Game for Windows Live. Games for Windows Live Key

Each gamer can make a choice how exactly he wants to acquire computer games. Of course, you can stick to the good old purchase in a real store - so you can create your own physical collection of discs. But at the same time, it is worth paying attention to not the highest convenience and reliability of this method of storage - especially considering the fact that there are now a large number of online distribution services for computer games. You can purchase any project in a couple of seconds without leaving your home or even getting up from your chair. And at the same time, you can immediately start the game without waiting for delivery. One of these services is Game for Windows Live. Of course, it is not as popular as the same Steam, but it has certain advantages that are definitely worth considering.

What is this platform?

game for windows live

Naturally, before you start using the online platform for games, you should figure out what exactly it can give you. After all, there are quite a lot of them now, so individual features play a very important role here. If we talk about Game for Windows Live, then it is worth noting that this project was the first that supports not one, but several gaming platforms at once . This is what makes it attractive to gamers who have several gaming platforms at once. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, so it’s better to study in more detail all the advantages of Game for Windows Live.

How did this service come about?

windows live games registration

Service Game for Windows Live was born in 2007, when the first game was released, which immediately supported both a personal computer and the Xbox console. This was the starting point for the further work of developers who began to develop a promising project, began to add games that support multiple platforms at once. It should be noted right away that not only a computer and a console joined the service quite quickly, but also several more platforms that supported the console function Live. After this, the campaign acquired an impressive scale, many developers agreed to cooperate with the project, releasing cross-platform projects. A little later, the service became even more attractive for developers of multiplayer games, since the creators of the service kept their own servers for multiplayer, and developers did not have to spend resources on this aspect. However, unfortunately, in 2013 the service ceased to exist. Not final - if you already have an account, then you can continue to play those projects that were purchased through Windows Live Games. Registration, however, has already been discontinued, and you cannot create a new profile. Actually, like buying a new game. But what is good about this platform for an already huge number of users?

What is the service capable of?

key games for windows live

So, why was this platform so attractive that a huge number of users decided to create a Games for Windows Live profile? The most important advantage has already been said earlier - here you can buy a game that supports the Live function and play it both on a personal computer and on the Xbox console, as well as on any other device that also supports this technology. But that's not all - users of the service automatically received updates for their games, and also had a common profile for all their devices, which was also incredibly convenient. Also, the system organized the functions of profiles and achievements, for which points were awarded, which then could be profitably spent. Well, of course, one cannot fail to mention the electronic store, in which it was possible to purchase various projects.

Games on demand

games for windows live profile

This platform very soon after the release received its own game distribution system for it on the network. This made her even more attractive to gamers around the world. Imagine, you can buy a game and play it on your computer with another gamer who will play it, but from your console. As for the name of this service, it was taken from the Xbox store and puts even more emphasis on the convenience of online distribution of computer games. After all, you just need to want some kind of computer game, and it will immediately appear on your computer - you do not need to go anywhere, you do not need to think about whether the project you need is available and when it will appear, if not. In general, you could purchase Games for Windows Live games instantly and immediately start playing them.

Games for this platform

games games for windows live

However, this service, of course, had its drawbacks that did not allow it to rise to the same heights as the most popular modern distribution systems, such as Steam. The fact is that by the time the platform was closed, only 225 items were available in her store - this is incredibly small, given the fact that now there are several games every day. Of course, this is due to the fact that only certain titles were developed with an eye to Live technology, which allows users to independently choose which platform to run the purchased game on. Thus, only the most ardent fans joined the community, but they were quite enough. So, as a result, this project gathered an impressive number of users who still enjoy using the service, which, unfortunately, is no longer developing and frozen.

Game activation

In addition to all other features, this platform was remembered for the fight against piracy. How many times people who illegally downloaded free pirated versions of games from torrents could not start them, because a window appeared in front of them asking them to enter the Games for Windows Live key. If you bought the game, then you needed to enter this key only once at the first start from your profile to confirm that you really made a purchase. And after that, the game started quietly on all platforms. But if you downloaded it for free, then you could not get around this protection system. In some cases, gamers created an account in the service, and then launched the game offline, but this did not work in all cases, so it is simply impossible to recommend this solution as one hundred percent. Actually, like the decision to download pirated copies of the game illegally, it cannot be called normal.


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