The development of the child in a year and 4 months: important points, mental activity, growth and weight

The development of the child in a year and 4 months is happening rapidly. This is a difficult age, in which the baby becomes more inquisitive, agile and sociable. Of course, the child wants to know the world around him, run, jump, say that it’s not always good. Therefore, if parents will pay the baby as much attention as possible, together they will achieve great success.

Physiological development of the child per year and 4 months

The physiology of each baby is different. There are no certain parameters, although I would like to find them somewhere. As a rule, doctors focus on the physiological development of the child in a year and 4 months like this:

  1. Growth in girls is about 78-79 cm, and in boys 79-80. Of course, the growth of the child at birth and genetic characteristics play an important role here.
  2. But boys usually have more weight than girls. Varies from 10 to 12 kg. It is considered optimal, but it can be either less or more. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a girl or a boy. At 1 year and 4 months, the development in children is completely the same, regardless of gender.
  3. The circumference of the head varies from 45 to 49 cm, and the chest about 47-53 cm. By this age, many children already have about 8-10 teeth. But it doesn’t matter if there are fewer of them. But in 1 year and 4 months the first upper fangs erupt. In this case, there may be: fever, pain, sleep disturbance, refusal to eat, excessive salivation.
  4. Do not forget, each child is individual. Therefore, if your baby has a different weight, height, number of teeth, do not worry. Soon he will catch up with his.
Child development at 1 year and 4 months


The development of a child in a year and 4 months is a complex process that all parents go through. Kids are too mobile and energetic, they get tired much faster than with an older age.

The child already knows how to:

  1. Get up on your own.
  2. Confidently hold a spoon.
  3. Drink from a cup.
  4. Do exercises, though unstable.
  5. Emotionally reacts to different situations (cries, screams, rejoices).
  6. Speak from 2 to 10 words.
  7. Play independently with toys.
  8. Move around without the support of objects and adults.
  9. Learn to ask for a pot.

Do not forget, at this age, the baby explores the world and absolutely pulls everything in his mouth.

Development per year and 4 months

Therefore, watch him closely on the street. After all, he can try something that you definitely will not like.

Daily regime

The child has already developed its own specific regimen of the day. After all, soon to kindergarten, where you have to go fully prepared. So, everyone has his own daily regimen, but often small children wake up at about 6-7 in the morning. However, they do not mind going to bed again at 10-11 hours. Morning sleep is short - 1.5-2 hours.

Daily routine

After that, the baby will again be cheerful, cheerful and playful. This will continue until approximately 15:00. By this time, the child walks up and again falls asleep for 2 hours. After that, he can stay awake until the evening's sleep.

Some children at this age go on a one-day nap. In this case, they can sleep for a long time - from 12:00 to 16:00.

In addition, if you want to send the baby to kindergarten, it is advisable to teach him to exercise in the morning. Then he quickly adapts to a new life.


As a rule, as early as 1 year, the baby should sit while eating independently. To do this, you can purchase a special chair. During meals, the child learns the rules of etiquette in adults. However, the child must not eat the junk food that parents are used to eating. For example, spicy, fatty, fried. Best suited:

  • steam cutlets;
  • cereals;
  • chicken without frying;
  • casserole;
  • egg;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable stew;
  • boiled fish;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • berries;
  • natural product juices, etc.

Try not to give your baby chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked sausage, cakes until the age of three. All these products are considered harmful to the child's body.

Baby food

If the baby sleeps two more times a day, you need to leave 5 meals a day. For example, in the morning and evening, a mixture or breast milk, and during the day the child needs a complete meal. At the same time, do not forget to overfeed in no case. If the baby refused to eat, then he is full, and you should not force him. Even if it seems that the child ate very little.


It is worth noting that from a year old you can pay less attention to bathing your baby. After all, he goes to the toilet much less than before. However, care is still necessary for every person. In the morning, mandatory brushing and mouth rinsing. It is not necessary to use toothpaste. Then you need to do a little gymnastics with your mother to stretch after a night's sleep.

Baby care

Some parents forget about hardening. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wash your child in cold water. For example, after sleep, you can put the baby immediately on a wet massage mat, where you need to take a few confident steps.

Walking in the fresh air has not been canceled. The main thing is to always remember that walking with a child is necessary every day, regardless of the weather. When the street is sunny and warm, you can pay attention to a walk from 3 to 5 hours a day. In non-flying weather, one hour is enough.

