When was the police renamed the police? Police and police - what is the difference?

For many years in our country, the only department for maintaining public order was the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When was the police renamed the police? What is the difference between a policeman and a policeman? What are the rights and obligations of both? A small excursion into the history of the police and the police will help.

When did the police appear?

Soviet police

The question of whether the Russian police existed does not arise. The police in pre-revolutionary Russia also existed. Armed detachments of volunteers from the local population made up the staff of police associations. Rather, they could be called a militia, an irregular community of people who want to maintain order in the area where they lived. They were typed, as a rule, in wartime. Could participate in hostilities outside the territory of their locality along with regular troops. But often they acted as police assistants in suppressing rebellions and strikes. The root of the word "milit" itself comes from the English "military", which, as many know, means "military."

What happened to the police?

Sagittarius in the militia

The Russian police was originally created as a holistic system for protecting the rights of citizens and a state structure that combines several functions of maintaining order among the population. It was organized by Peter the Great. Prior to this, the functions of the police in Russia were performed by archers. This service was honorable, well paid, had benefits, among which the opportunity to drink vodka for free on a weekend, and also to engage in some activity that brings additional income and is not taxed, was very much appreciated. However, not everyone was taken into the service, but only young people of high stature and a strong physique. With morality, these people initially also had to be all right.

Sagittarius was stripped of all privileges by Peter the Great. Instead, the Preobrazhensky regiment began to monitor compliance with the order among the population. Further, the service expanded and assumed national importance.

Why not the police?

Over the years of its existence in Russia, the police not only gained skills in dealing with criminals, but also managed to turn people against their department. After the Great October Socialist Revolution in October 1917, the police replaced the police. For many years, young people who did not have any skills in solving crimes and putting things in order among citizens were admitted to the police. The police continued to behave like a people's militia, appearing at the scene of a crime in a special bandage, with weapons and a police officer’s certificate.

Call poster

Over time, the situation has changed. The police became a powerful law enforcement force that took over all the functions of organizations that are called the “Police” all over the world. But it so happened historically that the people did not like policemen. In tsarist times, police officers were allowed to use the techniques of assault during interrogation, which they did with pleasure. With a fairly good salary, these positions were not honorable, which often forced the police to take bribes from senior officials.

During the Great Patriotic War, when the Germans occupied the Soviet territory, they recruited local policemen to help them. How these people committed atrocities, legends still circulate. Instead of putting things in order among the population, they were engaged in intimidation and extermination of people. For many years, the memory of the people brought the word “policeman” the most negative meaning. So why was the police renamed to the police?

The need for reform

Dogs in the service

During its existence, the police, as once the Russian police, completely discredited themselves. Among its employees, frequent offenses were observed: official powers were exceeded, cases of corruption were recorded everywhere. Police officers were no longer respected, which was manifested in the unsightly, common name for all policemen “garbage”. To change the situation, reform was needed inside the law enforcement agency. When the police were renamed the police, the people did not immediately see the changes. Yes, and it is impossible in one day to change your attitude towards a structure that has only changed its name, but essentially remains the same. Rumors that the police will become the police have been around for a long time, but the law has been considered, amended, discussed for several years.

Law on Police

Only in 2011 was the law “On Police” adopted. Former then President Dmitry Medvedev argued that these were necessary measures designed to improve law enforcement. When the police were renamed the police, officers became known as police officers. Many police functions were automatically transferred to the police. Most employees only changed their name from policeman to policeman, remaining in their previous positions and ranks.

However, judging by the articles of the law “On the Police,” the police have more responsibilities. For example, the familiar practice of reading rights to detained citizens from foreign films. Present themselves clearly to citizens and provide a certificate upon request. Police officers are required to respect the rights of detained citizens and provide them with the opportunity to make a free call.


Police in cordon

When the police were renamed the police, this immediately affected the employees' salaries. It is always assumed that decent pay stimulates employees. Moreover, with toughening penalties for corruption, this makes it possible to reduce possible bribery among police officers.

Why was the police renamed to the police? Why did you need to change the name of the organization, if the essence remains the same? Police and police - what is the difference between employees and the public? These and many questions are still being asked by citizens. People say that the name had a very negative effect on the police, making them look like cinema-impenetrable cops. The uniform began to resemble painfully the uniform of policemen during the Great Patriotic War, and the attitude towards the population from polite grew into a formal one, which also negatively affects the attitude towards the police. It remains only to hope that the reform has not yet been completed, therefore, we are observing only the inevitable flaws that will be minimized over time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19669/

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