Useful console commands for KCC v. 34 (CSS v34)

Today we offer to familiarize yourself with the list of useful console commands for "KSS" c. 34. With their help, you can increase the productivity of the game, work out in front of online masts and just have a good time. The commands from this list are compatible with any servers. You can activate them through a special console, which is called by the key "~" ("Tilda" / "E"). If nothing happens when you press this key, you need to make small changes to the game settings. Go to the "Options", select the "Keyboard" tab, and then - "Advanced". Next, check the box "Enable console" and save the changes. After that, the "~" key should work without any problems.

Before proceeding to the teams themselves, it is important to note one more detail - this is the 0/1 index. It can be found in some codes, where it indicates the ability to manually enable / disable the command. Accordingly, 1 - on., 0 - off.

List of Common Commands

Common console commands that can be used for completely different purposes:

  • svgravity (from -999 to 999) - sets the value of the gravitational level (standard - 800, minimum - -999, maximum - 999);
  • mat_ wire_frame_0 / 1 - allows you to see through the walls (console command "KCC" in. 34 on VX (WallHack));
  • svshowimpacts_0 / 1 - bullets leave colorful traces after themselves;
  • svgrenade_ trajectory_0 / 1 - tracking the trajectory from which a grenade flies;
  • noclip - after entering this command, the character gets the opportunity to go through the walls;
  • impulse_101 - replenishes a cash account with 16 thousand dollars;
  • disconnect - disconnects from the current server, ending the game;
  • bind (name of the key) โ€œcommandโ€ - pressing the specified button replaces the input of any code; example: bind V "disconnect";
  • connect __ - connects the player to any server (instead of "__" you must specify the IP of the selected server);
  • impulse_203 - removes any item or any marked bot;
  • kill_server - server shutdown and disconnection of all participants from it;
  • impulse_201 - the team allows you to leave behind graffiti on the walls or the ground.
Useful console commands for KCC at 34 for "bath-hop"

View customization

The following are useful console commands for KCC. 34 are used to customize the appearance of the in-game interface (+ several additional details):

  • draw_radar - activation of the radar during the match;
  • hide_radar - deactivation of the radar during the match;
  • hudcenterid 1 or 0 - the playerโ€™s nickname is always visible (1 - the nickname is located in the center, 0 - from the bottom);
  • hudfast_switch 1 or 0 - setting the speed of switching between weapons (1 - fast, 0 - slow);
  • hudsay_text_ time - set a timer (second) to display messages inside the chat;
  • net_ graph_1 / 0 - the command allows you to see the parameters and frames in seconds on the screen;
  • net _graphpos 1,2 or 3 - a window with parameters (see X axis): value 1 - in the right part of the screen, 2 - in the center, 3 - in the left part of the screen;
  • net_ graph_height __ - a window with parameters (see the Y axis); instead of "__" any value must be specified;
  • r_ decals __ - the maximum value of the details on the current map; the empty space at the end of the command must be filled with any value;
  • r_ draw_view_model_1 / 0 - setting the type of hands and equipped weapons; the team will only work with cheats enabled (sv_ cheats 1);
  • scr _center_time __ - timer for displaying server messages;
  • toggle_console - close the console;
  • fadeout - the screen will become darkened;
  • fadein - the darkened screen will return to its previous state.

Gun access

Several admin console commands "KSS" c. 34 for pistols:

  • giveweaponusp - get access to the weapons of the Usp model. 45;
  • giveweaponglock18 - get access to the weapons of the Glock18 model;
  • giveweapondeagle - get access to the weapons of the Desert Eagle model;
  • giveweaponp228 - get access to the weapons of the SIG Sauer p228 model;
  • giveweaponelite - get access to the semi-automatic Dual Berettas pistols.

Submachine guns, machine guns and shotguns

The following are additional console commands that combine 3 categories of weapons at once.

1. Submachine guns:

  • giveweaponp90 - get access to the Belgian Fn P90;
  • giveweaponmp5navy - get access to the classic MP5 model;
  • giveweaponmac10 - get access to the compact software model MAC-10;
  • giveweaponump45 - get access to the German HK Ump. 45.
Useful console commands for KCC at 34 for shooting

2. Machine guns:

  • giveweaponm249 - Provides access to the M249 SAW light machine gun.

3. Shotguns:

  • giveweaponxm1014 - smooth-bore semi-automatic Benelli XM 1014;
  • giveweaponm3 is an Italian M3 combat shotgun.

Access to Assault Rifles

Useful console commands for "KCC" c. 34 for those who prefer assault rifles:

  • giveweaponak47 - replenish the arsenal with a Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK-47);
  • giveweaponsg552 - for the SIG SG552 rifle from the SIG 55x family;
  • giveweaponm4a1 - replenish the arsenal with an automatic carbine Colt M4A1;
  • giveweaponaug - gives the Steyr AUG army universal rifle;
  • giveweaponawp - replenish the arsenal with the AWP model;
  • giveweapong3sg1 - for HK G3SG1;
  • giveweaponsig550 - we replenish the arsenal with the Swiss automatic machine SIG SG550.

