Solid burning stoves for long burning: reviews and prices. Is it possible to make a solid fuel stove with long burning do it yourself?

For most regions, gas or electric equipment is currently unavailable. The first - due to the lack of gas distribution networks, and the second - because of too high electricity tariffs. And the question of using solar energy or geothermal sources for heating in the Russian outback is not even worth it.

Convection equipment in the West appeared a long time ago, and there it is actively used, but in Russia it is hard to take root. Only after the brilliant professor and engineer Butakov created long-burning solid fuel stoves, such devices began to appear in Russian homes. The basis was taken on a similar design of imported furnaces, in which he made some changes to make the results of work much more efficient.

Solid Burning Stoves

Design Features and Features

First of all, Butakov changed the shape of the furnace. Domestic devices were not cylindrical, like those of foreign counterparts, but rectangular with truncated upper corners. Thanks to this form, it was possible to significantly increase the heat transfer during the pyrolysis gas combustion. A whole series of changes has also undergone a tubular heat exchanger in a furnace for solid fuel of long burning of Professor Butakov. The main transformation was the placement of the intake openings of the pipes as low as possible, at a height of not more than 100 millimeters from the floor.

The next practical and visual difference introduced by the inventor was a protective casing, which was located above the heat exchanger and closed the entire furnace. Thanks to this addition, it was possible not only to increase the temperature of heating the air in the heat exchanger itself, but also to increase the diameter of the pipes used, and this makes it possible to increase the volume of heated air. The surface of the protective casing in the upper part of the furnace is flat, which allows it to be used as a cooking stove, on which food is heated and water is heated for household needs. Solid burning furnaces with long burning at maximum heating allow not only heating, but also cooking.

The equipment has received a rectangular shape, due to which it can now be easily fit into any interior of a modern or rustic style.

Solid fuel boilers long burning circuit

Principle of operation

Solid-fuel furnaces of long burning, regardless of the model, can operate on one of the types of natural fuels: wood, pellets, eurowood, wood chips and sawdust, drills and coal. Given that their device uses the pyrolysis method, in which wood gas is burned in a secondary furnace, natural wood is the most suitable fuel option. The better the tree is dried, the more gas it can produce, that is, give more heat as a result of the entire system. The fact is that from a wet tree, moist smoke is obtained, connecting with gas particles, because of which they become heavier and do not burn completely.

The process of burning wood fuel occurs in the main combustion chamber located in the upper part - there is a small burner. Through it, the resulting pyrolysis gas enters the secondary furnace, where it is burned out, giving off heat to the heat exchanger pipes passing inside. Long burning furnaces do not use a forced air supply system. Oxygen is delivered through an adjustable damper, which is enough to saturate the secondary chamber.

The lower part of the furnace is equipped with a small container in which ash is collected. Residual combustion products are poured into it through the grate, which serves as the bottom of the furnace. The ash pan in the design of the furnace is used to clean the heater from toxins accumulated in it.

Smoke exhaust

The pipe connection for the chimney in this equipment also differs in its location from convection ovens of foreign manufacture. It is not accidentally placed vertically. Due to this, rapidly forming condensate flows back into the combustion chamber. This became relevant due to the fact that the condensate of such boilers contains up to 35-40% of unburnt pyrolysis gas, evaporated from moisture, and then consumed. The vertical arrangement of the pipe makes it possible to install the furnace as close to the walls of the room as possible. For smoke removal in this design it is allowed to use any chimneys, starting with a simple metal pipe, ending with glass, ceramic or sandwich pipes, which are so popular now.

The best solid fuel boilers for long burning


The design feature and characteristics made solid fuel boilers of long burning very popular. The installation scheme is selected depending on the room where the equipment will be installed. It is recommended to equip the place with heat-insulating screens. At least 150-200 millimeters of free space should remain from the furnace body to the walls, which allows to save finishing materials from overheating and ignition. Wood can be stored near the oven, thereby partially drying it before use for its intended purpose.

Automatic solid fuel boilers long burning

Their appearance allowed not only to make living in houses more comfortable, but also to solve issues related to energy saving, environmental protection, as well as saving on the purchase of fuel. In addition, it should be noted the improvement of the operational capabilities of the equipment, since it does not need constant supervision, like previous models. Solid fuel heating systems today hold great promise.

Automatic solid fuel boilers of long burning are currently widely used for organizing heating of houses, cottages, greenhouses, offices, shops, industrial and industrial buildings, car washes, service stations and other facilities. Many Russians abandoned gas boilers in favor of solid fuel appliances.

Automatic solid fuel boilers long burning


The best solid fuel boilers for long burning have a number of undeniable advantages:

- The highest degree of profitability is ensured due to the fact that in Russia it is much more efficient to heat with solid fuel than electricity or diesel;

- Opportunities for installation in areas where there is no gasification;

- solid fuel is a renewable energy source, which makes it a rather profitable option for use;

- the combustion mode does not need constant monitoring - the best solid fuel boilers for long burning provide fuel combustion without human involvement for a week or longer.

Solid fuel boilers, long burning cast iron

Device operating conditions

For the device, it is required to create certain working conditions that will provide the greatest efficiency. First of all, this is a boiler group, which includes the boiler itself, an expansion tank, a circulation pump, a safety group and other elements. A chimney is required, which should be selected according to the results of the calculations, not allowing insufficient or excessive draft to appear. Heating in the house will be organized through the use of a heating main consisting of radiators and pipelines.

Homemade solid fuel boilers for long burning

Do-it-yourself solid fuel stoves

Of the variety of boilers that can be performed independently, rectangular ones will be the most aesthetic and compact. They are suitable for heating rooms of small sizes, and if you modify them, you can warm up more space. The design of solid fuel boilers for long burning is quite simple, and for its implementation quite affordable materials will be required, the amount of which completely depends on the dimensions of the future unit. The whole point here is to keep the heated air from a direct exit into the chimney. To do this, devices are installed inside, which consist of pipes and plates welded to each other in a special way, which allows you to create a kind of labyrinth between them, ensuring the slow passage of heated air through it. With the properly organized supply of additional gas, the upper compartments will serve as chambers. If desired, the unit can be lined with brick or fireclay tiles from the inside. It is possible to make brickwork outside the device.


Self-made solid fuel boilers of long burning require the use of certain components: a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 3 millimeters, a steel corner and a cover for an opening in the furnace, a chimney of a suitable configuration, diameter and length. To begin with, all the details must be cut out in accordance with a pre-compiled plan. Next, carefully cut, peel or sand the edges. Only with full compliance with the developed plan can you get high-quality solid fuel boilers for long burning. The scheme of such devices should contain the names of all components and their exact location.

Do-it-yourself solid fuel stoves

Prices and reviews

Reviews of equipment in this category demonstrate its highest efficiency and profitability, especially in conditions where other types of fuel are simply not available. Solid fuel boilers of long burning pig-iron made in Russia are usually much cheaper than foreign counterparts. Typically, the price of such devices varies between 400-900 dollars, while imported products are much more expensive.

Solid fuel boilers of long burning pig-iron not only have obvious advantages, but also are characterized by increased heat transfer, which is ensured by the special properties of the material used. Consumers are pleased that not only specialized solid fuel can be used for the operation of the units, but also its derivatives and even waste. Also, the owners of the stoves note that they heat, as in a bath, and with skillful use, it even turns out to be good to save on firewood. In addition, the devices are easy to clean, no smoke is felt, and there is no noise during their operation.


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