Open-toed shoes with socks: fashion trends, with what and how to wear

Women's shoes with an open toe have been popular for several years not only among models, but also among ordinary women. There are a lot of options for such shoes. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose the right model. To determine this variety, it is worth knowing what open-toed shoes exist.

Shoes models and descriptions

The first and most popular look is open-toe pumps. This is a classic that fits almost any style, you can call them universal.

There are parameters by which boats can be distinguished:

  1. Toe cutout shape: triangle, circle or drop.
  2. Type of heel: hairpin, rectangle or glass.

The second, no less famous type is wedge shoes with an open toe. Since its inception, this model has not lost its demand among the fair sex. They are distinguished by convenience, femininity and neat appearance.

Thanks to their sole, wedge shoes are suitable for daily use.

The third type of open-toed shoes is ballet flats. The model is mainly worn by young girls. It is very light and comfortable, and looks feminine and beautiful.

open toe shoes

The fourth summer version of open shoes is sandals. But they have a "bare" not only a toe, but also a heel. A distinctive feature is the presence of straps and fasteners.

Features open shoes. When are they worn?

This type of shoes has a number of features. They are worn in the hot season, outwardly look stylish and feminine, suitable for absolutely any woman with a different type of figure.

Heeled boats can be worn in the office or at festive events, but you won’t be able to wear them every day. And here ballet shoes and wedges will come to the rescue, which will replace them.

Fashion shoes for the fair sex

This summer, open-toed shoes often flash on the catwalks, and manufacturers are constantly changing colors, materials and designs. What they just do not use to decorate the next pair of such shoes: rhinestones, rivets, even feathers. The heel can be of various shapes - from thin studs to flat soles. Among the variety of models, shoes with an open heel and toe stand out. They recently began to flicker on the feet of models and have already managed to win the hearts of millions of women. This option is chosen for an evening look, models decorated with velvet are distinguished by special refinement.

open toe shoes

Open shoes with socks: the pros and cons

When asked women whether it is possible to wear open-toed shoes with socks, a definite answer cannot be obtained. Because some adhere to fashion trends and willingly use this method, for others it is completely abnormal.

Fans of experiments should adhere to some rules when wearing open-toed shoes with socks. We will discuss them later in the article.

Which socks work best? Selection tips

Those who are interested in learning how to wear open-toed shoes with socks need to remember that not all socks are appropriate for this occasion. Therefore, it is important to conduct a careful selection. The combination of open shoes with socks complements the image, gives the girl a highlight and just looks very unconventional and beautiful. And in a colder summer, this style can also serve as an excellent warming element. In early autumn, when it is already cold to wear ballet shoes with open toes, socks will come to the rescue, while the woman looks attractive and her legs are warm.

Perfectly matched socks tend to hide the imperfections of the figure, aligning the proportions of the calves, but if you miss the mark, the opposite effect will work, the image will be completely corrupted.

Even with such a small trick, like open-toed shoes with socks, you can emphasize your strengths and tear away the flaws. Therefore, this version of the shoe remains at the peak of fashion.

The main principle of choosing socks is that they should be ideally combined with shoes and have a less warm tone than shoes. For example, with light boats, flesh-colored kapron products look best.

Socks of warm colors, having a certain volume, are able to hide excessive thinness of the legs. But for lush women, such options are contraindicated.

For owners of full calves who want to wear open-toed shoes with socks, this flaw should be hidden not with shoes, but with clothes. For example, such a lady can hide her full legs under a long skirt or dress up to her ankles, and the described combination of shoes will show off below.

It is very important that the socks are not thick and not very thin. Color can be varied.

open toe wedge shoes

The most universal version of socks - monophonic, unremarkable shades for modest ladies and a striking option for extraordinary personalities. They should be combined with shoes with an open toe or with one of the items of the wardrobe or accessory.

If there is a desire to wear a product with a print, then the shoes should be monotonous and concise, and vice versa.

Open shoes with tights. How to combine them better?

Open-toe shoes and tights are an original combination. There is a lot of debate on this topic among the founders of fashion. But at the same time, this option can often be seen on girls, for example, in cold weather or in the office.

Rules for choosing tights and shoes:

  1. Tights for open shoes you need to choose thin, transparent, in extreme cases, the color of the skin. They must repeat the bends of the legs and not gather in the "wave". The color of the shoes is universal.
  2. To color tights - bright shoes.

