Is alignment difficult? Everyone can level the floor with their own hands.

High-quality repairs in your home, if desired, can be done on your own. Firstly, it can significantly save the family budget, and secondly, who, if not the apartment owner himself, will react most conscientiously to repair work?

DIY floor alignment
So where do you start? First of all, it is necessary to prepare the flooring, namely, to make the alignment. By the way, flooring with your own hands is not so difficult. First you should evaluate the curvature of it. The easiest way to do this is with the laser level. To do this, you need to measure 1 m from any floor on the walls, place a level here, mark the other walls, and then measure the distance from them to the floor. Where the distance is minimal - it means that there is the highest point to which you have to raise the surface. If there is no laser level, the usual mounting one is suitable for marking, plus a pencil and a couple of pieces of rope. To do this, visually determine where the highest point is, and make a mark at a height of 3-4 cm. At its height, attach a long guide to the wall (a piece of profile, drywall, etc.), taking it out by level, draw a line to the corner. And so on around the perimeter of the room. By pulling the rope between the opposite walls, make sure that they do not touch the floor surface in the middle of the room.

Now it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the floor, repair all defects, even out unnecessary tubercles, and prime the surface. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the old coating.

Then use a cement or dry screed to align. You can even level the floor with your own hands using a lag (if the floor is wooden). If the differences do not exceed 3 cm, the so-called bulk floor may be the best solution. The latter method has found wide application not only in the repair of residential, but also in craft rooms (by the way, the installation of industrial floors must meet increased requirements: resistance to stress, exposure to moisture and various chemicals and, in addition, fire safety).

industrial flooring
Using the bulk coating, you can quickly and accurately perform its alignment. Do-it-yourself sex in this case is adjusted using special dry self-leveling mixtures, which are diluted in the proportions indicated on the package. To prepare the necessary solution, it should be added to the water, stirring with a special mixer inserted into a conventional electric drill. Already finished mixture and alignment is performed. It is better to level the floor with your own hands in this way not alone, since work with a self-leveling compound lasts about 10 minutes, and it must be completed, as they say, β€œin one go” in order to prevent formation of joints on the surface. In addition, the mixture should be prepared in small portions, which immediately spill onto the floor. The poured mixture is distributed over the surface with a spatula, and air bubbles are expelled from it with a needle roller. The advantage of this method is that the mixture is able to take a horizontal level with little or no human intervention. After finishing work, you should wait for the surface to dry completely (usually this happens within 2 days), after which you can proceed to its final finish (laying parquet, linoleum, laminate, etc.).
DIY floor repair

That's all. As you can see, repairing the floor with your own hands is not such an impossible task - it is no more difficult to wallpaper the walls, especially if there is a desire and hands growing from the right place.


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