Classification of heating systems, types and purpose

According to the regulations, those rooms in which people stay for more than 2 hours in a row must be heated without fail. In such buildings, systems are equipped, the main purpose of which is to maintain the optimum temperature in the cold season. There are several types of heating networks.

On what grounds can they be divided

The classification of heating systems can be made according to several criteria:

  • the location of the heating equipment;

  • type of heat carrier used.

Also, such networks can be divided by the type of equipment and design used.

Air heating system

Types of heating systems at the location of the heating unit

In this regard, there are networks:

  • centralized;

  • autonomous.

This classification of heating systems is called “by range”. The first type of network is used to heat a large number of buildings. The heating equipment in this case is located in separate buildings. For example, just such a system is provided for heating apartments in urban high-rise buildings, workshops of enterprises, offices.

In autonomous systems, heating equipment is installed directly in that building, for which it is responsible for creating a comfortable microclimate in the winter. Boilers and other equipment in this case, of course, are used less powerful and expensive.

Classification of heating systems and their types: autonomous networks

Engineering communications of this type are most often used for heating low-rise suburban buildings. Also, they are often equipped in various kinds of outbuildings, garages and bathhouses.

The classification of heating systems for buildings with low floors is primarily based on the type of heating equipment used. In old small suburban residential buildings, stove heating is sometimes provided. But most often in residential private houses nowadays, autonomous trunk networks are still used, for maintaining the desired temperature of the coolant in which the boilers are responsible.

Convection heating systems

Sometimes, electric radiators, heaters or heat guns are also used as heating equipment in private homes. In some cases, combined networks with a boiler and, for example, a stove or fireplace can be equipped in such buildings.

Classification of central heating systems

Networks of this type are divided into:

  • open;

  • closed.

In the first case, the heat carrier for heating buildings is taken directly from the conduit. In closed systems, the water is first heated in the heat exchanger of the CHP.

Types by type of heat carrier used

Most often, the following networks are used to heat residential or industrial premises:

  • water;

  • steam;

  • airborne.

The classification of heating systems in this case is made according to the type of coolant used. In addition to water, steam and air, in buildings sometimes networks can be used, for example, radiation, gas, electric. Stove heating is also called fire-air.

Water heating system

What are water heating systems

Such networks are considered the best option for heating residential buildings. In both private homes and urban high-rise buildings, in the vast majority of cases, it is water heating systems that are installed.

In production facilities such networks are also used quite often. The only thing is that they cannot be mounted in buildings intended for the storage of such chemicals, for example, as:

  • potassium;

  • calcium carbide;

  • sodium:

  • lithium and some others.

That is, such heating networks are not collected where substances that can ignite in contact with water are stored or used in the production process.

Boilers are most often used as heating equipment in systems of this type. Water in networks of this type circulates through pipes, stretched through the premises. The heating radiators installed in rooms or workshops are directly responsible for heating the building.

The main advantage of water systems is that the batteries and pipes in this case do not heat up too much. Therefore, the possibility of burns due to accidental contact with them is excluded. Also on batteries and highways of such networks the dust does not burn and does not sinter.

Two main types of water systems

In residential buildings, in turn, water networks can be used:

  • with natural heat carrier current;

  • with forced current.

In this case, the classification of heating systems is carried out according to the method of moving the coolant through the pipes. In networks of the first type, water from the boiler and back to it moves under the influence of gravity. Such communications use pipes of significant diameter. At the same time, the mains are collected with a slight bias.

In forced-type heating systems, a circulation pump is responsible for the movement of the coolant. Such networks, although they are volatile, are most often equipped in residential, office and industrial buildings. Pipes in such communications usually have a not too large section and do not spoil the appearance of the premises. The advantage of systems with forced circulation of water, compared with gravity, is, among other things, that they can be equipped in buildings of significant area and number of storeys.

Sometimes instead of water in heating systems, antifreeze is used as a coolant - a substance that does not freeze at an ambient temperature below zero. Such networks are mounted in those buildings that are visited by people only from time to time. When using antifreeze as a coolant, when the boiler is turned off in winter, the possibility of defrosting pipes and other system equipment is excluded.

Stove heating

Design Types

In addition, the following networks can be installed in buildings:

  • single tube;

  • two-pipe;

  • collector.

In this case, the classification of water heating systems is carried out according to the type of circuit layout in the premises. In networks of the first type, the coolant is supplied from the boiler and returned to it along one looped line. Radiators in such communications are connected in series. The main disadvantage of this type of system is the uneven heating of the rooms. After all, the last batteries when using such a scheme heat worse than those located closer to the boiler. To compensate for this drawback when installing single-pipe systems, it is necessary to use special control and shutoff valves.

In two-pipe systems, water enters the heating circuit through one pipe, and returns through the other. All radiators in networks of this type are heated to the same temperature. But to mount such systems is more difficult than single-tube. In addition, their assembly is more expensive.

Collector water heating systems are usually mounted in houses above one floor. In this case, the main line from the boiler is first brought to a distribution comb. Further, separate circuits are mounted from such a collector on each radiator and other consumers.

