How to grow up in "Sims 4" and have a great holiday?

The Sims 4 game is another continuation of the beloved simulator for PC and MacOS, which will no longer require a permanent Internet connection from the user. This part will allow you to further individualize the virtual world and its characters with the help of new tools, and later you can share your creations with your friends and other fans of the game. After downloading "Sims 4" with all the additions, you can fully test all the innovations that the developers have prepared for us.

Having created the character in "Sims 4", the player has to go through all his life stages. But in order not to waste a few hours in order to wait for his growing up, you can use the methods to accelerate the transition of the sim to a new age group.

In this article, we will consider all the questions about how to grow up in Sims 4.

Character Growing Up

how to grow up in sims 4

Growing up is one of the key moments in your character's life. In such a period, additional character traits are added to the sim. Birthday is the main holiday in his life, which the user can celebrate in any of the appropriate ways.

You yourself can choose how to grow up in the โ€œSims 4โ€ game character. You can stop at an ordinary home celebration or arrange a celebration outside the house by inviting guests there. The main task is to get a cake for the holiday, otherwise your sim will be sad because everyone forgot about his important holiday.

How will we celebrate?

For virtual characters suffering from social phobia, holidays in the family circle are more suitable. For others, you can call many guests and move from home to the park or beach to celebrate a birthday.

Birthday in the family circle

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Celebrating a birthday at home, only with your family, you can save your budget from unnecessary expenses. Cake for celebration can be either purchased in the game store or made independently. Then candles are placed on it, and when the character is ready, he will be able to blow them out, thereby moving on to a new stage of life.

Growing up on a large scale

create a character in sims 4

For a large party, where a lot of friends and acquaintances of your character will concentrate, you need to take care of food and entertainment for all guests. It will not be enough just one cake. In order to organize any event, including a birthday, the main character needs to use his mobile phone.

Next, let's move on to the list of what a player must do to organize a successful event:

  • First of all, you must take care of hiring a steward of your birthday, who will also be a cook. Such a position can be occupied not only by an ordinary acquaintance of your sim, but also some of his relatives who have good cooking skills
  • The next step is to hire a bartender and musician. They are not so important, but they will help to slightly raise the celebration in the eyes of your guests.

After you have taken care of the entertainment and food for the guests, you can move on to the question of how to grow up in Sims 4. Also during the celebration, it is necessary to remember the tasks that are exclusively in each event, whether it is a wedding or a birthday. Each celebration takes place no more than 6 hours. During this time, you must complete all the tasks to make the holiday more successful.

It is worth remembering that for the successful work of the cook, bartender and musician, you must have all the equipment they need. No need to buy expensive tools at all. The cheapest bar and violin will be enough. If Sims 4 is installed with all the add-ons, then you may have additional items for a successful birthday celebration.

Spending a budget on hiring paid staff is not at all necessary. If your friends or family have the necessary skills to work as a bartender or musician, then you can use their services.

Invite the maximum possible number of people who are the main participants of the event after the birthday party to the holiday. The more people you invite, the more fun your birthday will be.

To organize the holiday, you must invite at least two guests, and their maximum number is 15. It is worth considering that this number also includes direct relatives of the character. There will be no difference in how to grow up in โ€œSims 4โ€ for a baby or an adult. In any case, you should buy a cake and call guests.

For a more successful birthday celebration, you should buy a music center, as you may encounter such a task as โ€œdancingโ€. It is worth highlighting the importance of completing tasks, because without their completion your holiday will not be so good and guests will leave it in a bad mood.

Growing Outside the Home

how to grow up baby in sims 4

The game allows you to celebrate a birthday in any of the suitable public places. The requirements for such events are the same as in the case of a home celebration.

Before the holiday, you will need to equip the place with the most necessary items - a bar and a music center.


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