Pruning spirea in the fall: outline. Autumn Spirea Care

Very often in the garden plots you can see a beautiful ornamental shrub - spirea. Sometimes it is a lonely flowering bush, and in some cases an entire ridge in the form of a hedge. Most often, white spirea is found, but there are a lot of modern plant varieties. Like any ornamental plant, spirea requires special care. If you decide to get it, you should know what to do with spirea in the fall. This will be discussed in our article. You will learn how to cut the spirea in the fall and according to what pattern.

prune autumn spirea

The benefits of pruning spirea in the fall

During flowering, spirea look great! In the photo in the article you will see various types of this ornamental shrub. The plant has its advantages:

  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • the possibility of planting anywhere in the garden or yard;
  • does not require special lighting;
  • grows on any soil;
  • not afraid of the cold and winds;
  • long flowering (up to 100 days per season).

Both lonely bushes and hedges need to be pruned. Such care for spirea in the fall stimulates flowering. It promotes the growth and development of shrubs. Trimming spirea in the autumn gives the bushes the desired shape and appearance, for every taste.

autumn spirea care

Features of early flowering spirea

Inflorescences of spirea blooming in spring have a white color and are formed on last year's shoots. Of the early flowering varieties, acute-serrated, oak-leaved, nippon spirea can be distinguished. Many gardeners know the Wagutta variety. It blooms in May and blooms until mid-June. Trimming spirea in the fall consists in removing weak shoots and forming a frame from strong and healthy twigs.

This ornamental plant grows very well and grows quickly. For attractive decorativeness, spirea is trimmed annually in the fall. For this, 1/5 of all shoots of the bush are cut to the very soil. The bush thinned in this way next year will give more powerful young shoots.

Inflorescences that have bloomed are removed after withering or in the beginning of autumn, only young shoots leave. Every 2 years, the bushes thin out, cut out curves, thin, weak branches. Once every 8 years, the spirea is cut off thoroughly in the fall, leaving only young branches.

Pruning varieties blooming in summer

Several varieties of spirea that bloom in the summer months have been bred. Such bushes have bright lush inflorescences of pink, purple or soft coral color. Of the late-flowering varieties, Japanese, loosestrife, and birch-leaf spirea can be distinguished. Also in this group includes a variety of Billiards, Douglas, Bumalda.

In the first year of planting, the bushes are not pruned at all. The following year, spirea pruning is carried out slightly in the fall, only weak shoots are removed. Also form a bush, removing faded parts of the branches. Cropped shoots begin to branch in the spring, and an abundant crown is formed. Light penetrates better to a thinned plant, it is well ventilated. Sanitary cutting of bushes prevents the occurrence of fungi, various infections and the appearance of pests.

spirea transplant in autumn

Flowering haircut

In order for the spirea to bloom better, cut the shoots at the very tips. To do this, it is enough to remove a third of the length of the flowering part of the branch. Such pruning stimulates the formation of lateral shoots and abundant flowering.

Once every 4 years, it is useful to renew the shrub, cutting branches at a height of 30 cm from the ground. This pruning can be done in spring or autumn. It is important to make it 2 weeks before the onset of frosty weather, so that the plant has time to recover. In spring, such a trimmed bush will begin to actively resume: lateral shoots will go from each branch, which will bloom profusely in July.

Cropping for rejuvenation

Life expectancy of some species of spirea is 20-25 years. One stem lives 6-7 years. The old bush sometimes loses its attractiveness, is affected by pests, so it is betrayed to deep pruning. Such a shrub is completely cut to the ground. In the spring, near the root neck, sleeping buds will begin to sprout . Thus, the spirea is completely rejuvenated.

Do I need to cut spirea in the fall

How to cut a hedge

Spirea is great for hedges. Caring for spirea in the fall is preferable to spring. Such a haircut before wintering prepares the plant for the cold and saves the gardener's precious time in the spring. October and September are the best times to model hedges. Such a haircut contributes not only to the natural circulation of air, but also to the attractive appearance of the bushes, their compactness and density.