Grenade Access

A few additional commands for "KCC" 34 on the console adding grenades:

  • giveweapon_ hegrenade - adds one explosive guarantor;
  • giveweapon _flashbang - plus one light and sound grenade;
  • giveweapon_ smokegrenade - adds one smoke grenade.

How to get ammo and equipment

The main console cheat commands for "KSS" 34 for various ammunition and equipment:

  • buy_equip - purchase of additional equipment;
  • buy_ammo_2 - purchase of pistol cartridges;
  • buy_ammo_1 - purchase of cartridges for the main weapon;
  • buy - menu for making purchases;
  • giveweapon_ c4 - gives explosives C4;
  • giveweapon _nightvision - opens access to the device of night vision;
  • giveweapon_ kevlar - to a bulletproof vest;
  • giveweapon _defuser - access to the mine clearance kit.

There are several additional codes for the mechanics of handling weapons. And let it not be KCC's console commands. 34 for shooting, but they can also be useful to gamers. So:

  • invlast - gives the weapon, which is the latest in the arsenal;
  • invnext - for weapons that are next in the arsenal;
  • invprev - gives the weapon that was used last;
  • drop - throws out the weapon that is currently equipped.
Admin console teams for KCC in 34

Sight Adjustment

A small list of KCC console commands c. 34 on sight:

  • cl_ crosshair_scale (value from 0 to 40,000) - setting the size of the sight;
  • cl _dynamiccrosshair_0 / 1 - setting the extension of the sight (valid only during walking or jumping);
  • cl_ crosshair_color (value from 1 to 5) - setting the color of the sight.

Rules of the game

The list of useful commands for the KCC console related to setting up in-game rules is quite voluminous:

  • mpauto_teambalance_0 / 1 - setting the automatic balance of participants between teams;
  • mpfriendly_ grenade_damage_0 / 1 - an explosion from grenades causes damage to teammates;
  • mpfriendly_fire_0 / 1 - enable (and disable) the "friendly fire" ("friendly fire") mode, in which you can injure your own teammates;
  • mplimit_teams __ - setting the maximum number of players per team (without using automatic balance); instead of "__", any selected digit should be indicated;
  • mp autokick_0 / 1 - issuing an automatic ban to "timkiller" (players who intentionally kill their own teammates);
  • mpfreeze_time __ - setting the time that goes to idle at the beginning of the match;
  • mp_ buy_time __ - setting the time for purchases at the beginning of the match;
  • mp _round_time __ - setting the duration of the match (in minutes), standard value: 5 minutes;
  • mpwinlimit __ - determines the number of people killed during the current match needed to switch to another map;
  • mp _time_limit __ - setting the duration of the current match on the selected map;
  • mp_ flashlight_0 / 1 - enable (and disable) the ability to use light and sound grenades on the selected map;
  • mp_ tkpunish_0 / 1 - the player who killed his teammate in the current round dies in the next and remains in observation mode;
  • mp _hostage_penalty __ - determines the number of hostages killed by the player, valid until he is excluded from the current server;
  • mp_ mapvoteratio __ - determines the number of players required to participate in the team vote for choosing another map;
  • mp_ log_messages - saves negotiations between players during a match;
  • mp _forcechasecam 1,2 or 3 - setting the mode for the deceased participant (value 1 - free flight above the map, value 2 - the player is chained to one place, remains stationary, value 3 - watch mode for teammates);
  • mp_ max_rounds __ - setting the maximum number of matches on the same map (no change);
  • mp _c4timer from 1 to 100 - after how many seconds the bomb should explode;
  • mp_ footsteps_0 / 1 - enable (and disable) the display of traces;
  • mp _start_money __ - account replenishment for a given amount of money (the value must be specified independently);
  • mp_ restart_round __ - restart of the current round (time in seconds must be specified independently);
  • change_level __ - load the selected map (the name is indicated independently);
  • kick __ - exclusion of the selected participant in the match (kick from the server);
  • time_left - display of the remaining time until the end of the match;
  • name __ - change your own nickname during the match;
  • setinfo_ah _1 / 0 - enable (and disable) additional assistance during aiming;
  • setinfo_lefthand 0 or 1 - display weapons (value 0 - holds on the right, value 1 - holds on the left);
  • setinfo_dm_0 / 1 - display information about the selected map (will become available after the download is completed);
  • nightvision_0 / 1 - use of the device for night vision;
  • hud_ saytext_time __ - time setting for displaying messages from other players;
  • hud _death_notice_ time __ - time setting for displaying messages about the dead;
  • sv_ restart_round __ - setting the time after which the restart of the current card should occur.
Useful console commands for KCC in 34

Ping Adjustment

A few useful commands that help you customize ping to your taste:

  • cl _cmdrate_ + 65 - ping reduction in the value from 1 to 5 milliseconds;
  • cl_ interp __ correction of the delay (where the number "__" should be indicated).

