Piercing: how to pierce nipples, description, tips

Today, humanity is rapidly keeping pace with the times, not only with regard to fashionable clothes, but also piercings. People even began to pierce their nipples, believing that this could increase their sexual sensuality.

People were fond of piercing several centuries ago. For the wealthy nobility of ancient Rome, the ring in the nipple was of particular importance. They began to pierce the nipples, thereby showing not only their authority, but also their strength. Later, the female half of society was carried away by piercing.

Puncture of the nipples can be of two types: horizontal and vertical. Decorate with rings, the so-called barbells and bananas. Many women are interested in whether it is painful to pierce the nipples, and also how this can affect the future feeding of the baby.

pierce nipples

You can feed with a nipple piercing . The structure of the nipple is porous, in addition, it has up to 30 channels for feeding. Only a small part of it is subjected to puncture. Sometimes this way the problem of a flat nipple is solved , which makes it difficult to breastfeed.

In the case of men, the puncture is deeper, but for them it is not so dangerous. The difference is only in jewelry. But you need to know that piercing nipples is always painful.

What is used for pain relief

Most often, painkillers are used in the form of sprays or gels that contain lidocaine or benzocaine. Local anesthesia in the form of injections by piercing masters is not used, as this can be fraught with risk. In no case should you drink alcohol or even narcotic substances before the procedure, as they change the pressure and can contribute to the opening of bleeding.

Does it hurt to pierce the nipples

The human body is designed in such a way that it takes care of easing the pain and produces endorphins, which will raise the mood and improve well-being.

Nipple piercing process

This procedure is not difficult to perform in terms of performance technique, but it is important not only to know how to pierce a nipple correctly, it all depends on the experience and skill of the master. First of all, the nipple must be brought into an excited state, then mark the place where the needle will pass, and then make the puncture itself. It is impossible to get pierced if the nipples are very retracted. With the right puncture, the jewelry, even the largest one, will not move and deform the channel.

Lacking a specific skill, piercing nipples is dangerous. There is every chance of getting a curve puncture, and in the worst case - infection.

how to pierce a nipple

Nipple care after the procedure

1. You can treat the nipples with any antiseptic or make a solution of sodium chloride yourself (you need table salt). You need to take 250 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 grams of kitchen salt there, mix thoroughly, strain through cheesecloth into the same glass, then lower it onto the nipple with a quick movement so that the liquid does not spill out. Keep in this position a glass with a solution for several minutes. Then wipe the treated surface with a sterile cloth.

2. Nipples are glued with a bactericidal plaster for a week , putting a bandage under the bottom.

3. Young girls should not wear a hard bra, it is necessary to replace it with compression underwear.

4. For the month, wear only cotton underwear.

5. It is possible to pull out or change the decoration only if the puncture is completely formed and is covered with fabrics inside.

You should also be prepared for the fact that the puncture site may hurt for several months, and the type of breast will depend only on you, on how you care for it. Therefore, be extremely careful and patient to avoid the sad consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19626/

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