Dinosaurs and people: theories, facts and myths

We used to believe the official statements of scientists. “If something is written on Wikipedia,” we think, “then it's true.” This fact has long been proven and cannot be disputed. If we go to the page of the online encyclopedia about dinosaurs and read it a little, we will understand that the giant dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago and could not intersect in time frames with the human ancestors that appeared on Earth, according to researchers less than 3 million years ago. But there are people who question everything. Thanks to them, there is now a point of view according to which ancient people and dinosaurs not only existed at the same time, but met and closely interacted with each other.

People and dinosaurs

Adherents of an alternative point of view on the life of ancient reptiles will provide you with plenty of evidence that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. They will tell about ancient works of art depicting dinosaurs in various forms and plots. Or they will read written documents in which, albeit covertly, but very clearly, our ancestors mention animals that are very similar to giant reptiles. Below we will get acquainted with the main evidence of the hypothesis about the life of dinosaurs in human times.

How did dinosaurs die out?

According to scientists, dinosaurs reached their highest prosperity on land about 160 million years ago. At this time, large reptiles dominated the rest of the animal species. But after more than a hundred million years, the global extinction of the creatures that at that time inhabited the Earth occurred. Then all non-bird dinosaurs, pterosaurs and many marine reptiles disappeared. Several groups of lizards, mammals and birds also disappeared. This cataclysm marked the end of the Mesozoic era and the beginning of the Cenozoic. What exactly led to such global changes in the biosphere of the planet? So many questions and few answers ...

There are about 60 versions of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction. Scientists have suggested that various diseases are to blame for the extinction of the dinosaurs; the mismatch of the number of males to the number of females; eating plants by caterpillars or the appearance of poisonous plant species; irreversible climate change, etc.

The most famous and believable version to date is the fall of a giant space object to Earth. Not a single endogenous (occurring within the planet) event could change the course of evolution so quickly and strongly. According to the hypothesis of the physicist Louis Alvarez, the cosmic body crashed into the Earth, causing a huge amount of dust to rise into the air and cover the Sun. As a result of this, the plants could not receive daylight and died. The death of plants led to the destruction of most ecosystems. So the animals began to die out along the food chain one by one.

If dinosaurs did not regret the mass extinction, then other animals descended from these reptiles survived. We are talking about birds - it was easier for them to survive the effects of climate change. Firstly, they ate insects. Secondly, they knew how to fly and could leave the territory where living conditions became unbearable for them. It was more difficult for dinosaurs to adapt, and they naturally died out.

Meteorite - one of the versions of the death of dinosaurs

Ica Stones

This is the name of the stones with various engraved images found near the Peruvian city of Ica in the 60s of the last century. The plots on the stones tell the story of the life of the ancient Peruvians. Erotic scenes, episodes of organ transplants, observation of cosmic bodies, hunting scenes, etc. Including on many stones there are images of how a person kills dinosaurs or even rides them.

The most popular these stones brought Dr. Javier Cabrera, who in the mid-60s began to buy them for a pittance from collectors. At the moment, there are more than 55,000 copies of these products. Until now, no one can neither prove nor deny their authenticity. Chemical analysis is not able to determine how old the stones are, although some sources claim that patina (a film formed under the influence of the environment) covers the surface of the thread, so the products allegedly have an impressive age. In addition, the main evidence of the antiquity of stones with stories about dinosaurs and people, according to researchers, is that they depict sauropods (four-legged herbivorous dinosaurs) with spikes on their backs. After all, the presence of spikes in this group was discovered only in the 1990s, so the stones can not be fakes, and our ancestors saw the dinosaurs live, once they conveyed their main anatomical features. Also, Ika’s products were sometimes found in ancient burials, which also contradicts the official view of the age of the finds.

Ica Stones

Figures of Akambaro

These are figurines depicting people of different races, extinct mammals and, of course, dinosaurs. In some figures, dinosaurs and people standing together sitting together are easily guessed, which is especially strongly confused scientists - adherents of Darwinism. The products were found by the archaeologist Waldemar Yulsrud in 1944 near the city of Akambaro, which is located almost in the center of Mexico. At the moment, the number of clay figures has stepped over 33,000 copies. The first examination of products, which was carried out using thermoluminescence, showed that the age of crafts is an average of 3000 years BC. In 1969, scientists analyzed the statuettes in a more modern way and decided that the products were no more than 30 years old from the year the dating was conducted.

Supporters of the theory of the authenticity of figures, as in the case of Ica stones, confirm their point of view by the presence of a dorsal crest on the statues of sauropods. They also pay attention to signs that works of art lay underground for quite some time and could not be specially placed there by amateur hoaxes. Most of the items depicting dinosaurs and people are still standing at the Waldemar Yulsrud Museum in Akambaro.

Figures of Akambaro

Thousands of copies

What unites these two stories with inappropriate artifacts is that their number is tens of thousands. Even assuming that Ica stones and Akambaro figurines were made in the twentieth century by people who like to mislead the scientific world, what is the point of the hoaxes working for several years and making thousands of fakes, which depict people living with dinosaurs, so that none of them repeated another? To make fun of scientists, hundreds of images of dinosaurs would be enough. But not a few thousand.


A huge amount of information about dragons from the past makes you seriously think that a person lived with dinosaurs. It is known that dinosaurs once inhabited all continents of the globe. It is not surprising that in every culture you can find many myths and legends about the existence of so-called dragons.

