Dragon Age: Origins - secrets and tricks of the passage of the game

In the game Dragon Age: Origins, secrets of various kinds can greatly help in the passage and leveling of your character. Projects in the RPG genre often have hidden secrets that are not so easy to discover even with careful research. To find out the most useful of them, you should read this material.

Events in Ostagar

The first secrets in Dragon Age: Origins can be found already at the first stages of passage, namely after arrival in Ostagar. Here the player is recommended to go to the infirmary, where one of the prisoners will be. He will ask the main character for a favor, and in return he will give the key to the chest that is next to the pacified magician. Inside are useful things. A messenger elf is standing near a kennel and you should definitely talk to him. In the dialogue there will be an option with conviction (deception), which will lead to the fact that the guy will give the protagonist a beautiful sword. At first, this weapon does decent damage. If the main character is a swordsman, then it is better to leave him to himself, otherwise you should equip Alistair with such a sword.

secrets of dragon age origins

Superman and a little trick

If a player does not know how to defeat a squad of stronger opponents in Dragon Age: Origins, and it is simply necessary to go further, then you should use a little trick. To do this, the unit must have a robber and the enemies should not notice the detachment of the main character. The user takes control of a character of this classification, turns on invisibility and sneaks behind unsuspecting enemies. It is necessary to move as far as possible so that the detachment completely disappears from the eyes. Then you can turn off invisibility, and colleagues from the group will suddenly appear behind their backs. This method can sometimes avoid unnecessary hassles. Another interesting secret in Dragon Age (and even a reference) is the conversation between two elderly people who can meet anywhere. They are actively discussing the fact that a child has landed from heaven, and this is a direct allusion to Superman. The player will have useful information about exactly where he fell, or about finding other meteorites. Only there you can get special ore and forge a unique sword.

dragon age

Travels in Orzammar

The secrets in Dragon Age: Origins are worth knowing to players, because they can bring a large amount of gold or useful items. A particularly large number of them are associated with Orzammar - the kingdom of the gnomes. Here, already at the first meeting with Gavorn, a good shield can be stolen from him. Repeat this trick will also succeed in a subsequent conversation in the castle. There is an arena in the city where you can agree to a battle with the best team. The player must conduct about five fights, after which a ring for the blood mage can be obtained as a prize. On the other hand, if the team does not have a character of this specialization, then you can go here only for fun. When going to Orzammar in Dragon Age, you should prepare for all the information about the dwarves. This includes codex pages, statues, notes, books, and more. If you collect the complete collection, you should go to the Council building, but at the entrance turn left. Here, an excellent artifact that will come in handy in future adventures will be given out for works.

secrets of the game dragon age origins

Sword and armor

The secrets of Dragon Age: Origins, which are related to Orzammar, do not end there. In the throne room, a player can get an excellent two-handed sword that will suit a warrior with a certain specialization. First you need to put your two partners on the slabs with pointers under the statue to the right of the throne. Another must go to the entrance to a special square. After that, the player will have the opportunity to interact with the throne. Preliminary should be prepared, because after that you have to fight with a powerful dragon. The prize for victory will be the same two-handed sword. If you want to get good armor, the player should go to the Guardian Fortress only when reaching level 18 and not earlier. This content is from the add-on, which allows you to get useful things, including dragon armor. Only after pumping to this stage in the location will decent ammunition begin to fall. It is noteworthy that the items found depend entirely on the level at which the player decided to clean out the Guardian Fortress.

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Decent money making

In a wonderful masterpiece of the gaming industry Dragon Age: Origins, secrets and tricks will help not only with things, but also with money, if you use your resources correctly. The first way to make decent money opens even with an early visit to Lorraine. A character named Allison will ask you to make traps for him, but you can create them with a robber endlessly. Each time she will accept them, rewarding 50 silver coins and a hundred experience points. Making two dozen calls is worth the effort. A similar technique works in Denerim. The user must go to the Tedas Curiosity store to buy a recipe for strong lirium potion for a decent amount. The team must have a herbalist who can cook it. You can stock up on lirium in the tower of magicians, and take other materials in the tavern. After that, you can create a huge number of bubbles, which are sold by 20 silver coins. Profit will be felt only when investing in the case of about 50 gold coins.

dragon age origins dragon blood secrets

Plot trick and another sword

In Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Blood Secrets, the book is an item that can be given as a gift to Wynn for 10 points of approval. You can also give it to other members of the squad, but the growth in friendship will then be half as much. This information is not so important compared to how to defeat the demon of Idleness in Shadow in the story. This is a strong opponent, which is difficult to fight, but you can simplify a similar task. Initially, in battle, you should take the form of a golem and fight until a third of your health remains. Next, the player must transform into a fiery spirit, and then again into a stone fighter. In this case, health is fully restored. The operation can be done several times until the end. If you collect all the notes in the elven ruins, Orzammar and near the urn with the sacred ashes, then the task "Calling Hexgant" appears. The protagonist must go with his allies to the specified point, where the user will battle, in which the prize will be a solid one-handed sword.

dragon age origins secrets and tricks

Some tips for pumping

Often, players have difficulties with how to pass this or that moment in Dragon Age: Origins. Such problems are often associated with the improper pumping of their associates and even the main character. The developers have created an extensive system of character development, in which you can easily choose at first glance attractive, but in practice useless skills. For example, the last talent in the templar branch works much better in terms of stunning than a knight. A similar situation is with war mages, who at first glance need to pump magical energy and damage. In fact, they just need to be dressed in armor with the maximum level of endurance, and they will be able to bring chaos to any battlefield. A dog, in terms of causing damage, is not the best ally, but on each map it will help in finding a treasure with useful items.

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The latest tricks

Secrets in Dragon Age: Origins should be known in order to navigate storylines well and always make the right decisions. For example, a player can save his son, Howe, and he agrees to thank him. At the same time, you should ask for the highest amount of remuneration, since the father will be grateful in any case and will support the main character at a future council. You can get useful items for yourself and your companions in many ways in this huge world. So, when talking with the elven master Varatorn if you have the proper level of Diplomacy or Cunning, you can easily persuade him to make not only armor, but also a bow. Missions from Master Ignassio are best performed at later levels so that the reward is appropriate. The same applies to the Quest Marjoline, which will give out Leliana. The circle tower is better to go through initially. This will greatly help in pumping the central character, which in the future will greatly help in difficult skirmishes and the battle with the last boss.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19700/

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