Interesting facts from the life of Blok and his work. Biography

Alexander Blok, interesting facts from whose life are given in the article, is one of the most famous poets of the Silver Age.

It all started like that

In the Beketovs' house, where the childhood of the future poet passed, poetry was loved and appreciated. They were written in the family, some as a joke, some seriously, almost everything. In this regard, we can cite the first interesting fact from the life and work of the Block. According to the poet, the test of the pen refers to approximately five years of age. Little Sasha composed small poems, short stories, which he carefully copied in block letters into albums. In the latter, everything was as it should be: table of contents, vivid drawings. Almost all the children's “collections” the boy devoted to his mother, as evidenced by the inscriptions made by him.

About nine years old, Sasha began to “publish” the monthly “Ship” magazine, which fit in a regular notebook. Later, in the 94-97s, he "was the editor" of the home-handwritten "Herald", in the publication of which all relatives participated. Here, by the way, there were many prosaic works of the young Block. But Alexander began to take creativity only to eighteen years. At that time in his "piggy bank" was already about eight hundred poems.

interesting facts from the life of the block

Interesting facts from the life of the Bloc: gymnasium

From birth, the Beketovs protected Sasha from everything evil that was happening around. Therefore, the admission at the age of eleven to the Vvedensky gymnasium, located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, became a real horror for him. From a calm, welcoming home environment with talk of art, he ended up in a place with a crowd of loudly screaming cropped boys. The painful impression on the neat and educated Sasha was made by the teachers. It is no coincidence that after the first day of his stay at the gymnasium, he said that he was most struck by people. Subsequently, a visit to an educational institution turned into a conscription for the boy, and the first friends appeared only in high school. Such is the biography of Blok, whose interesting facts from his life help to look at him as an ordinary person.

Alexander block interesting facts from life

First love of the poet

All lovers of Blok’s creativity know about his wife, L. D. Mendeleeva, to whom the collection “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” was dedicated. But not everyone knows that the poet’s first muse was not her, but thirty-seven-year-old K. M. Sadovskaya.

Their acquaintance took place in Bad Nauheim, a German town where a seventeen-year-old young man arrived with his mother and aunt. Alexander for a month, before the departure of K. Sadovsky, every morning bought her roses and accompanied her everywhere. This novel continued in St. Petersburg and lasted until in August of 98th Blok inflamed with passion for Lyubochka Mendeleeva. And although already in November of that year in one of the poet’s poems there will appear lines about “a mistress long forgotten,” their correspondence, which basically amounts to clarifying the relationship, will continue until the summer of 1901. After August of this year, they no longer saw each other and did not communicate. And in 1909, the poet again appeared in Bad Nauheim, where, as a recollection of a past hobby, a cycle of poems “Twelve Years After” was born. Here are some interesting facts from the life of the Block associated with his first love.

block alexander alexandrovich interesting facts from life

The poem "The Twelve"

Blok accepted the revolution with enthusiasm. And even when his beloved Shakhmatovo was burned, to all those expressing regret and sympathy, he said that it was necessary. And he added: the poet should not have property. Full of hope for the future, on January 8, the 18th year, he sat behind the Twelve. He worked all day, after which a long break came. Finally, on January 27-28, the work was completed, and Blok wrote: "Today I am a genius."

Here you can cite interesting facts from the life of Blok related to the perception of the poem by contemporaries. So, the soldiers and workers, before whom Blok personally read the work, were imbued to tears and violently expressed their enthusiasm. Although it should be noted that later the commissioner, who headed the Theater Department, advised the poet to do without public declarations - he associated this with the image of Christ.

However, almost the entire intelligentsia, including people close to the poet, took up arms against him and did not even give a hand at a meeting. And Z. Gippius, who had previously been on friendly terms with Blok, recorded his name second in the list of traitors and defectors who were “not human” to her. A little later, in May, she sent the poet her new collection, imbued with hatred of the Bolsheviks, in which she put a leaflet with the poem “Blok. A child lost by all ... ” The poet wrote her an answer in a similar form on the last page of the book with the Scythians and the Twelve. When, in 1921, Blok was advised to go abroad for treatment, one of the reasons for refusing was that he could meet with Russian emigrants there.

The phrase thrown by Kolchak when he found out about the correspondence between Blok and Gorky is also indicative. And one and the other are talented, but when you meet both you have to hang - that’s its meaning.

block biography interesting facts from life

Last performance

In numerous articles citing interesting facts from the life of the Bloc, the evening hosted in his honor by the House of Arts is necessarily mentioned. This happened on April 25, 1921. The Bolshoi Drama Theater brought together about two thousand people. The evening was opened by K. Chukovsky. In his speech, he called Blok the greatest of his contemporaries, which caused the poet's displeasure: "How now to go on stage?"

Alexander Alexandrovich appeared before the public thinner, gloomy, in black clothes. And only at the very end, before reading the poem "The girl sang in the church choir ...", appeared with a white flower in his buttonhole.

All evening, his voice, which was perfectly heard in all corners of the hall, sounded quietly and distinctly. Spectators, who felt the special significance of the evening, left slowly. And against the backdrop of general silence, a prophetic phrase was uttered: "This is some kind of wake." Petersburgers actually didn’t see the protesting Bloc anymore: since mid-April, his condition worsened from an incomprehensible illness.

interesting fact from the life and work of the block

Concerts in Moscow

That was in early May. The poet felt unwell, but still did not cancel the planned trip. Difficult, with a wand, entering the stage. Reading poetry through power. Often alien in spirit, sometimes even a hostile public. In such circumstances, Alexander Blok spoke - interesting facts from the lives of famous people are sometimes associated with the fact that, perhaps, the hero of the story itself was unpleasant. So, during one of the Moscow performances, the poet heard in his address: “Yes ... these are dead man’s poems!” They were pronounced by A. Struve, who thus decided to reduce long-standing scores with the Bloc. Alexander Alexandrovich did not argue, but only calmly said: "Yes, I'm dead." And he recalled his trip as a nightmare and a difficult dream. Ahead he still had two more painful months and the realization that he was dying.

Blok Alexander Alexandrovich was such an extraordinary person. Interesting facts from his life are given on the basis of V. N. Orlov’s book “Gamayun (life of Alexander Blok)”.


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