The combination of open models of shoes and pantyhose is particularly attractive.

Many are interested in how to close an open toe on shoes? The answer is very simple. To do this, you need to wear such shoes with socks or tights, especially matching in color.

With what and how to wear open shoes for girls? Tips for beautiful ladies

Open-toed shoes with socks that have a high heel or platform should be worn with a dress. To create an image, the outfit should be lighter than shoes, and makeup details should intersect with the color of the clothes, for example, shadows of a similar shade.

closed heel shoes with open toe

Open toe and socks are worn with tight jeans. And to make the image complete, in the warm time they complement a plaid shirt, and in the colder - a wide sweater.

Open wedge shoes with socks are combined with mini or medium-length skirts and dresses, sometimes they are worn with wide jeans.

Open toe ballet shoes are worn under almost any of the above options. Moreover, these shoes can be used in the daily life of women.

Open toe shoes

open toe pumps

Fashion continues to amaze its fans with new shoe options, and the trend has shifted from an open toe to a bare heel. These shoes are not suitable for everyone and are distinguished by their moodiness. There are many types of shoes: from classic to platform and heels of different heights.

Wearing shoes with an open heel with socks is best extremely rare and very careful. And also a tandem of such shoes with short shorts, jeans, tights in a net and bright socks is unacceptable.

Pants are most suitable for an open heel, the length of which reaches the ankles, a straight skirt and a very feminine dress.

Closed Heel Shoes

Closed heel shoes can be of two types:

  1. With a closed heel and toe.
  2. The heel is closed, and on the front there is a neckline or toe.

Completely closed shoes are a classic type of shoe that will complement the office style, and jeans with a T-shirt, and a dress. Wearing them with socks is not prohibited, the main thing is that they match the color of the shoes or be a tone lighter.

Shoes with a closed heel and an open toe are an integral part of a women's wardrobe. These shoes are very comfortable and stylish. It is distinguished by a restrained appearance, which is not violated by the "naked" part. Usually on such models straps flaunt. With flesh-colored socks, the shoes fit perfectly.

women's shoes with open toe

The combination of open shoes with socks went back to ancient times, but then it ceased to be fashionable. However, time does not stand still - now it is again a popular trend.

General rules for all

If a woman likes to combine open-toe shoes and hosiery, then it will be useful to get acquainted with some recommendations:

  1. Socks should be in tone with shoes or lighter than them, skin color is not always appropriate. Therefore, depending on the shoe, a wardrobe item is selected. A universal option for almost any open shoe is white socks. They can be worn with boats, sandals, open ballet shoes and other shoes. The main thing is that white socks do not have lace, prints, ruffles.
  2. Thin and sophisticated socks are selected for small shoes, and thicker and coarser fabric items for massive shoes.
  3. Girls often come up with a variety of desires at the most inopportune times, for example, to wear open shoes in cold weather. Of course, it is good to be beautiful, but it is even better to be healthy, therefore it is necessary to wear tight but not thick tights or socks with shoes.
  4. Black nylon socks - this is the last century, they can be worn with open shoes only women with or without taste. You can only wear this under trousers so that no one can see. They are extremely uncomfortable, because they can slide down, roll into a tube and become noticeable even under clothes.
  5. If a young girl loves products with drawings, then at least shoes need to choose a solid color. You can select only one detail - shoes or socks.
  6. Women of small stature and with chubby legs can not combine short socks with any shoes. But for tall thin women, this option will only emphasize the elegance of the figure. The lower the growth, the longer the socks, and vice versa.
  7. Size matters when buying shoes with an open toe; they should be easily removed and not fall off your feet while walking.
  8. For the office, it is better to choose closed shoes, but if there is no general dress code or any restrictions on the appearance, then you can use open shoes. They can be worn with socks and tights. The main thing is that with the open toe on the shoes, the heel is closed. This is a very important requirement.
  9. After work, you can take a walk, choosing bright shoes and no less dazzling clothes, there are combinations such as light green dress and open yellow shoes.
  10. High-heeled boats with open toes are not suitable for the street; they attend festive events, corporate parties or cultural venues.
how to wear open toe shoes

Little conclusion

Open-toed shoes with socks are shoes that will suit almost any fashionista. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme. Based on the individual characteristics of the figure, growth, the length of the socks, their thickness and color are selected, which, if correctly selected, will correct excessive thinness or full legs.


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