Sulfur baths in Tbilisi: description, where are located, reviews

Almost any country can boast of its centuries-old history, culture and unique sights that attract crowds of tourists every year. Georgia is a large and rather colorful state with a beautiful and bright capital. Its name translates as “warm” or “sunny city”. One of the most striking and remarkable places here are the famous sulfur baths. In Tbilisi, this is a unique place created around the 16th-17th centuries. Where is it located? How does it work? And what do seasoned travelers say about him?

sulfur baths in tbilisi

What is the legend about sulfur baths?

Like any attraction, the creation of which goes back centuries, sulfur baths are associated with a beautiful legend. It is believed that this place, delightful and unusual in its natural characteristics, was once discovered by the ruler - Vakhtang Gorgasali. They say that the king discovered a place where later there will be sulfur baths in Tbilisi, quite by accident. During the hunt, he released his falcon. He chased a pheasant, but, having scratched it, he dropped it into hot sulfuric water, where it was boiled. According to another version (and there are several of them), the deer, who was wounded by the king, drank water from warm springs and miraculously recovered.

From that moment on, the ruler decided not only to remember the place where the warm springs are located, but also to found a city called Tbilisi here. He later opened the famous baths here. By the way, near the entrance to this complex, behind the picturesque square named after G. Aliyev, there is a monument in the form of a falcon holding a pheasant carcass in its claws.

Beautiful legend: true or fiction?

However, as it turned out, this is just a beautiful legend, which locals present with special pride to tourists. The myth was dispelled by recent archaeological excavations in the Georgian capital . According to these studies, the city itself existed even before the birth of Vakhtang Gorgasali. Its origin is associated with the late Middle Ages.

It turns out that already when the king appeared in the walls of the future capital in the area of ​​modern sulfur baths, there was a huge wall made of concrete. In confirmation of this, the researchers found an old Roman manuscript in which the modern city was displayed as a fortified settlement called Phillado. Based on historical data, in V-VI, the main residence of the head of the settlement and the ancient sulfur baths in Tbilisi were there. The only difference is that in those days the city was called differently.

sulfur baths in tbilisi working hours

A few words about warm springs

Sulfur baths in Tbilisi are built on hot springs with sulfur-alkaline liquid flowing out from the ground, which has a specific smell of hydrogen sulfide. According to preliminary estimates by experts, the total number of such reservoirs is 31. The most interesting thing is that, according to local residents, you can swim in them all year round. Still, because the water is heated to a temperature of 37 º. Therefore, this place has become an excellent foundation for the first modern sulfur baths. From the street they look like stone semicircular structures resembling an Eskimo igloo. The baths themselves are located underground.

Where are the sulfur baths?

Finding sulfur baths in Tbilisi (the address of which any metropolitan taxi driver knows) is quite simple. They are located in the old city in the Abanotubani quarter, comfortably located on the right bank of the mountain river Kura. To visit this place you have to follow the street of Joseph Grishashvili, located in direct parallel with the local embankment, and walk to the Metekhi Bridge.

A striking landmark by which you can easily find this attraction is the ancient temple of Metekhi. According to local residents, you just have to go through the bridge over the aforementioned Kura. So you get to the famous baths in just 4-5 minutes. And this is provided that you move on foot. If you prefer to go by car, then the end point of your trip is located at the following address: st. Abano, 2.

You can go to the sulfur baths in Tbilisi (you can see the photo of this entertaining attraction in the article) by public transport. To do this, take one of the buses with the following numbers: 31, 44, 50, 55, 71, 80 or 102 (to choose from). And then all that remains is to get off at the stop called "Abanotubani."

What are the details of the bath complex?

The famous baths are a whole complex, occupying a whole block. In addition, each building has its own characteristics and history. The main thing is that each of them is designed for people with the most diverse level of affluence. For example, here you can see the so-called bath of Mirzoyev. There are other fonts in the complex:

  • No. 5.
  • VIP
  • "Samepe Abano", or "Royal Bath".
  • "Iraklievskaya".
  • Bebutovskaya.
  • "Sumbatovskaya."
  • "Treasury".
  • "Orbelianovskaya", "Motley", or "Blue".

Here they are - sulfur baths in Tbilisi. The work schedule is suitable for all citizens, since the opening of the complex occurs early in the morning, and it closes late in the evening.

Simple and spacious bath "Mirzoyevskaya", or "Fantasy"

“Mirzoyevskaya” bathhouse (“Fantasy”) is located a little distance from the rest of the buildings of the complex. This relatively old building with a slightly worn facing is located on Grishashvili Street 11. It is in this excellent attraction that a common male and female hall is equipped. The cost of such a visit is only 2-5 GEL. With our money it is 60-150 rubles. In this building, importantly, there is a small pool with hot sulfuric water. One is for ladies only.

