Septic "Chistok": review, specifications and reviews

During the arrangement of a suburban cottage or apartment building within the city, it is important to provide for the presence of a treatment system. Autonomous sewers are presented in a huge assortment today, they are popular among consumers, because the latter do not want to compromise on city amenities.

For the treatment of wastewater today, different septic tanks are used. “Purge” among them is not the last place. Of course, you can build a sewage treatment plant chamber with your own hands using the appropriate material, such as reinforced concrete rings, but it will be much easier to purchase a factory-made structure. The above system is fully ready for installation.

Overview of the septic tank brand "Chistok"

septic tank cleanings

"Cleansing" is made of a polymeric material - polyethylene. To give the body a higher rigidity, it is equipped with ribs that increase resistance to negative influences. The septic tank described in the article differs from imported analogues in that it has thick walls. This provides the ability to work at low temperatures.

The mentioned system is available in several models, which differ in size, shape, cost and volume of cameras, affecting performance. If you pay attention to the name of the septic tank, you will see numbers that indicate the volume of the cameras.

Septic tank "Chistok" is selected taking into account the flow of water in the house. If you plan to install the model in the country, where you only relax from time to time, then you can prefer the inexpensive and compact model “Chistok 1000”. It provides for a 1000 liter camera. But if you plan to use the cottage for living, then the installation should be more productive. An excellent example is Chistok 2000.

Consumer Reviews

do-it-yourself septic tank cleaning

The septic tank “Chistok” has positive characteristics that quite often affect the choice of users. According to them, treatment plants designed for local sewage systems require minimal maintenance and are quite easy to install. For the system to work, there is no need to connect power, which is very important when using a septic tank in the country. It is resistant to salvo emissions.

The system has a biofilter, which, according to consumers, improves the quality of wastewater treatment. The mechanical strength of the structure is increased, because the walls of the case have an impressive thickness. Models produced under the described brand are resistant to low temperatures, which is especially important for difficult conditions in Russia.

The septic tank “Cleansers” is also good because it has a large neck, which is necessary for maintenance and cleaning. According to consumers, there will be no inconvenience in carrying out such work. This system can be compared with analogues, the latter of which have a biofilter and a smaller size. Consumers emphasize that Chistok is very reliable, because inside it there are no nodes that could fail, so repairs will not be required. It is impossible not to mention the long service life, which reaches 50 years.


septic tank cleansers reviews

Septic tank "Cleaner", reviews of which were presented above, are available in different models, which differ in technical characteristics. The youngest model in the line is a ball-shaped installation. This model has a volume that is 1000 liters. Such a system is perfect for servicing a house of 3 residents. The daily output of this equipment variant is 350 liters.

If the number of residents in the house increases to 4 people, then it is best to pay attention to the septic tank "Chistok 2000". Using this system, the sewage system will process up to 700 liters of sewage per day. The case has a parallelepiped shape and holds 2 m 3 of liquid.

When the volume of effluents increases to 850 liters, it is better to prefer the model “Chistok 2500”. The capacity of the tank is 2.5 cubic meters. This indicates that with the help of such equipment it is possible to provide service at home with accommodation for 5 people.

Considering single-chamber models, you should pay attention to the latest version of the equipment in the line - “Chistok 3000”, which will be able to cope with the processing of 1000 liters of waste per day. Such equipment is recommended by professionals for installation in a house with a residence of 6 people.

If equipment with higher performance is required, then you can pay attention to the options for septic tanks 4000 and 5000, which have separate cameras and a dual biofilter. The first of these models processes up to 1300 liters of sewage per day, while the second - 1700 liters.

Means for cleaning "bio tank"

septic tank cleaning

Choosing a septic tank cleaner, you can pay attention to the "bio tank". This composition is also suitable for cesspools and can be designed for the processing of biowaste of different volumes. These mixtures are biological activators that involve the presence of live anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that feed on waste. They begin to perform their task 2 hours after they are placed in the sewer.

Wastes turn out to be processed by microorganisms and turn into ordinary water, the process is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. If you clean the septic tanks and cesspools using the “Bio tank”, then you will be able to eliminate unpleasant odors, make the bottom sediment more liquid, turn the feces into a gel mass and decompose them like soap, paper, fats and detergents. The solid fractions, when exposed to bacteria, are reduced in volume, this prevents the development of insect larvae.

Septic tank cleaning

septic tank purges 2000

Once every four years, insoluble sediment must be removed from the first chamber using a sewage machine. Once a year, the biofilter loading is flushed. Water for this enters the first chamber of the sump. Bioactive additives must be used regularly to reduce sludge and save on the removal of trash cans.

Cleaning the Astra System

septic tank cleaner

Cleaning the septic tank Astra involves cleaning the filter once every six months. In the process, you can remove the hair falling into the aeration tank, as well as pump out the waste sludge. The air filter in the septic tank changes annually. The walls of the system are cleaned with the same frequency, their surface must be freed from mineral deposits. The whole system is cleaned every 5 years, it is necessary to change components with the same frequency.

Excess activated sludge can be pumped out by an airlift pump, which is built into the station. For work, rubber gloves, a bucket and a Phillips screwdriver should be used. At the first stage, the station cover opens. On the control unit you will see a green button that needs to be moved to the "0" position. After that, the compressor will stop working. The red button must be moved to position “1”, and the black one to position - “0”.


septic tank cleaning aster

The suspension is then left to settle for 20 minutes. A hose pump is being prepared for work. The pumping hose should be removed from the clip, and then loosen the plug clamp with a Phillips screwdriver. The plug is removed and laid aside. To pump the waste sludge, you must use a bucket in which the open end of the hose is placed.

The green button is moved to position “1”. After a few seconds, the spent sludge will enter the bucket. As soon as the bucket is full, the green button on the control unit is put into position “0”. After a while, the sludge will stop going, the bucket should be pushed to the side, compost the contents of the tank and repeat the pumping operation.

The septic tank “Tank” is cleaned using the same technology. At its next stage, it is necessary to repeat the pumping operation, this must be done until water of usual consistency flows from the hose. After completion of work, the hose is muffled, returned to its original position, and the button is put into automatic mode.

Cleaning the Topas system

Serve the Topas brand sewers regularly. Preventive measures do not take much time, but you can perform them yourself. Once a month, the filter is cleaned of coarse fractions. The septic tank is cleaned once every 3 months, for this, sediment is removed from the sludge trap. Once every 6 months, it is necessary to clean the device where non-recyclable debris particles accumulate.

Features of the work

The compressor is scheduled to be repaired once every 2 years, during which it is necessary to change the membranes. If you plan to clean the Topas septic tank with your own hands, you must first turn off the system, remove the pump from the clip and remove it outside the system. The metal clamp is loosened, it is located at the end of the hose. In this case, you can mount the plug with the pump.

In the receiving compartment, it is necessary to raise the switch, for this the system starts up in direct phase mode. Approximately half the volume of the chamber must be pumped into the prepared tank. The septic tank is turned off, the plug is put in place, and the hose is fixed in its previous position. Pure water is added to the chamber. On this we can assume that the cleaning work is completed.


When choosing a sewage system for a country or private house, you should pay attention to the volume of drains that will be able to recycle the building. It is important to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of such devices. For example, septic tanks of the Chistok brand work on the principle of mechanical sedimentation and use biological cleaning methods in their work.

The filter is a plant with a flat loading of the active material. It is a carrier of microflora, so additional loading of bacteria is not required. The drains in it are pre-sedimented, and then passed through a filter, this allows cleaning up to 95%.


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