How to play FCM 50 t in World of Tanks?

Experienced fighters in World of Tanks know that a premium tank is a machine that does not need to be pumped at all, you do not need to install more powerful equipment on it, and so on. In addition, these are the tanks that most often cannot be obtained by standard methods, and you can buy them only for gold - or receive them as prizes in certain events. Each such tank is a real work of art, and in this article we will talk about the FCM 50 t model. This is an eighth-level French heavy tank that definitely deserves special attention. Naturally, it is not without certain drawbacks, but if you play well and can choose the right tactics of warfare, then you will have an incredibly powerful weapon to destroy enemy tanks in your hands. So, what is the FCM 50 t tank, and how is it recommended to play it in order to achieve maximum efficiency?


fcm 50 t

As mentioned above, the FCM 50 t is a premium tank, so you do not need to worry about buying a new turret, installing a more powerful gun on it. After all, premium tanks are delivered to the player in a ready-made optimal set, so it remains only to consider the technical characteristics in order to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of this model. The start, of course, is from the tower, which for a heavy tank does not differ much in impressive armor. Of course, frontal armor of 120 millimeters is a good option, but its rate drops by half if you move to the rear, and with not very high agility of heavy equipment this is not very good. At the same time, the tower rotates itself quite slowly - only 36 degrees per second. But the situation is saved by a very high-quality overview for this class - its range is as much as 400 meters, so when you install the necessary elements and activate the corresponding perks, you can achieve an excellent result. Of course, the tower is important, but even more important is the fact that the FCM 50 t tank is armed. What is attached to the tower of this model?


fcm 50 t reviews

What weapon is the FCM 50 t equipped with? Reviews about him are not always the most positive, and now you can easily understand why. The fact is that the penetration of this tank is pretty good - up to 260 millimeters. But at the same time, one-time damage is extremely low for a tank that belongs to the heavy class. Most often, you will be able to inflict a total of 240 points of damage, with the exception of the rare cases when this indicator, when properly hit, increases to 320 points. The rate of fire of this gun is eight rounds per minute, which is an excellent indicator and partially neutralizes the lack of low damage. The dispersion and reduction of this model is extremely good, so you can conduct aimed and fast fire, the only drawback of which may not be the most satisfactory damage done in the process. However, the shells for this tank are cheap, the ammunition is impressive, so you can arrange at least a machine gun queue if this helps you achieve the result on the FCM 50 t tank. Reviews about him are most often positive, and if they are negative, they almost always come from those gamers who have not learned how to handle a particular model. Indeed, in capable hands, it can turn out to be a very serious tool.


tank fcm 50 t

The heavy tank FCM 50 t is able to surprise you with the fact that its speed can reach more than fifty kilometers per hour. For a heavy vehicle this is an impressive result, however, unfortunately, it is achieved not only by the fact that the tank engine has a thousand horsepower, but also by the fact that it carries a much less thin layer of armor than we would like. Moreover, such a powerful engine comes with a slight defect - the probability of a fire in the car is much higher than in most models, but this is a risk that can be taken, especially if you make sure that the car crew could cope quickly and effectively with fire. Thus, if you are considering the likelihood of buying an FCM 50 t (is it worth taking, is it better to replace it with a more reliable model), then you better pay attention to the advantages that other models do not have, than the disadvantages that can be easily eliminated with the right approach.


fcm 50 t is it worth taking

As with any other vehicle, the FCM 50 t’s review will be incomplete without consideration of the chassis, which is much more impressive than a tower or hull. The fact is that it allows him to have a total weight of almost sixty tons - it is precisely because of this that you can load as many shells as you like, and you will definitely have enough for the whole battle. Note that the turning speed is as much as forty degrees per second, which makes this tank much more maneuverable than most heavy vehicles. So you will definitely not be disappointed with how he behaves on the go, how he can deftly maneuver, despite his heavy class. Therefore, if you can’t choose which option suits you best, FCM 50 t or AMX CDC, then it’s definitely worth thinking about purchasing the first tank, as it has every opportunity to become one of the best in your hands.

Radio station

fcm 50 t review

As for the radio station, there is not much to say. You will immediately receive a powerful radio communication of 750 meters, which guarantees you free communication and receive information from faster and more flexible light scouts. So in matters of radio, even if you have a choice: IS 6 or FCM 50 t, you should stop at the last option. At first glance, this may seem like a very rash decision, given the glory of the IS 6, but you will quickly realize how good the tank considered in this review is. Well, all the details have been studied, it's time to move on to the most interesting part - how to play FCM 50 t?

Battle efficiency

fcm 50 t or amx cdc

The first thing you need to understand about this tank is that it is not a full-fledged heavy model, although officially it belongs to this class. Of course, he has a health reserve of a heavy tank, but his armor is much thinner and his speed is much higher than that of an average heavy model. This is what you need to use in battle. You should not try to ensure that you are accompanied by lighter tanks - you will be much more effective if you yourself are accompanied by medium-sized vehicles. But at the same time you have a gun that has a much more impressive penetration, and solid ammunition allows you to conduct long and uninterrupted fire on any opponent.


is 6 or fcm 50 t

Since you already managed to understand that this tank cannot be fully classified as heavy, you should immediately understand that it will not be possible to rank it as medium. Of course, its speed and maneuverability is much higher than that of heavy tanks, but a very slow turret and far from the best turning speed of the vehicle itself can greatly let you down. That is why you should think several times before you go dancing with other medium tanks - they will spin you much faster than you do them, and this can end badly.

Booking Issues

The next tip that you should definitely take into account when you play on this tank is the hide-and-seek tactics of the bottom of your car. The fact is that the armor of your tank can be easily penetrated by a direct hit even of those vehicles that will be below your level - the whole point is the angle of inclination of the armor sheets. Therefore, the best tactic is to use the landscape in order to hide the vulnerable part of the tank, substituting only a tower that has a pretty decent frontal reservation. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to stand still and take all the shells in the forehead. The armor, although thick, is not able to withstand a direct hit from heavy tanks of a higher level, so always act wisely.

Using Review

Well, of course, it is worth noting the fact that the review of this tank is one of the biggest pluses. 400m line of sight is not something every tank boasts. Therefore, you need to learn how to use it in your combat operations. As you remember, you have an excellent cannon capable of firing at a great distance even at the enemy who disappeared from the light. But, given the huge ammunition, you can turn your tank into a real ambush monster. You can see your opponent long before he notices you, and you will also be able to open targeted fire at him without much difficulty. As a result, it turns out that your tank is an excellent weapon for destroying the enemy, which may be ineffective in inept hands. If you use this tank as heavy, your actions will be of little use. If you decide that your tank should be used as a medium tank, then you have a better chance of success, but only if you do not enter into single skirmishes with other medium tanks, since here you will clearly give way. Therefore, use your car to accompany heavy equipment, try to get the most out of maneuverability and speed, and also do not forget about the excellent possibilities of combining your guns with excellent visibility - this gives you excellent efficiency when setting up ambushes and conducting long-range combat.


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