Rules and deadlines for returning goods of good quality according to the Law on Consumer Rights

The purchase of expensive goods is a pleasant event in the life of any person. But often a situation arises when the purchased item even without the presence of marriage or defects is not suitable for the buyer for various reasons. Therefore, the following questions arise: what is the deadline for returning goods of good quality? How is this procedure performed? And also what to do if sellers violate consumer rights? It is taken into account that certain goods are not refundable even if some defects are discovered.

Legislative regulation

The main regulatory act that all buyers should be guided by is the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights." It displays the following important nuances:

  • what goods are of poor quality;
  • What is the deadline for returning goods of good quality;
  • what items cannot be returned to the seller;
  • what to do if the store violates the rights of the buyer.

Most food and non-food items can easily be returned to the seller even if no defect is detected. But this takes into account the numerous rules of return and exchange of goods of good quality. The buyer must have a payment document confirming the purchase, as well as the condition of the item must be perfect.

return rules for technically sophisticated goods of good quality

The main nuances of the process

Good quality non-food return policies must be considered by every customer. They are as follows:

  • Return is allowed if the item did not fit the buyer in terms of color, size, configuration or other individual characteristics.
  • Not all products can be returned, so you should first familiarize yourself with a special list of items that cannot be exchanged.
  • The buyer has the right to perform both an exchange and a return, involving the receipt of his funds from the seller.

Often, sellers have a negative attitude towards buyers who wish for various reasons to return certain items. Therefore, they violate their rights by refusing to accept items, even if the period for returning goods of good quality has not yet expired. Such behavior is the basis for a complaint to the Rospotrebnadzor.

What is impossible to return?

There are certain goods of good quality that are not refundable, regardless of the reasons available to the buyer. These include:

  • animals;
  • products, the creation of which uses precious metals or precious stones;
  • interior items, headsets or kits;
  • linen and knitwear;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • medicines and items for the treatment and prevention of various diseases;
  • technically sophisticated products for which the manufacturer offers a warranty period;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • cars, bicycles and trailers;
  • materials for the construction and decoration of premises;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • plants.

Therefore, before contacting the store, you need to make sure that the purchased item can indeed be returned without marriage. If the rules for returning non-food goods of good quality by the direct buyer are violated, then he will not be able to get money from the store even when he goes to court.

good quality non-food return policy

Nuances for technically sophisticated products

Some products are characterized by technical complexity, so some requirements are imposed on their return. These include various household appliances, telephones, cameras and gas equipment. For them, the manufacturer offers a warranty period. The rules for the return and exchange of goods of good quality indicate that it is impossible to return such items without defects and defects.

Refunds are allowed only if defect or significant defects that create an obstacle to the optimal use of the product.

Since it is impossible to return such an item only at the request of a citizen, you should heed these recommendations:

  • Before buying, you must insist that the consultant demonstrate what functions and parameters the selected device has, which makes it possible to verify its operability and optimal characteristics.
  • You should familiarize yourself with the properties of the item in the store, and also verify their actual presence in the product.
  • The completeness of the goods is checked in advance, since all parts and elements for the optimal use of the device should be in the available packaging.

If, at the stage of selection, various flaws are revealed, it is advisable to refuse the acquisition. It is impossible to return an item about a marriage in which the buyer was aware, even within the warranty period.

rules of return and exchange of goods of good quality

Good quality return period

If an item is purchased that is not related to non-returnable products, you can exchange or return it to the store based on the requirements of the law within the next 14 days. The countdown starts on the day after the purchase.

According to the law, several time periods are established at once:

  • The deadline for returning goods of good quality to the store is only 14 days, so the procedure is carried out even in the absence of various defects in the product, and technically complex items are returned in the same period if they are defective.
  • The warranty period established by the manufacturer who is responsible for the operability of the product, and it may be different depending on the decision of the company, so during this period you can return the product only if a defect or significant defects are found.
  • The service life, represented by the period during which the product can be used for its intended purpose, moreover, it is standardly equal to 10 years, although most often different items break down and become unusable much earlier.

All these terms must be remembered by buyers, which allows, if necessary, to assert their rights.

good quality non-refundable goods

Return Policy

Each buyer must learn the rules for returning goods of good quality to the store, which will help to defend their interests if necessary, if the seller refuses to follow the requirements of the law. The procedure is performed provided that the item does not fit in different parameters, for example, the buyer does not like the color, style or other characteristics.

The return process is carried out within 14 days from the date of purchase. The main rules of procedure include the following:

  • the goods were not used by the citizen for the intended purpose;
  • its appearance was completely preserved, therefore, the presence of various scratches, stains or other problems is not allowed;
  • the consumer properties of the item have not been changed in any way;
  • the product contains seals, tags or other items;
  • the buyer has confirmation that the item was bought in a particular store, and for this not only checks, but also testimonies of witnesses can be used.