The appearance and qualities of the dragon vary among each people, but no matter how this mythological creature is depicted, the dragons of different countries and continents have one thing in common: they are very reminiscent of extinct reptiles. It can be assumed that the knowledge of the giant dinosaurs that were transmitted from their ancestors has been distorted over the centuries. So dragons appeared in those forms that we now know from ancient images and records in documents of those times. Usually, in the folk epos, dragons play the role of negative characters and even messengers of Satan himself. In the legends, flying monsters confronted man, as in real life dinosaurs fought against people.

Dragons in different cultures

  • Quetzalcoatl in the culture of the Mayan civilization, which existed in the years 250-900 AD, was depicted as a feathered serpent with a human head.
  • Vritra is a demon of ancient Indian mythology. It represents evil, darkness and darkness. Serpentine, has no arms and legs, emits a hiss.
  • Fafnir is a huge snake from Scandinavian legends. Originally a man, but turned into a dragon. Usually depict him with wings, powerful legs and tail, with which he blows everything in its path.
  • Druk is the main symbol of Bhutan. The dragon is completely eastern appearance. Depicted on the flag of the state, is also involved in the cultural and political life of the country. Almost all the symbolism of Bhutan is somehow connected with this dragon.
  • Python is an ancient Greek dragon. He guarded the entrance to the Delphic soothsayer before Apollo killed him with 100 or 1000 arrows (versions diverge). Depicted with a stocky body, but a long neck.
  • The Colchis dragon is also a creature from the mythology of Ancient Greece, guarding the golden fleece.

The list goes on and on. Dragons are known everywhere: in Europe, in India, in Africa, in the Far and Middle East. In South and North America ... How else can this phenomenon be explained, if not by the fact that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time, interacting closely with each other?

Suicide of Saul

It is worth telling about the painting by the artist Peter Brueghel the Elder, “Suicide of Saul,” which is dated 1562. The canvas depicts the death of the first king of Israel, Saul, during the battle with the Philistines and a crowd of Jews fleeing from the victorious Philistine army. In addition to the crowd of people and horses in the background, the keen eye of the viewer saw three animals that very much resemble herbivorous dinosaurs - sauropods. But if we can still believe in the story of dinosaurs and people who lived together several million years ago, then the version that giant reptiles existed in the Middle Ages, and were used by humans as horses, looks completely fantastic and implausible.

Painting "Suicide of Saul"

Bruegel, as a representative of the school of the Northern Renaissance, had never been to the countries of the Middle East, therefore he wrote the historical events that took place in those parts only from his idea of ​​them from information that reached him in a distorted form. The action of “The Suicide of Saul” takes place in Palestine (then Judea), where Brueghel the Elder, of course, has not been. If you go into details, then both armies and the landscape of the Jewish land in the artist's picture are depicted quite unrealistically.

Now to the "dinosaurs." In the Middle Ages, books with drawings and descriptions of animals — fantastic or real — were popular. They were called bestiaries. To draw the Middle Eastern fauna, Brueghel, of course, used these medieval encyclopedias. And since he could not even think about the existence of dinosaurs, even in Palestine (there were no diplodocuses in bestiaries), there remains a version that the artist painted more real creatures.

It is probably easy to guess that the “dinosaurs” on the canvas turned out to be none other than ordinary camels in the minds of medieval Europeans. In bestiary, camels were indeed portrayed similar to sauropods: stocky, dense legs, a long and thick neck, an elongated muzzle. And often one hump, which in the painting “Saul's Suicide” among camels, strongly resembles the back of a diplodocus.

Dinosaurs and Creationism

Many supporters of creationism (that is, our planet and everything around it were created by God) support the theory that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. After all, she completely refutes the evolutionary teachings of Darwin and proves that a rational man did not come from a monkey. According to official theory, giant reptiles reached their peak 160 million years ago, but this is not consistent with the version of Christians who are accustomed to believing that less than 7,000 years have passed since the creation of the world. 30 references to dinosaurs in the Bible are known. Only there they are called "hippo" and "leviathan". These terrible impressive creatures were created by God along with man on the sixth day of the universe. The hippopotamus is described as a herbivore with powerful legs, like copper pipes, with bones, like iron rods, with veins intertwined on the hips, and with a huge tail, which it turns like a cedar. His portrait is very similar to the appearance of the diplodocus. Leviathan, unlike a hippopotamus, is a sea animal. The Bible speaks of him as a huge monster with sharp teeth and a body covered with strong shields that fit snugly together. A flame spews out of the mouth of the leviathan, smoke comes out of its nostrils. This description no longer resembles any dinosaur known to us. Especially marine.

Hippopotamus and Leviathan

Dinosaurs ate people

Nothing is known about eating dinosaurs. Neither the Ica stones nor the Akambaro figures depict carnivores moving on two legs of dinosaurs. And even more so, there is no plot in the work of the ancestors about how a dinosaur ate a person. If you even believe that the ancient inhabitants met with dinosaurs, it becomes clear that for the most part these reptiles were herbivores, and most likely the man hunted them, and not vice versa.

Dinosaurs vs humans

If you start from the drawings of the ancient inhabitants of Peru on the stones of Ica, you can understand a lot about the relationship between man and this animal. The sauropods were slow and non-aggressive creatures, so they could hardly have done anything serious with an armed spear to a person. If people met with prehistoric giants, then first of all they wanted to tame the animal and make it work for itself. Since people were smarter than dinosaurs even in the distant past, they did it. What is proved by numerous drawings of everyday scenes about dinosaurs and people.

All sauropods


So did people intersect in time frames with dinosaurs? There will never be a definite answer to this question. Everyone has the right to decide whether people lived during the time of the dinosaurs or not. We can choose the version that is most attractive to us and is close to our worldview and we will be right, because it is unlikely that humanity will ever know how it really was. But sometimes the most absurd and implausible version is correct and makes a person believe in the impossible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19625/

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