Vent pipe for newborns - instructions for use

You brought the baby from the hospital and are full of the most joyful hopes and desires - the long-awaited child is finally at home, in your arms! What could be more beautiful? But very soon, young parents "descend from heaven to earth." The baby is crying. Crying often, and itโ€™s not always clear for what reason: maybe he wants to eat or sleep? One type of crying you will definitely learn to distinguish is loud, piercing crying with intestinal colic. This affects 90% of newborns. How to help the baby and ease his discomfort? To help parents - a vent pipe for newborns, instructions for use of which are in this article.

gas vent for infants instruction

Colic in babies can last up to six months, but most practically go away by three months. As soon as the baby learns to roll over and lie on his tummy, colic will pass immediately. Their cause is a digestive disorder, increased gas formation. Due to the constant stay in a horizontal position, excess air cannot come out by itself. Colic itself is gas bubbles that press on the walls of the intestines and stomach of the baby, causing discomfort. To remove them from the intestines of the baby and need a vent pipe for newborns. The instruction for its use is quite simple, and every loving parent will be able to master this device.

Before you start a conversation about how to put a vent pipe to a newborn, let us focus on the symptoms of colic:

  1. The child screams for a long time, his face is red with tension.
  2. Often, children begin to press their legs to their stomach.
  3. Refusal of a breast, nipples - in a word, it is impossible to calm a baby with anything.
  4. The tummy is swollen or tense.

If most of the symptoms described above are present, you can rest assured that this is colic, and only a vent tube for newborns will help. Instructions for its use are described below.

gas pipe for babies Price

Wash your hands, pour boiling water over the tube and let it cool. Cover the table and other flat surface with oilcloth or a sheet (it can be cold on the oilcloth and the baby will cry even more). Undress the child below the waist and lay in front of him on the prepared surface. There should also be dry and wet wipes nearby (some children may have a desire to go to the toilet when using a tube, which happens instantly). A child up to 3-4 months is put on the back, older children - on a barrel with legs pressed. Next, a gas pipe for infants is directly placed. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Lubricate the rounded end with vegetable or baby oil, you can use baby cream.
  2. Carefully insert the end of the tube into the rectum 1.5-2 cm for newborns and 4-5 cm for older children.
  3. If the tube is not inserted, and the muscles of the anus are tense, do not insert the tube, wait, otherwise it may damage delicate skin.
  4. Gases can exit both immediately and within 5-10 minutes.
  5. After exhausting the gases and feces (not always), carefully remove the tube, rinse and boil it for next use.

how to put a gas outlet to a newborn

Do everything slowly and very carefully, especially if your child is a newborn. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, the baby may get an intestinal injury. A gas pipe for newborns, the price of which is from 10 to 50 rubles, is an effective way to rid babies of colic, but still it is unsafe and radical. Before using the tube, try other methods - massage, exercise "bike", a warm diaper on the tummy and products based on simethicone. If these funds did not have the proper effect, use a tube.

It is advisable that young parents learn from a nurse or pediatrician how to install a vent pipe for newborns. The instruction gives only a general idea, and it is better to see this manipulation โ€œliveโ€ once.


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