If the above requirements are complied with, and the time period for returning money for goods of appropriate quality is taken into account, then the buyer does not have any difficulties in obtaining his funds. The absence of a check cannot serve as a basis for refusing an exchange, but it will have to be confirmed in other ways that the purchase was made at a particular outlet.

period of return of goods of good quality to the store

Nuances of sharing

Buyers themselves must understand the many trading rules. Returns of good quality products may be replaced by product exchange. For example, a particular wardrobe item may be replaced by a similar different color.

At the same time, it is important that the originally purchased item is not changed or damaged. It should have labels, seals and other elements. Even things often change due to being too small or too large. Due to the period of 14 days, the buyer can come home and study the purchased product well, try it on and determine whether it is suitable for specific purposes. If a citizen decides to choose another product during this period, then he will not have any problems with this.

Most often, the exchange is carried out when buying different clothes or shoes. It is important that the product is not used for its intended purpose, which is always easy to understand. If there are signs that the item has been used by the buyer repeatedly, then returning the product to the store will fail.

The term for the return and exchange of goods of good quality applies only to goods that are not included in the special list of items that are not subject to return.

Return Stages

In order for the process to be carried out promptly and taking into account the numerous requirements of the law, the buyer must be well versed in the rules of exchange or return of purchase. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • when visiting the store you must have a passport with you;
  • a return request is made;
  • the item is checked by sellers, as they must make sure that there are no defects or signs of using the product for its intended purpose;
  • if there are no problems, then funds are returned to the buyer, and he can also choose another item;
  • money is not always returned on the day of appeal, so it can be sent to a citizen in different ways a few days after the application

If the money is returned by bank transfer, then it is the seller who covers the costs associated with this transfer.

rules for returning goods of good quality to the store

Application Rules

The Law on the Return of Goods of Good Quality contains information on the need for a special statement when returning the item to the store. The following information must be included in it:

  • name of the trade organization in which the product was purchased;
  • consumer information provided by his F. I. O. and passport data;
  • date of purchase and contract;
  • Payment documents attached to the application and appearing as proof of the completed purchase are listed;
  • amount of funds paid for the goods;
  • at the end the direct demand is indicated, represented by a refund or exchange of the item;
  • reasons are given for completing this process;
  • The signature of the direct purchaser and the date of preparation of the document are put.

The procedure can be performed by an authorized person who has a power of attorney certified by a notary. The process is much simpler if the citizen has a check or receipt confirming the purchase of goods in a particular store. If there is no payment document, then you will have to find witnesses to the purchase.

good quality return period

Nuances for groceries

If the product has the proper quality, then it is impossible to return it, therefore it is equated according to the return policy to technically complex goods. The seller’s refusal is legitimate even if there are documents confirming the purchase.

You can return the products only if there are good reasons, for example, if it is impossible to eat such products in food or is established after payment that the expiration date has expired. If a delay is revealed, then a refund is allowed even if the citizen does not have a check or other confirmation.

Features for technically sophisticated products

The rules for the return of technically complex goods of good quality are clearly enshrined in law. This process cannot be completed if the buyer does not have evidence of marriage. The rules of procedure include:

  • If the seller misleads the buyer regarding the characteristics and functionality of the product, then such a purchase can be challenged, for which a pre-trial claim is initially filed, but if it is left unanswered, a lawsuit is filed in court.
  • If significant deficiencies that interfere with the optimal use of the item are identified, a claim is drawn up, on the basis of which the buyer requires a return or exchange of goods due to the presence of marriage.

If the seller really deceived the buyer, as he promised that there will be parameters in the purchased product that are actually absent, then such a purchase can be challenged in court or by drawing up a claim to Rospotrebnadzor.

trade rules return of good quality goods

What to do in case of failure?

Owners of different stores do not want to lose their profits, so they often refuse to refund even if the buyer has good reason. Such actions are illegal, so a citizen can use different methods of influence:

  • Initially, a pretrial claim is drawn up with a demand for a refund.
  • If within 30 days there is no answer or it is negative, then it is advisable to contact the Rospotrebnadzor with a request to conduct an audit and bring the violator to justice.
  • Additionally, you can use the judicial method, which involves filing a lawsuit in court, which indicates the requirement to return the funds and even recover compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

Complexity can arise only when collecting evidence that the seller has really misled the buyer.


Returns can only be made within 14 days if there are no defects or defects. The procedure may be carried out in respect of only certain types of goods. To do this, it is important to correctly make a complaint to the store.

If the seller refuses to follow the requirements of the law, does not return the money or does not exchange the goods, this is the basis for drawing up a complaint to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Rights and Human Rights, or going to court.


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