Already in the second year after planting, the young hedge needs to be cut. To do this, cut a third of the branches from the annual growth. Four years later, the branches are cut in half. In order for the fence to serve for a long time, the bushes fertilize, water and mulch.

haircut spirea in the fall

Basic rules and scheme of autumn pruning

Beginning flower growers do not know whether to cut a spirea in the fall. Here they will find the exact answer to this question. Autumn haircut spirea begins after the plant has ceased to bloom. It is important that the slices are tightened to the first frost. Some gardeners carry out this procedure in late September. Pruning bushes in the first year of planting is only preventive in nature: only dried and diseased branches are removed, allowing the plant to develop independently.

Decorative and anti-aging pruning is carried out at least a year later so as not to damage the flower buds. Too pruned spirea will not bloom so abundantly.

Experienced gardeners consider the grade of the plant and the flowering time before cutting. Early flowering species of spirea are pruned at the end of summer. This will contribute to abundant flowering for next year. We will provide a list of general rules that must be followed when pruning all varieties of shrubs. So, the scheme for pruning spirea in the fall looks like this:

  1. The first pruning is carried out two years after planting.
  2. The lifespan of the branches is about 5 years, so a haircut is done to ensure a beautiful view of the bushes.
  3. Every seven years, the plants are cut to a stump. Thus, a new bush is formed from young shoots.
  4. The best effect is obtained when pruning spirea in early autumn, as soon as the plant has flowered.
  5. To increase the density of the bush and reduce its size, simply shorten the old shoots.
  6. In order to prevent diseases, old branches and affected shoots are removed.

In order to form a beautiful decorative bush, it will take several years. 2 years after planting, choose 5-6 of the strongest young branches. All the rest are completely cut off. After the first flowering, only weak branches are cut. Every 2-3 years old shoots are removed, and only young ones are left. Thus form the basis of the future shrub.

prune spirea pruning

Transplant pruning

Autumn is a time not only for pruning, but also for planting shrubs. How is spirea transplanted in the fall? Early flowering and late flowering spirea are planted at this time of year. Most often, the bush dividing method is used for this. For such a planting, it is not necessary to wait until the leaf fall is over. You can share 3-4-year-old plants. The bush is dug up, capturing half the projection of the crown. Excess roots are cut off, the rest are washed. In some cases, a dug plant is placed in a bucket of water and allowed to soil to oxidize. Then this bush is divided by secateurs into 2-3 parts, the branches are shortened by a third.

Then the transplantation process begins: they dig a hole and make a drainage layer. Broken brick or granite is used as drainage. Top up with some peat. The landing pit should correspond to the size of the roots of the seedling. The root system should not abut against the edges or bottom of the pit, it needs room. A spirea transplant in autumn requires the addition of sand and turf soil to the soil. The plant is lowered into the pit so that the root neck is at ground level. The ground around the divided bush is thoroughly crushed and watered. It should be noted that spirea tolerates autumn transplant, which is combined with pruning.

what to do with spirea in the fall

When is it better to cut off spirea - in spring or autumn

The people call spirea a bride. To make such a sign consistent with reality, it is important to form bushes correctly and in the right time. Many flower growers and professional designers love the plant for the plentiful and long flowering, airiness and tenderness that it brings to the urban and garden landscape.

What to do with spirea in the fall, you have already traced. Is it possible to cut it in the spring? Undoubtedly! In April, summer-flowering varieties of this ornamental plant are pruned. To form a beautiful bush in spring, do the following steps:

  • In the first year after planting, the shoots are cut in half. Branches are cut to the kidney, which is directed outward.
  • After flowering, inflorescences are cut off, thus stimulating the growth of side shoots. The plant blooms continuously.
  • In the second year, again in April, the shoots are cut to half length, and in the summer, wilted inflorescences are removed.
  • In the third year they do the same procedure, only in the spring they also remove the old shoots to the base.

The grace and sophistication of the thin curving branches of the spirea was admired by the ancient Greeks. Breeders bred many types of favorite decorative culture. Among them are weeping, hemispherical, pyramidal, creeping, dwarf spirea. Most of them tolerate winter frosts well. In severe winters, some species can freeze, then these branches are pruned in spring. For varieties that are very afraid of frost, the tops of the branches are tied in a bunch, bent to the ground and covered with dry leaves. Take care of this unpretentious plant in spring and autumn, and it will delight you with delicate flower clouds.


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