Large aquarium fish: names, descriptions, features of the content

If you like water and its inhabitants, then you can create a small pond at home - an aquarium with real fish. This will allow you to observe the activities of pets, which, of course, is a very entertaining activity. There are thousands of species of fish, including aquarium ones. The largest species intended for breeding in aquariums will be discussed in our article.


This fish lives in the East. It reaches a length of 1 m, and during movement becomes like a snake. Large aquarium fish of this species have an aggressive character, so it is better to keep them separately. A male incubates eggs, and this process takes more than 6 weeks! Soon fry grow up to 8 cm. They feed on arovan lizards, large insects, as well as small fish. As for the content of these fish, you need to create an acidic aquatic environment. The temperature in the aquarium should exceed 25 o C. On the aquarium you need to install a lid with filtration.

Large aquarium fish

Mastastelbus red-banded

In the natural environment lives in Thailand and Malaysia. From afar, large aquarium fish can be mistaken for eel, since the body of this representative of the ichthyofauna has an elongated shape. It is covered with small scales. There are spikes on the back, and a special proboscis at the bottom of the head is used to search for food. The body is painted dark brown with bright longitudinal stripes and spots. The length of the fish reaches 50 cm.

The volume of the aquarium should be at least 300 liters. Sandy soil should be placed at the bottom. Decorate the aquarium with inverted ceramic pots and rock fragments. The temperature must be maintained at 28 Β° C. A powerful filtration system should be installed in the aquarium. Food must be alive.

Pseudo-flat plate

Another type of large aquarium fish, which is worth talking about, is notable for its unusual color. The body is gray, but there are numerous dark vertical stripes, as well as black dots. The fish lives in the rivers of Venezuela, Peru and the South American continent. A feature of this species is the presence of a large β€œnotch” on the caudal fin. Representatives of this species reach a length of 90 cm.

Large aquarium fish are nocturnal and eat other aquatic creatures, so only experienced breeders choose them as pets. The volume of the aquarium should be more than 500 liters of water. The bottom is covered with fine gravel or coarse sand. The water temperature is maintained within 25 Β° C. Be sure to purchase a powerful filtration system if you intend to have representatives of this species.

Large aquarium fish

Fresh moray eel

These large aquarium fish are very similar to snakes. Their eyes are a little bulging, the body is thin and elongated. Despite the name, fish need special conditions. Water should be sea or brackish. Although moray eels looks creepy, she is very shy and can experience stress even because of the rearrangement of scenery in the aquarium.

Fish is very active. To prevent it from jumping out of the aquarium, you need to install the glass firmly as a cover. At the bottom, artificial crevices and caves should be created. There will be a moray hiding. An aquarium with a capacity of 120 liters is suitable for keeping moray eels, since the fish body length reaches 60 cm. You will need to regularly clean the aquarium and replace the water, because moray eels do not respond well to polluted environments.

Cichlazoma, or biocelatum

Particular attention should be paid to fish with cichlase. In the natural environment, representatives of this species live in America. The fish has an unusual color. On a dark, almost black body, there are dozens of bright turquoise spots. On the dorsal fin there is a neat red border. This fish is not as large as, for example, catfish. The length of her body is from 17 cm.

Cichlazoma fish

For cichlazoma to lead an active lifestyle, she needs 150 liters of water. Biocelatum can be adjacent to other fish, but they must be non-aggressive. At the bottom you need to arrange shelters made of stones and snags. However, make sure that there is enough space for swimming.

Botsia clown

Another beautiful and large aquarium fish really resembles a clown due to its bright color. The elongated body has a rounded shape. The color of the scales can be made by anyone, from yellow to orange-red. On the body are black stripes. There are spikes under the eyes, and 4 pairs of mustaches around the mouth. The body length of representatives of this species reaches 30 cm.

The fish is active, so the capacity of the aquarium should be 200 liters. It will take a lot of scenery for the place where you plan to keep the bots clown. The light needs to be set dim. The water temperature should reach 25-29 Β° C. Remember that these fish can only live in schools. Alone, they die quickly.

Large aquarium fish

Oscar Astronotus, or Ophthalmic Astronotus

Aquarium astronotuses are rather large fish that can grow up to 28 cm. They have an oval body and a large head. Color can be brown or gray-olive. Bright reddish spots are always present on the scales. On the caudal fin there is a larger black spot in the yellow fringing. From afar, it resembles the eye, which is why the fish got its name.

Astronotuses need free space, so the volume of the aquarium should be at least 100 liters. Gravel can be used as soil. Try to bring the environment in the aquarium as close to natural as possible. To do this, you can use driftwood, branches and stones. The temperature should vary between 23-28 Β° C. Be sure to install a powerful filtration system so that the fish do not have health problems.

Aquarium Astronotuses

Koi carps

These fish were bred in Japan. They have a big blunt head, a streamlined body, a little widened in the shoulder area. The fins are large. Fish grow from 20 cm to 0.9 m. The color is diverse, but always very bright and saturated.

An aquarium needs a powerful filtration system. The level of acid-base balance in the water should be neutral, deviations from the norm should be minimized. Temperatures can vary between 15-30 o C.

Koi carps

White-fronted ateronotus, or black knife

Another interesting aquarium fish is a black knife. Representatives of this species won love due to their beauty and grace. They grow up to 30-40 cm. Their body is black in color, sometimes stripes appear. The shape of the body is elongated, flattened, tapering to the tail. Intraspecific aggression is pronounced in fish, so you need to ensure the presence of shelters in the aquarium if you want to keep two or more representatives in one place.

The water temperature should be 23-28 , and the hardness - from 5 to 15 . The minimum capacity of the aquarium is 150 l. Be sure to equip it with a lid, as the fish can easily jump out.

So, these were the largest fish that are suitable for keeping in the aquarium. What kind of representatives would you bring at home? Please share in the comments.


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