Three-key switch connection - diagram, features and recommendations

Lighting can be controlled using simple devices called switches. They come in different types, which affects their cost: there are expensive models with backlighting, and there are cheap Chinese counterparts that most people simply do not trust. Among them are devices with three keys, which used to be a curiosity. Now they are much more common. Largely due to the simple connection scheme of the three-key switch, since it is almost identical to two-or one-key analogs.

Connection of a three-key switch circuit

Consider why such switches have become very popular and what is the reason for their ease of use.

In order to save

Often the annual increase in the cost of electricity makes many people save. Some time ago, prices were within normal limits and those who live in multi-storey country houses could not worry about anything. In addition, in many residential buildings, the light in the corridor was on almost around the clock.

Choosing a three-key switch will allow more efficient use of precious electricity, since you can easily control your lighting. It is not necessary that all the lights burn in vain. Light will be where it is needed at any given moment in time.

Some tenants try to do everything with their own hands and are interested in how to connect a three-key switch. The connection scheme is especially exciting for beginners.

Three-key switch and life

Currently, most residents have a considerable number of light sources on their living space. Moreover, their number is several times higher than the needs of each of us. As the study shows, if we do not light extra lamps, the energy savings can be 30%. Which is already good for the family budget.

How to connect a three-key switch wiring diagram

Three-key switches significantly improve comfort in the home. Although these devices have a simple design, they can solve a number of important problems, providing the opportunity for the separation of lighting zones.

Obvious benefits

We have already managed to consider some of the advantages above. A large amount of light is important to ensure full comfort of living. For any modern apartment or suburban real estate, three-key switches are more likely a necessity than a luxury item.

The connection scheme of the three - key passage switch has the following advantages:

  • Allows you to control lighting from one place.
  • Models have compact dimensions.
  • You can choose a design according to personal preference.
  • Modern switches can be equipped with a device that controls the brightness of the light, as well as indicators, which simplifies their use in dark places.

Only these advantages will be provided in case of the correct choice of the circuit breaker model. And here you need to pay attention to their appearance when choosing in a store. The case must be free of cracks, chips, scratches, scuffs and other defects.

Three-button walk-through switch wiring diagram

It is better to give preference to specialized stores, for which there are many positive reviews. There is one sure way to determine whether it is a quality product or not - when activated, the switch emits a characteristic click.

Three-Key Switch Manufacturers

If it comes to repairing or acquiring any devices for your home, we always try to give preference to trusted manufacturers. Only in this case, the connection of the three-key switch according to the scheme will be carried out without incident. Good products are obtained from the following companies:

  • Schneider Electric. According to the vast majority of experts, this company produces products at a professional level. Since 2008, the domestic manufacturer Wessen has joined the company. Among the main advantages can be noted the high quality of the circuit breakers, as well as affordable cost. This brand is in a leading position in comparison with other peers in the top of 2016 and 2017.
  • Legrand. In the top of the best this company is in second place, and perhaps many consumers are aware of its existence. French high quality is due to the use of modern production technologies. It also allows you to give the model an original design.
  • Bticino. In Italy, they also know how to make high-quality switches, and this company confirms this. During their manufacture, special attention is paid to appearance. In the rich collection you can find different models that differ in color, material and shape. Any buyer will be able to choose the right option for himself.
  • Makel. The connection scheme of a three-key switch for three bulbs of this company will cost a minimum amount due to the optimal price. Currently, the brand also occupies a leading position in the modern market. Due to the high quality of the contacts, short circuiting and overheating are eliminated.
  • Viko. This manufacturer is located in Turkey and aims to supply its products to the Russian market. High reliability, low prices, good design - this is all Viko.

Many people choose circuit breakers based solely on cost and how they look.

Three-key switch wiring diagram with socket

However, these are not the main criteria, and it is worth choosing a manufacturer with a good reputation. And those are listed above.

How is the three-key switch

How are such devices arranged? Fans of everything complicated will be disappointed, since there are no special differences in design. The principle of operation is also similar to switches with one or two keys. There should not even be a question about how to connect a three-key switch, the circuit is the same, there are only minor differences.

There is also a frame and only three keys, which are made of heat-resistant plastic. Not without a working mechanism, or a key drive. The frame is attached to it by means of latches or screws. The fully assembled design is placed on the mounting box, where it is fixed using spacers.

Such devices are used in a more intensive mode, unlike other switches. For this reason, their service life is 8-10 years, not more. And the main reasons for failure can be of two characters:

  • Mechanical - damage to fasteners and housing.
  • Electrical - damage to contacts.

You should not even try to try to restore the three-key switch - a faulty device must be replaced with a new one. And it is advisable to entrust the work to a specialist who always follows safety precautions.

Three-key switch connection diagram for three bulbs

Sometimes the connection according to the scheme of the three-key light switch can be implemented on its own, which saves the family budget. True, for this it is necessary to be well versed in electrical engineering, to be able to use power tools, and also to distinguish between concepts such as phase and zero.


At the initial stage, you need to prepare everything you need, and this:

  • screwdrivers (both cross and flat may be needed);
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • stripper for stripping wires (a knife may come up);
  • pliers;
  • electrical tape or clamps.

Sometimes you can not do without the help of a perforator with a crown, a building level. After that, you can proceed directly to the installation of the switch.


Before you start installing the circuit breaker yourself, you must completely de-energize the apartment or house through a switch. If the wires are mixed up, then the lighting will not work correctly. As a rule, the incoming phase channel is located on one side, and three outlet channels on the other.

On the back of any device you can see a small wiring diagram for a three-key switch. It is necessary to connect the wires according to this figure. That is, the main phase is connected directly to the switch on the one hand, the other three wires from the fixtures must come to the other (also phase). Zero in the junction box is connected to the neutral wires of the light sources. In other words, when the light is turned on or off, phase wires are disconnected and connected.

Three-key light switch connection diagram

Then it remains to fix the switch in the mounting box, for which there are clamping screws. As for the connection of wires, it is better to avoid twisting and using modern clamps.

After the work done, you can proceed to the tests. The electricity turns on and the keys are pressed in turn: will the lights turn on?

Connecting a switch with a socket

Many residents buy three-key switches with an outlet, which is very convenient, since the device has a higher functionality. In most cases, it is mounted in those places where the bathroom, corridor and toilet are located nearby. And here, it would seem, difficulties may arise, but in reality everything is the same as described above. The only difference in the connection scheme of the three-key switch with a socket lies only in the supply of an additional neutral wire.

As for the old apartments, two-key devices are mainly installed here, and therefore, in which case you have to additionally lay wires to connect the entire unit.

Useful Tips

The recommendations listed below will help to avoid many mistakes and do all the work correctly.

How to connect a three-key circuit breaker


  • After de-energizing the apartment or house, it is better to verify this with an indicator screwdriver.
  • The optimum height for the devices is approximately 900 mm from the floor and 200 mm to the doors.
  • In the bedroom you can use the switches without leaving the bed. Why one device is located near the bed, and the other is near the doorway.
  • The same indicator screwdriver will avoid phase confusion with zero.
  • Do not forget about the basic safety rules.

If you feel insecure in your abilities or have any doubts or even fears, then it is better not to risk it and call a professional electrician. Let it be necessary to spend a certain amount of money, but the connection scheme for the three-key switch will be implemented at a professional level.


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