How to make an enema for a child at home?

Using an enema, fluid is injected through the anus. Although this procedure is rather unpleasant for both adults and children, sometimes you can not do without it.

Often, newborn babies begin to suffer from constipation. In this situation, almost all mothers begin to panic and decide to perform the procedure on their own. However, you should not get carried away with such practice, therefore, before you make the child an enema at home, you should first find out in what situations it is really necessary. If there is no acute need for it, then it is better not to irritate the intestines of the child. Also, do not forget that such manipulations cause stress in the baby.

Baby and enema

In what situations is enema performed?

Most often, this procedure is performed for constipation or when there is a need to empty the baby's intestines (for example, with food poisoning). However, before making an enema at home for a child, experts recommend trying simpler ways to solve the problem. First of all, it is worth massaging the baby’s stomach or giving him a mild laxative.

However, sometimes very young children suffer from intestinal inflammation. In this case, special drug enemas are performed, with the help of which a drug suspension is introduced into the baby's body.

Also, these procedures become the only possible way to deliver the nutrient mixture to the child's body in case of indomitable vomiting. For this, a glucose solution is usually used. However, the baby’s intestines are pre-washed thoroughly with plenty of water.

Baby in the toilet

Regardless of the type of ailment, you need to know how to make an enema for a child and not harm him. This is especially true when it comes to very tiny babies. The body of a 2-3-year-old child can negatively react to such procedures. Therefore, caution should be exercised.

What you need to make an enema for a child 2-3 years old

If the procedure is done to a small child, then in this case it is necessary to use a special rubber syringe - a “pear”. This product comes in different volumes and is selected based on the age of the patient. The syringe tip is made of an elastic material that gently enters the anus without causing injury. In addition, such "pears" do not cause pain.

In addition, before making an enema for a child 2-3 years old, you will need to prepare an oilcloth and a sheet, warm boiled water (about 25-28 degrees), liquid paraffin and a container (a children's pot is also suitable). On hands you need to wear specialized medical gloves (you can buy at any pharmacy).

Also, before making an enema for a child, it is necessary to boil a syringe (at least 30 minutes) in water. After this, the product must be cooled by laying it on a clean, disinfected surface.

At this preparatory stage is completed and you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.

How to make an enema for a child

When everything you need is prepared, you need to cover the baby’s bed with oilcloth and put a clean sheet on top. Anyone who douches should wash their hands thoroughly and dry. After that, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Air is released from the syringe.
  • Water is collected in the “pear” (for a baby at the age of two years, 200-250 ml of liquid will be required, for a three-year-old child a little more - 250-300 ml).
  • The douche tip is lubricated with liquid paraffin (the more the better).
  • The child is laid on his left side, bends his knees and pulls his legs to the abdominal cavity (fetal position).
  • The buttocks of the baby are moved apart with the index and middle fingers of the left hand. This position must be fixed and monitored so that the baby tries not to move.
  • Air is released from the enema. To do this, hold the syringe with the tip up and press it with the right hand so that all remaining oxygen comes out.
  • Without expanding the product, the tip of the syringe is carefully inserted into the anal opening of the child. First, the "pear" must be directed to the navel, and after overcoming the sphincter, keep parallel to the coccyx. Thus, the syringe is injected 4-5 cm into the rectum of the baby.
How to put an enema
  • By slowly pressing the product, water is slowly introduced into the child's body.
  • The tip is taken out (do not open the “pear”).
  • The child is laid on his back. Within 3-5 minutes, it is necessary to squeeze his buttocks to provoke the urge to defecate.

After this, it remains to seat the baby on the pot and wait until the intestines are cleaned of feces. At the final stage, the child needs to be thoroughly washed and bathed.

Also, after you make an enema for a child, it is necessary to dispose of rubber gloves (never reuse it), thoroughly wash your hands and douche in soapy water. Additionally, the "pear" needs to be boiled.

It's important to know

Not in all situations, this procedure can be beneficial. It all depends on the state of health of the child and possible pathologies. In order not to harm the baby, you must always consult a doctor. Especially when it comes to how to make an enema for a child up to a year. The body of the newborn has not yet matured and is not fully formed. If during this period, parents will constantly stimulate the intestines, then this organ can weaken. Subsequently, the child simply will not be able to defecate on its own. Therefore, before the procedure, you need to weigh its need several times.

Little enema

When enemas are contraindicated

There is a list of ailments in which such procedures can do more harm than good. For example, before making an enema for a child, you need to make sure that he does not have intestinal bleeding. It is very difficult to determine it yourself.

In addition, this procedure is contraindicated for any person suffering from cancer of any section of the large or small intestine.

Also in medical practice, there is the concept of "symptom of an acute abdomen." With this pathology, douching should not be performed. Instead, a surgical operation is necessary as soon as possible. It is dangerous to self-medicate in this situation.

In addition, this procedure is contraindicated in adults and children of any age who have recently undergone abdominal surgery.

Speaking about how to make an enema for a child 3-7 years old, it is worth considering the most common options for carrying out the procedure.

For constipation

This problem affects both infants who are not yet two months old, and adolescents aged 14-18 years. Most often, constipation becomes the cause of malnutrition and an incompletely formed gastrointestinal tract. There are also more serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Enema for the baby

It must be borne in mind that a child older than 1 year must go to the toilet at least 1 time in several days. If bowel movement occurs less frequently, the doctor may prescribe a regular enema setting. But it is impossible to carry out the procedure more than twice in 48 hours.

With constipation, douching allows you to normalize the frequency of bowel movements and to establish the work of the digestive tract. When the stool returns to normal, the procedures are stopped.

Cleansing enemas

This type of procedure is considered the most common. It is such enemas that pediatricians most often prescribe for constipation in a child.

It is worth paying attention that douching in this category may differ depending on the age of the baby. For example, if we are talking about a newborn, then the water temperature should be slightly higher - about 27-29 degrees.

If we are talking about a child aged 6 years and older, then in this case you can not use a "pear". You will need to purchase Esmarch's mug, which is a rubber heating pad with a hose on which a soft tip is installed.

Big enema

In addition, it is worthwhile to carefully prepare a cleaning solution. If douching is carried out for newborns, then 25-30 ml of water will be required. When cleaning the intestines of children over 2 months of age, the volume of the solution increases to 40 ml. If the procedure is carried out for two to three month old children - 50 ml. At the age of 1 year to 2 years, about 0.25 liters of water is required. Most of the solution is prepared for adolescents 9-10 years old, since in this case 0.5 liters of water is required for cleaning.

Medicinal enemas

Such procedures can be called specialized, since in this case, douching is performed in order to deliver the medicinal product to the baby's body. As a rule, a drug enema is prescribed if the baby cannot take a pill or a treatment solution on its own. This occurs with vomiting, loss of consciousness, etc.

Small child

In this case, a standard cleansing douching is first performed, and then an enema with a medicinal solution is introduced. In this case, the water temperature should be about 35-37 degrees, and the volume of fluid is calculated based on the age of the baby.

Siphon enemas

This type of douching is performed exclusively in a hospital. Only a doctor can put a siphon enema. This type of douching is prescribed for acute and dangerous diseases requiring immediate treatment.


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