Do I need to cut irises for the winter and when to do it?

Irises are not considered moody plants. But for their flowering throughout the summer, gardeners need to perform some activities in the fall. Preparing for the cold season is a must. Do I need to cut irises for the winter? This is described in the article.

Principles of care

Do I need to cut irises for the winter to prepare plants for the cold period? This procedure is required. Also, to prepare for the winter are required:

Do I need to cut irises for the winter

  • top dressing;
  • transplantation (if required);
  • shelter.

Each procedure has its own characteristics. It is important to follow all the subtleties in order to protect and preserve the plants.

Frost resistance of irises

The most winter-hardy varieties of Russian selection are considered, as well as foreign ones that have been tested by time. Vulnerable are tall plants. Most of them have good protection against frost with a snow thickness of 30 cm.

Do I need to cut iris leaves for the winter

In the suburbs, dwarf and medium-sized irises winter without shelter. Not winter, but spring frosts are harmful to them, since there is a possibility of death of young buds. Do I need to cut the leaves of irises of non-frost-resistant varieties in harsh climates for the winter? To preserve plants, you need to dig them out like gladioli. In spring, the bulbs are planted in soil heated to 10 degrees.

Why is pruning necessary?

To answer the question of whether to cut irises for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with the need for this procedure. Autumn pruning of the aerial parts of plants is required for the following reasons:

  1. Due to the decay of wilted leaves, the root system can be destroyed, and therefore the plant dies.
  2. Spores of fungi remaining under the snow infect young shoots.
  3. The aboveground part will interfere with the cultivation of the soil with fungicides, mulching the soil and sheltering plants.
  4. Withered leaflets and stems are considered the wintering ground for polyphagous pests.
  5. With spring pruning, growth buds can be damaged.
  6. In the root system must accumulate strength for spring.
  7. Saves time for spring work.
  8. The flower beds will look aesthetically pleasing.

Usually, all perennials are pruned. These include hosta, hellebore, stonecrop, frankincense, periwinkle. Some warm with fir spruce branches or frame shelters.

Autumn pruning

Do I need to cut irises for the winter in the fall? This procedure is required. With it, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of seeds in the plant, their maturation inhibits the flowering of perennials, since part of the nutrient components is selected.

whether to cut irises for the winter

In addition, ripened seeds spread by self-sowing in the garden, which is why irises grow in unexpected places. In autumn, it is necessary to remove dry foliage, this preventive measure will protect the plant from insects that will winter in it.

Trimming irises must be performed in the fall, so that the plant does not have dried aerial parts. This procedure will eliminate dried flowers with peduncles, dried leaves, where pests can be. In this case, it will be easier to cover the irises for the winter.

Cropping time

When can I cut irises for the winter? The procedure should be performed in the fall after the flowering of the plant is completed, and the peduncles and leaves dry. It is undesirable to remove green foliage, since the photosynthesis process takes place in the aerial part after flowering, which helps the root system recover after flowering, as well as stock up on nutrients before frosts.

This stock increases the resistance of the root system to frost. When to cut iris leaves for the winter is better? This should be done in October, but the local climate should be taken into account, since pruning should be carried out several weeks before frosts.

Rules of Procedure

The processing result is shown in the photo. How to cut irises for the winter? Dry flowers and ripening seed boxes should be removed first. Then it is important to remove the stems and peduncles after flowering plants. Foliage should be removed after it becomes dry and completely lies on the ground.

when to cut irises for the winter

For pruning, sharp garden shears or secateurs are required - a blunt garden tool damages the stems, which will result in the process of decay of the remains of the aerial parts of the flowers. Dried flowers and ovules should be cut or nibbled manually. Peduncles must be cut "at the root."

Dried stems and peduncles should be trimmed with garden scissors, while leaving stems about 3 cm high. Withered foliage should be trimmed at a height of 13-15 cm, it is only important that the plant regains its conical shape. Leaves should be cut in the first decade of October.


If the gardener knows how and when to cut irises for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with several recommendations of the procedure:

when to cut iris leaves for winter

  1. Remove flowers with your fingers or scissors. At the same time, it is necessary to control that the scissors are clean and sharp. Pinch off or cut off the flowers immediately after the bud. It is necessary to remove the dry petals and the receptacle, since it is there that the ovum appears.
  2. On the processed stem there may be unopened buds. Therefore, dry flowers must be carefully removed. In some varieties, colors change quickly. These irises need regular inspection and removal of unnecessary buds.
  3. After flowering is completed, the stem needs to be removed so that it does not rot. Some irises have a fleshy stem. It must be cut at the base, leaving 2.5 cm above the ground.
  4. When pruning the stems, green leaves should be left, since with them the plant transfers energy to the roots for winter. Let the leaves fade itself. Withered brown leaves should be cut within 15 cm from the ground.


Gardeners should not only know whether to cut irises for the winter. It is important to take appropriate care. After flowering, water the plants often; a couple of watering in the fall is required. And if the weather is rainy, then additional watering is not needed. Organic fertilizers are poorly tolerated by irises, so you should not use manure or chicken droppings for this.

when can I cut irises for the winter

But mineral fertilizers are great. But you need to consider that you need to add nitrogen under the flowers before flowering. And in the fall, 2 weeks before pruning, or 2 weeks after this, perennials must be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers consisting of potassium salts and superphosphate. But if top dressing needs to be applied after trimming, then at least 2 weeks should remain before frost.


Wintering of plants should be successful, therefore, during the preparation of plants, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region, the type of winter. But often the climatic conditions are unpredictable. Because of this, it is advisable to plant tender varieties in the southern regions.

For the middle zone, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, it is necessary to choose frost-resistant plant hybrids that have been tested for frost resistance in a particular area. It is advisable to purchase seedlings grown by Russian breeders.

In the southern territories, irises do not need shelter. And in cold regions, you should know what types of plants require this procedure, since not everyone needs it.

Shelter Rules

Frost-resistant plants should not be covered for the winter. But all planted or transplanted flowers must be covered. In addition, even if the aboveground part is open, then the root system needs shelter. In autumn, near the irises, it is necessary to cover a layer of mulch with a thickness of 20-25 cm. Suitable for this: dry earth, low-lying peat, humus.

how to cut irises for the winter photo

Shelter of the aerial parts of less resistant varieties should be performed with spruce branches or other similar material. Do not use straw, hay, foliage. This type of shelter preters during the thaw. As a result, mold, diseases appear on the earth.

No need to rush to shelter irises. If the weather is changeable, then due to the large layer of covering material, the roots may warp. As a result, the plant dies. In spring, it is not necessary to remove the shelter from the plant very early, since frost will damage them. But you can slightly raise the spruce branches.

Thus, caring for irises in autumn and preparing for winter are important procedures, without which the normal development of flowers is impossible. With them, beautiful flowering of these wonderful plants is ensured.


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