Red-eyed - fish with very tasty and tender meat

The red-eyed fish (its photo is presented in the article) is a representative of the family Red-eyed (Etmelichthyidae) and the order Perciform. This rather small family includes only 5 genera with several species. Depending on the habitat and age, these fish have a more or less high, laterally compressed or spindle-shaped body. The edge of the abdomen is rounded between the anus and the ventral fins. The dorsal fin is located above the ventral or slightly farther. The mouth has a narrow, almost horizontal cut. Red-eyed is a fish in which the red color of the eyes is a distinguishing feature, which, in fact, is indicated by its name. Her scales are small, and her mouth is equipped with single-row rather weak teeth.

red-eyed fish

Coloring also depends on the species and habitat. Red-eyed is a fish whose back color can vary from dark green to blue-green. Her sides are silver with a slightly yellowish tint. During the spawning period, the abdomen acquires a reddish sheen. The dorsal fin is blackish at the base and red at the end. The breasts also have reddish ends, and at the base they are gray.

Red-eyed - a fish belonging to coastal marine inhabitants, it is found in all oceans. For example, the southern species (Emmelichthys nitidus) lives off the coast of Australia, Chile, Africa and New Zealand, and its young occur in the open ocean. Basically, the whole family is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. In the waters of the Philippine Islands, Ceylon, India and Indonesia, the Indian red-eye lives. This small fish, no more than 10 cm long, lives at depths of 10-15 meters on sandy soils. This species may enter desalinated areas.

red-eyed fish photo

Unlike Indian red-eyed, most other species prefer much more depth. For example, southern representatives are usually located about 50-100 meters, but pink red-eyes with similar distribution prefer from 200 to 500 meters. Both of these species can reach a length of 60 cm and in South Africa and Australia make a decent by-catch in trawl fishing. The southern view has a reddish hue. When its representatives gather in a large jamb, the sea as if turns red. Australian fishermen also call this fish pearl, picarella or red herring.

red eyed fish reviews

Basically, red-eyed animals feed on plant food, but they also readily eat aquatic larvae and all kinds of crustaceans. From April to June, they begin to spawn, looking for the remains of aquatic vegetation in the coastal zone. In males, the color becomes richer at this time, and small warts appear on the back and head. Females lay from 50 to 100 thousand eggs, which adhere to stones, plants and rhizomes. The larval development time is from 4 to 10 days.

Mostly, red-eyed from New Zealand enters the Russian market. Fish (only positive reviews about its taste) has meat that is rich in vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements. In addition, it has an optimal combination of proteins and fats. To taste, it is somewhat reminiscent of Atlantic herring, but with a denser consistency. In boiled form, the red-eyed meat becomes bright, tasty and juicy. The broth will be transparent, oily with a very pleasant smell and taste. But experts still advise her to cook it as a second hot dish. When fried, the red-eyed will delight you with tender, juicy and dense meat.


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