Dimensions of built-in ovens. How to choose a built-in closet

The dimensions of the built-in ovens matter, since you have to arrange the equipment in one of the receptions of the furniture system. Such devices may be gas or electric.

Which oven to choose

sizes of built-in ovens

If gas was supplied to the house, then it would be more logical to purchase a gas oven. But recently, the practice is quite widespread when electric ovens are used in apartments with gas supply. The hob is gas. This is due to the fact that electric ovens are characterized by wider functionality, among other things, their operation is safer, because there is no open flame.



By visiting the store, you will realize that the range of electric ovens is much wider than gas. This leads to their wider popularity among buyers. In addition to the reasons listed above, it is worth highlighting one more, which is expressed in the fact that modern housing, as a rule, is built without gas in the kitchens, since this type of fuel is replaced today by electricity.

Dimensions and displacement

built-in ovens reviews

The sizes of the built-in ovens should be selected before you pay attention to other characteristics. After all, if the kitchen has limited dimensions, then it can be very difficult to fit all the household appliances in space. In this case, it is important to save even 15 centimeters of space. Choosing a built-in oven, you will realize that such devices are full-sized, that is, standard, narrow and compact. If we highlight the differences between full-size and compact models, then we are talking about height. In the first case, this parameter can vary from 55 to 60 centimeters. Everything will depend on the model, and in the second case, the figure can vary from 40 to 45 centimeters. If you are interested in the size of the built-in ovens, it is important to take into account the fact that the width of such devices is usually standard and limited to 60 centimeters. You can also find wider units on sale, the mentioned parameter will be equal to 90 centimeters. As mentioned above, narrow ovens are also produced today, their height is 60 centimeters, the depth is 55 centimeters, but the width is equivalent to 45 centimeters. As in the case of compact models, the volume of the working chamber of the oven is smaller compared to the full-size one and ranges from 37 to 45 liters. A full-sized oven has a volume of 55 to 68 liters, specific numbers will be characteristic of a particular model.

Optimal option

built-in oven 45 cm

The more impressive the capacity of the oven, the more food you can cook in it at a time. Among other things, when you choose the dimensions of built-in ovens, you should consider how often you cook bulky products like turkey or lamb legs. If you choose an oven not for frequent use or for a small family, then chasing a model of an impressive volume is not at all worth it. You can purchase a narrow oven, which will save space in the kitchen. As practice shows, this approach allows you to place additional equipment in the room.

How to choose an oven depending on the control system

built-in oven Price

Ovens can have different characteristics, including a specific control system. You can choose a model with electronic or electromechanical control system. The latter is more characteristic of budget models, and simplicity is the main advantage. Most often, on the front panel in this case there are several rotary controllers, some of which are used to set the temperature, but with the help of others you can select the heating mode. If there is a third regulator, then it acts as a timer that controls the operating time of the oven. If you decide to choose equipment with electromechanical control, you should know that such a model will not be able to set a program. However, you can take advantage of several heating modes, here you can include convection or classic. When looking at ovens in a store, you may notice that options with rotary controls can have panels on which elements are recessed into the body. This design makes it easier to clean the panel and eliminates the accidental inclusion of equipment.

How to choose a model by functionality

built-in ovens electrolux

The oven is designed for cooking through heat treatment. In order to bring to readiness most of the dishes, 220-250 degrees will be enough. Ovens differ from each other in the number of heating modes that can be used for faster and more efficient cooking. Built-in ovens, the reviews of which you must read before purchasing goods, can be considered budget options, in which case the equipment will have lower, upper and combined heating. If you want to spend a little more on such a device, then you should choose a multifunctional model that will have convection heating modes, while the device is equipped with a fan installed in the back wall. The operation of this element will contribute to the rapid and uniform distribution of hot air. The built-in oven (45 cm) may have the option of steam processing. However, do not confuse this functionality with a double boiler.

Gas oven functionality

As mentioned above, the functionality of a gas oven is not as wide as an electric appliance. For example, there are no automatic programs, however, such devices can be an excellent assistant in the preparation of various dishes. Gas ovens have recently been equipped with grill and convection. You can find models where a gas grill is installed, which allows you to cook products on the principle of roasting on charcoal. It improves the taste of foods. However, many options are equipped with an electric grill, which is located on top of the working chamber. If you want to save during the operation of the device, then it is best to abandon this option, since it is less economical. This is due to the consumption of electricity, which is more expensive than gas. But such an addition will allow the user to make fine-tuning, during which process automation will be available. Among other things, such a built-in oven, the price of which can be 45,000 rubles, is easier to care for.

Door Oven Selection

Electrolux recessed ovens are quite popular today among consumers. When choosing such devices, it is necessary to consider what design the door has. Consumers are used to the fact that ovens are equipped with classic hinged doors that open toward the user. This option is convenient to use, but has some disadvantages. They are expressed in the fact that an open door can interfere with access to the oven. Among other things, the door in the open state will take up additional space, which will be especially necessary to take into account the owner of the apartment or house when planning the room. It is precisely such advice that designers give.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19701/

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