Proper tree grafting. Ways and Tips

So that the plant brings a high-quality and good harvest, gardeners plant it. This allows agronomists not only to improve the crop, its quality, but also to develop new crops. Tree grafting is a complex and painstaking process that requires knowledge, skills and abilities. Let us consider in more detail how plant grafting occurs.

What is a gardening vaccine?

Speaking in an unscientific language, grafting is a way of artificially propagating plants. For this, a part of the cuttings of one plant is taken, which is subsequently combined by merging with another culture. A new (spliced) plant after vaccination has a scion (grafted part) and a stock (part that is grafted on). The result is a single plant, the connected parts of which, developing, affect the development and growth of each other.

Tree grafting is also used in cases when their branches are damaged, or if the tree has ceased to bear fruit.

When can I get vaccinated?

More often, trees are grafted in April until the sap flow begins, and the bark still tightly wraps around the trunk. If necessary, a re-graft may be given in May. It is also allowed to vaccinate fruit plants in June. Tree grafting is carried out in several stages. This is the harvesting of the handle, its storage, subsequent vaccination and further care.

What are the vaccination methods?

Gardeners use two main methods of vaccination. It should be noted that the professionalism of the gardener and his knowledge determine how successful the grafting of fruit trees will be. The best ways to do this are not enough. It is important to be able to put their rules into practice. Consider some of the most common ways.

Before starting vaccination, you need to prepare a stalk. It is taken only from a healthy plant, which has already given a good harvest. When choosing a stalk, you need to pay attention to his age. For vaccination, only annual twigs are suitable. The best and most common methods are budding, copulation.

The essence of cultivation

Budding is a kidney vaccination. This method is most suitable for fruit trees such as pears, apple trees, apricots, cherries, plums, cherries. They carry out budding during the period of sap flow. Work begins approximately 40 days before the planned vaccination date. It all starts with the preparation of the stock. It must be spudded and cleaned of weeds. In the dry season, the root system must be plentifully filled with water. Requires to choose a place on the stock for budding. It should be smooth and even. In a selected dry area, a T-shaped incision is made, after which a shield with a kidney is inserted very quickly. The place of vaccination immediately after the connection must be wrapped with a film. This contributes to rapid healing and engraftment.

Copying is a reliable way for a beginner gardener

If it is right to make budding only a professional can do, then an amateur gardener can also do it. The essence of the method is very simple.

Copulation is grafting with the help of a handle. It is carried out before the sap flow begins, namely - in the early spring. Gardeners especially liked the method of vaccination "for the bark." The point is simple. The bark of the tree is neatly separated, and a cuttings are installed on the rootstock in this place of the cut. The junction is also tied with a film.

Copying is done not only โ€œinto the barkโ€, but also โ€œinto a splitโ€, โ€œinto a buttโ€.

Basic rules for tree grafting

For tree grafting to succeed, you should adhere to some rules. First, you need to properly prepare the cuttings and learn how to store them. Secondly, for each individual tree, the vaccination period is assigned individually. Thirdly, all cuts and cuts are made with a sharp, thin, dry and clean knife. Fourth, vaccination sites should be wrapped with film as soon as possible.

Of course, in theory, everything seems simple and fast. However, tree grafting is a complex process and requires special knowledge and practical skills.


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