How to fold napkins into a glass beautifully: photo, instruction

When preparing a festive table, spectacularly folded napkins play an important role in aesthetic serving. It can be both paper products, and more expensive - fabric. Napkins, matched to the tone of the tablecloth or one of the colors, look beautiful. The contrasting serving also looks interesting.

There are a few simple rules that you must follow to put napkins on the table:

  • for a regular dinner, you can use paper products in the circle of close friends, but for festive feasts, buy large square fabric, for example, linen or cotton;
  • Before making the “origami napkin”, slightly starch the fabric;
  • if the material does not iron well, use a steamer or lightly spray it with water;
  • when folding the fabric into a variety of shapes, try to touch it minimally, with clean hands, because the napkins at the table, first of all, have a hygienic function.

The article discusses how to beautifully fold napkins into a glass with photos that show a detailed diagram or finished work. Stacking can be done in various containers - glasses, wide bowls or cups, if a sweet table is set. In dishes, napkins retain their shape and look more neat.


This option is suitable for a family dinner or a company of close friends. How beautifully to fold paper napkins into a glass is clearly seen in the photo below. Choose a large cup or bowl with high edges. It is advisable to buy dense and high-quality napkins. On the table surface, unfold one half of the four items folded when you purchase.

how to put napkins in a glass

Lay a lot of napkins on top of one another so that the folds of all paper products are aligned in the center of the stack. Then carefully place in the selected container and place in the middle of the table. If the celebration is designed for many people, then you can put napkins in two bowls. It is better to put on the table left and right, so that it would be more convenient for guests to reach out and take them. Also, napkins are laid in this way if a buffet table is set up or a children's party is held.


This craft is built from large squares. The desired size is 40 x 40 cm or 50 x 50 cm. Each piece of fabric needs to be slightly starched and ironed. Then, without turning off the iron, fold the matter with an “accordion” and immediately iron each fold carefully with a hot iron. Before you fold nicely the napkins into a glass, you need to bend the accordion in half and fix the lower part with an elastic band or a ribbon.

napkin fan

If the container is narrow, then you can immediately insert the prepared fabric with the fold down. The upper part of the napkin will unfold with a fan. If the glass is wide, then the lower part, where the fabric fold is located, is additionally twisted with a tube, making several turns. With this placement of the napkin in a glass or glass, the corrugated fabric can lie on one side.


The following shows how to fold napkins nicely into a flower-shaped glass with rounded edges and a sharp tip in the center. During washing, the fabric does not need to be too starched, since the fabric with such folding should flow beautifully in waves. A napkin is not suitable entirely from natural thread, but with the addition of a small amount of synthetics.

the first step in folding a napkin

First, a square of fabric is laid out on the surface of the table with one of the corners to the master. The far corner falls to the nearest to you, while the fold of the napkin is obtained from the top of the triangle. The next step in folding the flower is to raise the bottom corner up, as in the photo above in the article. Before you put the napkins in a glass, grab the blank by the central part and create some soft folds, crushing the fabric in your hands on both sides.

fabric napkin flower

Then gently lower the craft into the glass and straighten the side corners of the fabric triangle. The napkin should look like in the photo.

"Rose" in a glass

The diagram below shows frame-by-frame how to fold napkins into a glass beautifully. Products for work, choose soft, non-starched, as the crafts will have to be coiled. The color should match the natural colors of roses in nature. Red or lavender curls will look beautiful.

how to make a rose from a napkin

Free the even surface of the table and place a square of fabric in front of you. Fold the opposite corners on top of each other to make a right triangle. Then, starting from a right angle, twist the fabric "sausage", but not too tight.

The resulting tube is additionally folded with a “rose”. It will look more natural if the lower part is folded in a spiral, and the upper edges of the fabric are slightly expanded outward, like flower petals. Try to make the craft occupy the entire glass.

Other rose options

There are several options for how to beautifully fold napkins into a glass with a rose. The flower itself is made according to the scheme described above, but the satin ribbon of green color, which flows in waves from the glass along its wall, can serve as spectacular additions.

rose variant of two napkins

The craft made of two napkins of contrasting color looks spectacular. The flower itself is twisted from one fabric, and the other performs the function of leaves. First, they lay a green napkin folded as follows: make a triangle, and then perform two more folds in half. It turns out a narrow strip of fabric with sharp corners, which is inserted into the glass with the central part and pressed down by hand. The sharp ends look out, and the rest of the fabric is in the container. Then the flower made is inserted neatly.

By the way, it is not necessary to use a green napkin to create “leaves”. Serving looks great in a combination of gray with red or white with pink.

"Bunny" in a low glass

To create such a figure, take a tissue napkin made of natural fabric, starch it when washing. It is desirable that the material was monophonic, without a pattern. Such "bunnies" can be placed in a low wide glass, and simply on a plate. The diagram below on the photo clearly shows how to fold the napkins into a glass, so you should not spend your attention on additional explanations.

bunny from a napkin

Perform actions according to the numbers on the diagram. Take large squares of fabric, as you will have to do a lot of folds. Such figures will look spectacular at a children's party, you can even serve the table with crafts of different colors.


This is one of the easiest napkin crafts. For laying the finished work, prepare the same tall glasses. The fabric should be starched, otherwise thin sticks of “candles” will fall on their sides and look rather deplorable. Doing work is quick and easy. The napkin is laid out on the surface of the table and rolled up with a tight tube. Then they bend in half and put the double part on the bottom of the glass. You can make asymmetry by creating a fold not exactly in the center, but with a slight shift to the side.

How to roll napkins into a glass

The next folding method looks original due to the numerous sharp corners that rise above the glass. It is advisable to slightly starch the fabric before work. Two thin napkins are laid one on top of the other and folded with triangles hypotenuses down.

beautiful serving

The side corners are wrapped several times in turns towards each other, until they meet in the center. Then the lumps are inserted into a glass or a tall glass, and the upper corners with their hands are beautifully straightened - two in one direction, and two in the opposite direction.


Lay out the fabric or paper in a triangle so that the fold is at the bottom. Then connect the corners together in a central vertical line. It turns out a rhombus, the lower corner of which needs to be raised up, but not to the end, but, without reaching a couple of sentiments to the top.

napkin horn

Fold this small part of the craft twice inward and, bending the entire napkin with a tube, insert the edges into the formed pocket. Turn the part upside down, and lower the even part into the glass. Upper corners beautifully spread your hands.

The article tells how to fold napkins into a glass in different ways beautifully. Try, study and delight your guests with spectacular serving!


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