In most cases, in Tbilisi, sulfur baths do not contain swimming pools designed exclusively for a female audience. In other words, there is simply no swimming pool for young ladies in other buildings. Girls have to be content only with a shower. Men are more fortunate in this regard - for them he is everywhere. But a nice addition is massage, the cost of which varies from 5 to 15 lari (150-450 rubles).

sulfur baths tbilisi reviews

Sulfur bath No. 5: the atmosphere of the Soviet era

The most famous building of the whole complex. And if other buildings changed their names more than once, then this building preserved it. It is a wonderful reminder of the Soviet era. So, next to the entrance to the room, which is visible from the side of G. Aliyev’s square, an unusual sign indicating 1926 is installed. It is believed that No. 5 is a budget vacation option that the average local resident or tourist with a low income can afford. The price of staying here varies from 150 rubles (common room) and up to 2400 p. (separate booths).

This bathhouse, located on Abanotubania Street, has a separate women's and men's room, as well as personal rooms with different hourly prices and functionality. No. 5 is open daily, except Monday (this day is the day off). Other sulfur baths in Tbilisi operate on a similar schedule. Opening hours: from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (common rooms are open), and the rooms receive guests of the complex around the clock.

VIP bath: steam room with chic and shine

This bath, as its name implies, is suitable exclusively for people with high incomes. It is considered the most expensive and elite, as a stay in it costs from 150 GEL (450 rubles) per hour. But, despite this, it is very popular. There is only one common hall in the font, in which, according to the words of local residents, the Georgian patriarch himself often visits. You can see the bath directly from the promenade, where it is adjacent to the rather large hotel building. Like No. 5, it is located on Abanotubania Street, and other sulfur baths in Tbilisi are also located there. Reviews about this building can be heard only the most positive. This is due not only to the high price and level of service, but also to the star guests who regularly come here.

sulfur baths in tbilisi contraindications

"Samepe Abano", or "Royal Bath"

This bath is considered one of the oldest. She was repeatedly restored and refined. “Samepe Abano” is located within walking distance from “No. 5”. The entrance to it is located almost in the center of Abanotubani street, almost at the beginning of the street. Grishashvili. There is no common room, but there are five separate rooms with a rather high cost from 60 to 100 GEL per hour (1800-3000 p.)

"Iraklievskaya", or "Bathhouse of King Heraclius"

The "Irakliev" bathhouse, which is considered one of the oldest buildings in the complex, was originally called VIP. However, over time it was forgotten. And immediately after privatization, the building was renamed, and also received a separate entrance. You can get to it by the sign, on it it is called simply “Sulfur bath”. It has four small rooms with different prices and directions: from 10 to 50 lari (300-1500 rubles).

sulfur baths in tbilisi photo

Other baths of the complex

“Bebutovskaya”, “Sumbatovskaya” and “Kazhennaya” - these baths were built around the beginning of the XVII century. "Orbelianovskaya", "Motley", or "Blue" - one font, but only with a different interpretation of its name. This is a very bright and unusually beautiful building, created in a certain Turkish style. It resembles the palace of the Sultan and immerses visitors in the world of amazing oriental culture. The cost of visiting the common room in it will cost you 4-5 GEL (120-150 rubles), and individual booths - 20-50 GEL (604-1500 rubles).

sulfur baths in tbilisi on lisi lake

Sulfur baths and beautiful steam on Lake Lisi

In addition to the old city, there are sulfur baths in Tbilisi on Lake Lisi. This is a more modern version of the balneological resort with an unusually nice promenade, park and bike path. There is plenty of entertainment here, including catamaran and boat rental. There is a tennis court, go-kart, and also a rope park for adults and children. You can get to Lisi, for example, by bus number 29, which will take you from the metro station "Technical University" to the lake. The cost of a room in a sulfur bath designed for four people will cost you 50-60 GEL (1500-1800 rubles).

Tbilisi sulfur baths opening hours

What is the use of sulfur baths?

The benefits of taking sulfur baths are obvious - sulfur can improve the condition of the skin, relaxes and restores the whole body, and also treats diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. However, immersion in such a bath is necessary only for 8-12 minutes. Then you can come up, relax and perform several more of these approaches, but no more than four. An additional effect of taking hydrogen sulfide baths can be obtained by ordering a massage. Its cost is only 10-15 GEL (300-450 rubles).

Sulfur baths in Tbilisi: contraindications

Not everyone can go to sulfur baths for the purpose of general recovery. For example, it is contraindicated for people with circulatory problems or cardiac arrhythmias. Therefore, before visiting a similar attraction in Georgia, you must consult a doctor.

What do people think in sulfur baths?

You can find a variety of reviews about sulfur baths. However, almost all of them are associated with positive emotions. Someone really liked the sensations that arise after immersion in a warm source. Someone was delighted with the massage. And some appreciated the charm of the architectural splendor of the complex of sulfur baths. As they say, you will not try - you will not know.


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