Where is the Aurora cruiser now? What is he dreaming of?

Where is the Aurora cruiser now? What did he “dream” of in 2017, at the hour when morning rises above the Neva? Like many years ago, this is of interest to many guests of the Northern capital. The object of culture of the Russian Federation has a rich history. The construction of the future legend of the Great October Socialist Revolution dates back to 1896. In 1900, Tsar Nicholas II was present when launching. He personally chose the name "Aurora" - in honor of the Roman goddess Dawn.

where is the cruiser aurora now

Fought to the last

Since the first-rank armored cruiser of the Baltic Fleet type “Diana” was put into operation, a lot of water has flowed. However, history still holds significant milestones. In May 1905, a newcomer to the Russian Imperial Fleet under the command of Captain 1st Rank Evgeny Yegoryev participated in the famous Tsushima Battle. The place of battle reached 224 days. The most difficult passage across three oceans was described by military chroniclers as a feat.

Was not always the same as now, the cruiser Aurora. Where showrooms are now based, the life of a friendly team, combat-ready and open, was in full swing. The ship's doctor V. Kravchenko noted that the sailors looked directly into the eyes, and not from under the sun, orders were executed clearly and quickly, as if flying on decks. As you know, faced with the enemy, having suffered heavy losses (commander E.R. Yegoryev was also killed), the Russian squadron lost the battle. But the brave sailors had nothing to be ashamed of: they fought not for life, but for death. Fate retained the Aurora for new trials.

Again in the shaggy clouds

The first repair of a ship wounded in the Sea of ​​Japan took place in Manila (Philippines). Repair, which returned buoyancy to the museum vessel, was completed last spring. It is only in words years - moments. In fact, between these milestones a sea of ​​important events occurred. Where is the Aurora cruiser now? In St. Petersburg, on the night of July 16, 2016, people watched an amazing picture.

where is the cruiser aurora in St. Petersburg

The symbol of the Leninist revolution was swiftly moving along the Neva. He moved from the Kronstadt docks, where he was being repaired, to the place of his usual parking on Petrograd embankment. The cruiser survived the First World War. His weapon gave an empty salvo - a signal to the beginning of the changes "which the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long." Then the assault on the Winter Palace began. Tsarism was overthrown. The country has gone by leaps and bounds to socialism and communism.

A hundred years have passed, socialist conquests have sunk into oblivion. And today he is in service, albeit not in battle, but in a museum. Where the cruiser Aurora is now, as in other places in St. Petersburg, new life is in full swing. Tourists, undoubtedly, would be pleased to make sure that the team of the renewed, sparkling with fresh paint cruiser, as before, “looks people in the eye, and not from underneath”.

Became a museum

In the forties, scorched by the fire of World War II, the ship was left without guns: they were removed to form a battery. Seven were installed at the foot of the Orekhovaya and Kirgorf mountains, two - behind the Kiev highway. In 1948, the cruiser was withdrawn from the fleet, and in 1957 became a museum ship.

Since then, the karapas vessel (a cruiser with an armored deck, an arched arch) has been living with memories. For many years, the visit was free. It is believed that the cruiser was under strict guard after the 2011 incident. Then a group of young people, boarding the ship, waved flags and shouted calls for rebellion. The introduction of new rules for excursion services did not become worse. The legend has become even cooler.

where is the cruiser aurora now

Many details are new: time destroys granite castles, brings sand to the city, renders ships unusable. Native components where now? The cruiser Aurora was repeatedly reconstructed. You can hear: the overhaul of the 1980s turned the Nevsky handsome into a remake. The Central Naval Museum became the “home port”.

Under its own power

Another fix was launched in 2014. At the same time, the sum of the costs sounded - eight hundred and forty million rubles. Important conditions were public departure and return. The cruiser left Petrograd embankment on the morning of September 21. Many spectators did not believe their eyes: a tugboat picked up a “museum” and pulled along the Neva - one of the fastest rivers in Europe.

This is not a “monument on a concrete pedestal”, but a real ship! One difference - Aurora could not go on its own. Many Petersburgers during their absence were sad: “Where is the Aurora cruiser now? The miracle of return has come true. On the night of May 16, 2016 he returned to the parking lot on all “sails”. People were perplexed: why such an event was postponed to the late hour?

Perhaps in order not to make three bridges during the day, under which the cruiser was to pass? From Kronstadt to St. Petersburg, the “revolutionary” was escorted by four tugboats, a transport police boat, an EMERCOM boat, and other guards. Oil tankers marching along the Volga gave way.

where is the cruiser aurora now

Without navigator

The night did not become an obstacle for those who came to meet with a renewed past. In addition to bonnets, quadrocopters flew into the sky: the owners wanted to capture an unprecedented event from a bird's eye view, everyone else - to take a picture against the backdrop of a flying miracle. "Aurora" went very fast, it was not easy to do!

One after another, the Annunciation, Palace, Trinity Bridge and, as they say, "who did not have time, he was late!" Only the smoke from the chimney melted in the night sky. Yes! One of the pipes smoked, as in the good old (or rather turbulent) times! They say that many of this historical reconstruction was delighted! To better see the picture, they climbed onto the roofs of cars parked in prohibited and forbidden places.

People deeply dedicated to the topic lamented that they had not installed a navigation system on the ship, allowing them to monitor the movement of ships in real time. They objected: the people already know where the Aurora cruiser will stand. On the Petrograd embankment! It happened at five in the morning.

Be healthy, grandmother of the revolution!

Smoke from the chimney is half the battle. The legend of the revolution on special occasions will fire a salute cannon. So that the modern achievement of technology does not violate the landscape, it will be installed if necessary, and then dismantled. Where the cruiser Aurora now stands, video cameras are installed. With their help, the rule of law is ensured.

cruiser aurora where now

Six halls of the multimedia museum of the Russian fleet will tell you about sailors, Tsushima, the First World War, the revolution of 1917, which turns one hundred years old ... Tourists really like the hologram of a sailor in a cockpit eating a dinner (many people feel with his skin how he praises Coca), and other novelties.

As in every decent museum, there is an exhibition of gifts "Aurora", a participant in the defense of Leningrad, and its crew. A lot of interesting things can be heard about the life of the cruiser after World War II. Now you know where the Aurora cruiser is now. The guides joke about the feeling of authenticity: grandmothers do not become strangers to you after they have inserted a new jaw. Listeners understand and wish the "grandmother" with the name of the dawn of health and prosperity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19695/

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