Lining in the bath how to handle? Professional Tips

If you decide to use the lining in the bathhouse as a finishing material, how to process this material, you must know before the start of work. Any wood is subjected to the destructive effects of insects and moisture, it undergoes temperature changes, therefore, needs to be protected. Some experts believe that it is necessary to solve this issue differentially, which involves processing the material not in all rooms, but only in separate areas where conditions are not so extreme. The main means for protecting wood are:

  • varnishes;
  • impregnation;
  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants.

In practice, drying oil and linseed oil are most often used today, the last of which prevent putrefactive formations. You can additionally resort to surface treatment with antiseptic agents, which, after drying, are coated with ship varnish.

Steam room protection

lining in the bath than to process

Many owners of country houses use lining in the bathhouse as wall decoration. What to process its surface after completion of the work, you have to think in any case. If you carry out these works, then you can extend the operational life of wood and give its structure resistance to destructive influences. You should abandon the option of using ordinary varnish, as it is afraid of exposure to high temperatures and exudes an unpleasant odor during application, as well as when changing indoor conditions. But you can use imported products, among which, for example, Supi Saunasoja.

This protective acrylic varnish is used to treat the surface of wood in the steam room, as well as lining, which is installed in rooms with high humidity. If desired, you can choose a tinted or colorless composition. The main advantages of this product is the formation of a water-repellent and dirt-repellent surface after drying of the layer, which will retain its qualities even when exposed to a temperature of 120 ยฐ C. Among other things, among its ingredients are components that prevent the occurrence of mold on the treated surface. This varnish is universal, as it can be used on wooden and concrete surfaces. However, there is one drawback, which is expressed in the inability to use "Soup Saunusoy" as a coating for the ceilings in the bath.

Features of the preparation of lining before application

how to process the lining in the bath

Having installed the lining in the bathhouse, how to process it, you must certainly decide, as this will protect the material and extend its use. Before applying the above composition, the surface is dried, the humidity should not be more than 75%. It is important to create suitable conditions - the temperature in the room should not be lower than 5 ยฐ C. The walls should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then moisten a little, waiting until they dry. If delaminated fibers appear in some areas, they should be sanded.

Professional Tips for Protecting Acrylic Varnish

how to process the lining in the bath in the steam room

If you are thinking about how to process the lining inside the bath, you can pay attention to Supi Saunasoja, which is applied in two layers. It is advisable to ventilate the room. The first layer is diluted with water up to 20%, when it comes to tinted composition. If you have acquired a colorless mixture, then dilution is not necessary. The second layer is applied without interruption, several boards should be processed at once, this will eliminate the difference in color. In order to find out what color the lining will have after drying, you need to make a trial coloring of a separate board. You can begin to care for the lining after a month, when the wood is completely saturated with a protective agent.

Using Interier Sauna Antiseptics

how to process the lining inside the bath

If you have a question about how to process the lining in the steam room of the bath, then you can purchase Interier Sauna, which is manufactured by Belinka. This antiseptic is colorless and is made on the basis of water, as well as acrylic resin. It is intended for the processing of wooden elements of the premises, the conditions of which are characterized by high humidity. Apply this composition to the ceilings is unacceptable. Do not start work if the room temperature has dropped below 10 ยฐ, otherwise the surface may turn yellow.

Guidelines for processing lining

Do I need to handle the lining in the bath

The surface is cleaned of dirt and wood chips before starting work, after which the composition is mixed and applied in two layers with a roller or brush. The minimum humidity indicator is 65%, while 20 ยฐ C acts as the optimum temperature. The second layer is applied after the previous one has dried, which will happen in about 3 hours.

If, in thinking about how to process the lining inside the bath, you have chosen the antiseptic described above, then its use should not be accompanied by the use of rust-prone tools, otherwise rust may appear on the surface over time. After applying the first coat, after about an hour, it is necessary to sand the surface using a fine-grained skin. This should have a positive effect on the final result. The described antiseptic is excellent for processing lining in the dressing room.

Russian products for lining in the bath

the better to process the lining in the bath

If you wish to preserve the original structure and color of the wood, then you can use the Aqualak Eurotex Sauna. This is a colorless varnish that is made on the basis of water and wax. It is suitable for all types of ceilings, floors and walls. After completion of the work process and complete drying of the mixture, wood paint can be applied, the color of which will remain unchanged. The treated surface will not absorb moisture, which will positively affect the life of the product. Among other things, the composition has an antiseptic that eliminates the occurrence of mold and fungus, as well as other microorganisms. You can be sure that the product is safe and environmentally friendly, it is not combustible and over time will not emit toxic fumes.

Features of scuba diving

how to process the lining in the steam room

If you still cannot decide how to process the lining in the bath, then perhaps you should prefer scuba diving, which is applied to the dried and cleaned surface. If there is a protective varnish on the base, then the wood is polished to prevent contact of the funds with each other. After preparation, you can apply the first coat with a roller or brush, while the next one is applied after 40 minutes. When the time between the layers increases, the surface after an hour involves the use of another technology for applying the composition, which should be rubbed into the wood. You can start operating the room after three days, after having pre-heated the bath. Reprocessing may only be necessary after 4 years.

Alternative protection options

Using the lining in the bathhouse as a cladding, than to process it, you must decide for sure. As a comprehensive protection, you can use tools that have the names "Terma" and Prime. They will provide fire protection, give the walls antiseptic characteristics, and resist corrosion processes, as well as moisture accumulation in the structure. Sometimes it happens that the owners of country houses think about how to process the lining in the bathhouse in the steam room when the wood is already infected. In this case, you can apply funds under the brand name "Nortex". They are presented for sale in the form of "Bleach" and "Doctors for wood." For several years, you can store a convenient container with a screw cap until re-processing is necessary.

Specialist advice

Do not paint the lining in the bath, as in a damp room the paint will exclude the ability of the wood to breathe, this will adversely affect the life of the material. If you decide to use scuba gear, then applying it to a damp surface is excluded. The walls are pre-dried, only after you can start work. It should be guided by the manufacturer's recommendations, where you can find information on the permissible temperature and humidity range during work.

When the question arises of how best to process the lining in the bath, some try to apply an antiseptic to the coating of varnish or paint. You canโ€™t do this, the processing to remove old coatings is initially carried out.


If you think about the question of whether to process the lining in the bath, it is worth listening to the opinion of experts, some of them adhere to the rule that processing the lining in the bath should not be done. However, this will complicate surface care. After each procedure, the room will need to be ventilated and dried, as well as to clean the dirt that has appeared. If you notice that a fungus has appeared on the lining, the affected area must be treated using alternative methods. Suitable for this, for example, copper sulfate.


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