportation and storage. To save money, gardeners compost themselves. The use of "Gigantic" avoids this time-consuming work. The cost of a package of 2 liters starts at 68 rubles. The effect of a liter of complex fertilizer replaces the benefits of a whole bucket of manure or humus. Such a benefit is obvious, but, in addition to reducing costs and increasing crop volumes, labor costs are significantly reduced. But you really want to relax in the fresh air in the warm season!


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