Graphic Settings

Using the following console commands for "KCC" c. 34 you can change the graphics settings and add (or remove) several interesting functions:

  • violence_ ablood_0 / 1 - demonstration of blood and other graphic details;
  • violence _agibs_0 / 1 - demonstration of blood and other graphic details;
  • violence_ hblood_0 / 1 - demonstration of blood and other graphic details;
  • violence _hgibs_0 / 1 - demonstration of blood and other graphic details;
  • rdraw_entities_0 / 1 - demonstration of various objects and heroes;
  • rdynamic_0 / 1 - enable dynamic lighting;
  • rshadows_0 / 1 - inclusion of shadows;
  • rmmx_1 (or 0) - distribution of game memory on the video card (with a value of "0" game memory will be distributed on the processor).

Game servers

The list of commands below will help with setting up game servers:

  • cvarlist - shows all available commands; if you enter "cvarlist b" into the console, then a list of those commands whose name begins with the letter b will appear on the screen;
  • developer_0 / 1 - enable (or disable) the display of additional system debugging messages;
  • echo __ - output of an additional message inside the console (the message itself is indicated on the place "__";
  • exec __ - launch the configuration file (instead of "__" you must specify the name of the desired file);
  • hide_console - allows you to hide the console from view;
  • motd - thanks to this command you can see the "tip of the day" published by the server, in addition, "motd" helps to launch the file of the same name with the extension .txt;
  • quit - allows you to leave the game;
  • reconnect - reconnect to the server;
  • retry - reconnect to the server (4 attempts);
  • wait - short-term suspension of the alias script.
Useful console commands for KCC in 34 on VX

Demo setup

Console teams that help with recording demo moments from the game:

  • append_demo - a standard demo record and its subsequent addition to demo.dem;
  • list_demo - display information about the record;
  • play_demo - show recording (normal speed);
  • start_demos __ - show all records in the selected sequence (instead of "__" you should indicate the names of all demos made);
  • stop - stop recording a demo moment;
  • stop_demo - stop showing the record;
  • time_demo - show a demo record with maximum fps (+ display of average value).
  • r_ drawothermodels_2 is another interesting command for KCC. 34 on VX (console activation will work on all demo records).

Voice communication

The following list of console teams will help you set up voice communication with other players during matches:

  • voice_ loop_back 0/1 - the first test of your voice, followed by subsequent tuning (already in the game itself);
  • voicescale __ - voice setting for all active players (instead of "__" a number should be indicated);
  • voiceoverdrive __ - attenuation of all sounds __ (specify manually) times, the best option: 1 or 2;
  • voice _overdrive_fadetime __ - determination of the time (in seconds) for the effect of attenuation of all sounds (described above), the best option: 0.4;
  • voicemaxgain __ - effect of smoothing the voice (recommended value: 1-5);
  • voiceavggain __ - removes noise during voice transmission (recommended values: 0.5-0.1);
  • voicefadeout_time __ - a command to set the time it takes for the voice to fade (recommended value: 0.1).
Console teams for KCC in 34

Sound Transmission Setup

A couple of additional commands involved in the sound settings:

  • speak - if the parameter contains a list of keywords, they can be heard through the connected audio device (eg: speak_mesa);
  • stop_sound - stop the current audio transmission.

Radio commands

Configure in-game radio commands using the following console values:

  • radio_1 - signal of the first group;
  • radio_2 - signal of the second group;
  • radio_3 - signal of the third group.

Mouse customization

A complete list of technical commands for "KCC" that affect the operation of the gaming mouse:

  • m_ filter_1 / 0 - enable (and disable) anti-aliasing;
  • m _forward __ - setting the mouse speed when moving directly (do not forget to specify a value instead of "__");
  • m_ pitch __ - setting the sensitivity coefficient for lower and upper movements; if instead of "__" a negative value is specified, the layout will be inverted;
  • m _side __ - setting the mouse speed when moving to the sides;
  • m_ yaw_0.022 - setting the sensitivity coefficient of the device when moving to the left and right sides;
  • sensitivity __ - setting the overall sensitivity of the device (instead of "__" you must specify the appropriate value);
  • zoom _sensitivityratio __ - adjust the sensitivity of the device while approaching (instead of "__" you need to specify the appropriate value).
Useful console commands for KCC at 34 on sight

List of additional commands

Other teams that did not fit into any of the above categories:

  • + _forward - moving forward;
  • + _back - movement in the opposite direction;
  • + _move_left - sideways movement to the left side;
  • + _move_right - sideways movement to the right side;
  • + _left - turn to the left side;
  • + _right โ€”turn to the right;
  • + _jump - jump;
  • + _duck - to bend down;
  • + _use - use command;
  • + _attack - fire from the main weapon;
  • + _attack_2 - attack with alternative weapons;
  • + _voice_record - voice communication;
  • + _command_menu - showing the built-in graphical user interface;
  • + _show_scores - display of current statistics;
  • bind mwheeldown_ + jump; bind mwheelup_ + jump - console command "KCC" c. 34 for a banihope (jumping with an instant bounce);
  • cancel_select - cancel;
  • choose_team - choose a team for the match;
  • pause - pause in the game.


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