Sewing machine Janome Memory Craft 5200: review, specifications and reviews

The world's first computer-controlled sewing and embroidery machine was launched in 1990. It was the famous model Memory Craft 8000, which for many years was used in the home by many women. Thanks to the continuous improvement of its models, the largest Japanese manufacturer produced dozens of cars with an improved design and functions. So there was a sewing machine Memory Craft 5200 from Janome, which we will discuss in detail in our article.

Model Overview

The Memory Craft 5200 sewing machine is a computerized model with an integrated microcomputer that programs all the operations performed by a seamstress. On the front wall of the device is a liquid crystal display. All operations performed by the machine are displayed on this screen. They are set using the control buttons located on the same panel.

janome memory craft 5200

The modern computerized model works from the Start / Stop button. To start the device, just click on this button, set the necessary operation and enjoy the sound of a working sewing machine. The result of sewing, processing decorative seams or embroidery is so high-quality that it can please even a very experienced seamstress.

The Janome Memory Craft 5200 neck machine has a stylish design with a streamlined white plastic case. She performs 560 sewing operations and 10 types of loops, which is more than enough for sewing clothes and embroidering at home.

Main characteristics

The Janome Memory Craft 5200 sewing machine model has the following main and distinctive characteristics:

  • computer control;
  • the number of operations - 560, including 10 types of loops and 3 alphabets;
  • horizontal shuttle;
  • threading - automatic;
  • display - liquid crystal (LCD);
  • change stitch parameter using buttons;
  • case for storing sewing accessories;
  • special sleeve for processing narrow products;
  • LED lighting of the work surface;
  • maximum stitch (zigzag) length - 5 mm (7 mm);
  • adjusting the screen contrast with the button;
  • button for monitoring the position of the needle (upper or lower position);
  • button for adjusting the pressure of the foot on the fabric;
  • needle reverse button (pin fastening);
  • sewing speed adjustment;
  • the ability to work without a pedal;
  • work by pressing the "Start / Stop" button.

sewing machine janome memory craft 5200

Sewing machine Janome Memory Craft 5200 has a built-in memory, which is very convenient for daily operations of the same type. The device has a high sewing speed: with the pedal, the machine performs 800 stitches per minute, using the "Start / Stop" button - 700 stitches. Weighing 8.5 kg sewing machine, made in Taiwan.

Machine Options

To fulfill all the functions programmed by the manufacturer, the sewing machine must have the appropriate equipment. The Janome Memory Craft 5200 is packaged as follows:

  • Feet: for automatic buttonhole, for blind seam, for satin stitches, hem for reinforcement, overlock, for zippers, for zigzag, for cutting sections, for sewing cord, for darning, for sewing buttons, for loops;
  • quilting guide;
  • 4 bobbins;
  • 2 screwdrivers;
  • ripper
  • additional spool pin;
  • overview table of lines;
  • table holder;
  • large and small holder for the coil;
  • reel stand;
  • laying of felt under the coils;
  • set of 5 needles;
  • brush for cleaning the machine;
  • soft case.

janome memory craft 5200 reviews

Due to the large number of paws and the quilting guide, the presented model of the sewing machine easily works with any type of fabric and embroiders on it.

Advantages of the Janome Memory Craft 5200 HC

The model of the Janome MC 5200 sewing machine has the following advantages:

  • During the execution of an operation, information on it is always displayed on the display; warnings about errors that may occur are displayed.
  • A large number of operations for sewing any kind of clothing.
  • The model is equipped with a reliable horizontal shuttle, which guarantees smooth and reliable operation of the machine. Filling the bobbin into the shuttle takes no more than 10 seconds.
  • Full control over all operations. The Janome Memory Craft 5200 machine itself determines the thickness of the fabric and, depending on this, a puncture of a certain force is performed.
  • Thanks to the built-in memory unit, you can easily repeat the most successful operations, for example, an embroidery seam, edge processing and others.
  • All operations are performed at high speed.

sewing machine janome memory craft 5200 reviews

Despite the fact that the sewing machine of the presented model belongs to the household type, it performs all functions at a professionally high level. The quality of the seams and embroidery allows you to create clothing models that are in no way inferior to those sold in stores.

Model flaws

The advantages of the model are significant, and they certainly cover its minor disadvantages, which nevertheless exist:

  • high price, which is higher than for electromechanical models, at least 2 times;
  • some of the many operations are repeated, albeit with a slight difference;
  • despite the variety of operations, most of them remain unclaimed;
  • in case of a malfunction, you need to be prepared for the fact that the repair will be too expensive.

janome memory craft 5200 hc

Setting up the sewing machine Janome Memory Craft 5200 requires strict observance of the operating instructions. We will talk about how to prepare a sewing machine for work below.

How to prepare the machine for sewing

Work on the sewing machine begins with the preparation of the device for work. To do this, the following actions are performed sequentially:

  1. Turn on the machine by pressing the "Start / Stop" button. At first, the device will work slowly and only after a few seconds will it gain the speed set by the program. It is important to remember that the power button will not work when the foot pedal is connected.
  2. Select the straight stitch mode, optional or decorative, by pressing the corresponding MODE 1-3 button.
  3. Change the width or length of the stitch as you wish.
  4. To customize the display, you can select 1 of 10 languages ​​(Russian).
  5. Sewing speed can always be adjusted with the foot pedal. The harder you press the pedal, the faster the machine will sew.

typewriter janome memory craft 5200

The Janome Memory Craft 5200 has a help button "?", By clicking on which, you can look at the application of certain stitches. In editing mode, using the same button you can move the cursor to the left.

User's manual

The instructions that came with the sewing machine set out in detail how to sew on it:

  1. Raise the presser foot and place the fabric next to the guide lines on the needle plate.
  2. Lower the foot to the sewing start point.
  3. Pull both threads back.
  4. Lower the needle to the sewing start point.
  5. Press the "Start / Stop" button and start sewing.
  6. Move the fabric lightly along the guide lines.
  7. After sewing, the seam must be secured. To do this, press the reverse button. The machine will continue to sew as long as this button is held.
  8. The thread is pulled forward a little and cut with the thread cutter.

The sewing machine Janome Memory Craft 5200 is quite easy to operate, if you carefully follow the operating instructions that are attached. If necessary, you can use the help button located on the front control panel.

Sewing machine Janome Memory Craft 5200: customer reviews

Universal, multifunctional, modern sewing machine has countless advantages. It is difficult to find someone who would not like the Janome Memory Craft 5200 model in their work. Reviews on the operation of this device are almost 100% positive. In them, buyers note the following facts:

sewing machine janome memory craft 5200

  • hardworking and reliable sewing machine, the possibilities of which are limited only by your imagination;
  • a large number of multifunctional legs in the kit;
  • compactness, small weight of the device;
  • smooth running during operation, noiseless;
  • high power and speed of stitches per minute;
  • high quality stitches, seams and loops.

There is a sewing machine Memory Craft 5200 almost 35 thousand rubles. And given the fact that most of the functions remain unclaimed, not all people decide to buy this device. In general, the functions of the sewing machine are quite sufficient for both home sewing and the opening of a professional mini-studio.


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