Parents need to focus on the dirty hands and clothes of the child. It is at this age that cleanliness appears. As a child gets used to it from childhood, it will be so in the future.


The development of a child in a year and 4 months depends on the games in which he plays. Since children like to imitate adults, it is advisable to purchase toys in the form of a washing machine, a broom, a vacuum cleaner, dishes, and more. You will see with what zeal your child will help you. For example, he launches his socks, sweeps in the room, and wash the dishes. Of course, quite often children interfere more than help. Therefore, it is important not to push the child away, but rather to thank. When your baby is 7, 8, 9 years old, you will be proud that you brought up such a wonderful helper.

In addition to toys for help, developmental items are also needed that help to cope with the baby's fine motor skills. To do this, you need to add various figures from a large mosaic in a year and 4 months. You can also make yourself an interesting lacing game. Just cut holes in the cardboard and let the child stretch a rope or cord through them. This is a long and exciting game.

Games with a child

If the child is with his mother in the kitchen, then you can just give unnecessary lids, pans and spoons. The child is fond of such a game for several hours. But will Mom's head stand the noise? You can check.

Do you have a creative child? There is nothing better than finger paints. The kid will draw simple patterns for a long time, and you will relax in silence.

There are many more educational toys for this age. For example, pyramids, easter eggs, constructors, nesting dolls, labyrinths, sorters, modeling dough, kinetic sand and much more. Children are happy to learn everything new. But in this way personal development takes place. At 1 year and 4 months, the baby should not be overloaded, toys and game activities should be age appropriate.

Speech and communication

Of course, the baby was not born talking. He needs to be taught everything. Including communicate. That is why you need to talk a lot with children. When you go out with your baby, pay attention to everything you see: flowers, trees, animals, puddles, the sky, the sun, leaves, bushes, swings, hemp, grass, shops, insects. We think that we are not doing anything, but in fact we are helping the baby learn the world by realizing its development. In a year and 4 months, many children remember and recite verses well. It also favorably affects their speech apparatus.

Communication with the child

In addition to communication, read books to your baby, which, in turn, develops baby. Children do not always understand what is written, but they catch some meaning. It is from this that their imagination begins to form. Kids begin to believe in miracles, which is very important for their formation.

Child development at 1 year and 4 months: Komarovsky advises

This doctor has long been a favorite of all mothers. He claims that a surprising age comes in a year in which the baby's tastes, behavior, attitude towards others change. Parents need to learn to understand their baby. After all, an important period in his life has come for him. For example, children love to explore everything. They stick out books from all the shelves, shake the table, turn the dishes over. As a rule, such children behave quietly only during sleep. Dr. Komarovsky says this is normal. Don't be nervous because of the mess. Better enjoy your baby’s life. If he explores everything, then he feels great. This is wonderful.

The doctor advises in advance to prevent accidents. To do this, you need to clean the room where the baby is, high chairs and tables, stitching and cutting objects. If the child is in the kitchen, do not turn on the oven. In no case do not leave pots and pans with hot on the table. Be sure, as soon as you turn your back, the baby will quickly pull everything over.

Remove from the field of view all harmful substances in the form of tablets, a thermometer, poison for insects. The child is attracted to the bright boxes and packaging.

Help the baby get used to the terrible sounds for him. It can be: a working vacuum cleaner, a dog barking, the sound of an airplane, the cry of adults. Try not to scare the baby. If he is afraid of a vacuum cleaner, try not to turn it on. Or try to show your baby how the technique works. Let the child try to turn the vacuum cleaner on and off. Most likely, they will stop being afraid of this incomprehensible sound. Afraid of barking dogs? Avoid talking to these animals. Over time, the baby will get used to them.

To avoid many unpleasant cases, it is better to purchase the playpen in advance. After all, you still can’t take everything out of the room, but situations can be different. When adults leave the room, they can put their restless baby in the playpen with toys. At least 5 minutes, but the problem is solved.

Komarovsky talks a lot about the development of a child at 1 year and 4 months. The tips are really sensible, and it is advisable to listen to them if you want to see a healthy, energetic and cheerful baby in front of you.


The article is written for educational purposes. I would like to note that the development of the baby at 1 year and 4 months depends not only on the parents, but also on the physical characteristics of the crumbs. As already mentioned, all children are individual. In one child, the first tooth will appear at 4 months old, in another - at 9. Therefore, do not be nervous if your baby does not develop as it is written on the Internet. Do not worry. Everything has its time. The main thing is to pay due attention to the child. And very soon he will delight you with his new amazing achievements.


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