Types of equipment used

The classification of water heating systems, therefore, can be carried out according to various criteria. But the equipment itself in such networks may include different things. In most cases, when arranging heating systems in residential and industrial buildings, boilers are used as the main heating equipment. Such units, in turn, can be steam or water.

By type of fuel used, boilers are divided into:

  • gas;

  • liquid fuel;

  • solid fuel.

Also, electrical units of this type can be installed in buildings.

The design of any water heating system without fail includes an expansion tank. Water at temperature extremes is known to be able to increase in volume. As a result, too much pressure is created in the heating system line, which can lead to equipment damage and pipe rupture.

To compensate for the pressure in water heating systems, expansion tanks are also used. By the type of such equipment, networks of this type are classified into:

  • open;

  • closed.

In the first case, expansion tanks are usually installed at a considerable height from the level of the boiler. They are open devices.

In closed heating systems, hermetic expansion tanks are used. This type of equipment is installed next to the boiler. In both cases, the tanks are most often mounted on the return pipe, that is, on the line along which the already cooled coolant returns to the heating unit.

The classification of circulation pumps for heating systems is approximately as follows:

  • equipment with a "dry" rotor;

  • wet rotor appliances.

The second type of pump is usually used for pumping small volumes of coolant. The main advantage of this equipment is its ease of installation and use.

Pumps with a “dry” rotor are characterized by high efficiency and undemanding to the quality of the coolant. But such equipment is quite noisy.

Classification of devices of heating systems can be made according to their design features. In this regard, the pumps are distinguished:

  • cantilever mounted on the foundation;

  • block, equipped with air-cooled engines;

  • inline, with nozzles located on a single axis.

Radiators in heating systems can be used cast iron, aluminum or bimetal.

What is a steam heating system?

Such systems are similar in principle to water systems. The only thing is that in networks of this type, steam does not circulate along the wiring loop, but steam. The main advantage of such networks is almost one hundred percent efficiency. The disadvantages of steam systems are:

  • the inability to adjust the heating temperature of the radiators;

  • Too hot batteries and pipes;

  • Relatively short equipment life.

Steam networks

The classification of steam heating systems is made according to the indicators of steam pressure in the mains. There are networks of this type:

  • high pressure;

  • low;

  • vacuum steam.

Engineering communications of the first type are used for heating buildings of a large area. Also, such systems are mounted in the event that the coolant has to be supplied over considerable distances. Low pressure systems are installed in small houses. Vacuum networks can be used for autonomous heating of both residential buildings and industrial.

Steam heating system

Types of air networks

Such networks are also sometimes used to heat office, industrial and residential premises. Classification of air heating systems is carried out:

  • by the method of transferring heated air;

  • the principle of work.

In the first case, they distinguish:

  • systems with natural circulation;

  • complemented by fans.

According to the principle of operation, air networks can be:

  • direct-flow;

  • with full recirculation;

  • with partial recirculation.

As the main heating equipment in such networks, heaters are used. In systems with full recirculation, air is routed through the channels into the rooms, and then returned to the air heater. In direct-flow networks, after passing through rooms and returning heat, it is removed to the street. Next, a new portion of air is taken from the outside. In systems with partial recirculation, air coming in from the premises and from the street simultaneously passes through the air heater.

Convector and radiation systems

Classification of heating systems for buildings can be made according to the type of radiators used for heating. Batteries installed directly in the premises are:

  • convection;

  • radiation.

Most often, the first type of radiators is mounted in residential buildings. Such batteries transfer heat to the environment by convection. Touching the surface of this type of radiator, the air heats up and begins to rise up. Giving heat to surrounding objects, air again falls down. Here he is again in contact with the surface of the radiator.

Heating radiators

Radiation batteries work on a different principle. Such devices emit infrared rays into the surrounding space. As a result, heating occurs not of air, but of objects directly located in the zone of action of the radiator.

Greenhouse heating

Classification of greenhouse heating systems can be made according to the following criteria:

  • type of heat carrier used;

  • type of equipment used.

According to the type of coolant, all heating networks used in such structures are divided into:

  • air;

  • water.

By the type of equipment used, they are:

  • gas;

  • electric.

Greenhouse heating systems operate on approximately the same principle as residential building networks.

Types of heating systems

What equipment can be used in greenhouses

The choice of a specific type of heating system for a greenhouse is determined primarily by its size. Water and air networks with boilers, for example, are installed, of course, only in a significant area of ​​production facilities of this type.

Small private greenhouses are most often heated by electric or gas heaters.

In this case, in the first case, both convector type and infrared devices can be used. The second type of heaters for such structures is considered more preferable. Infrared radiation has the same nature as sunlight.

Sometimes in the greenhouses that are equipped on suburban areas, fire-air heating equipment can also be installed - that is, small stoves. In this case, heating is done either using firewood or coal.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the networks responsible for heating buildings are subdivided, according to such criteria as the type of equipment used, the methods of wiring the circuit, the type of coolant, and the purpose. The classification of heating systems is worth noting, including the owners of suburban residential buildings. If necessary, this will help to choose the most optimal network option for your home.


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