What to bring from Berlin as a gift: interesting ideas, recommendations and reviews

Returning from another country or city, I always want to please my loved ones upon arrival. As a rule, a tourist or a person who is on a business trip seeks to bring an authentic souvenir that cannot be purchased at home. An exception to this rule is not made by travelers who find themselves in the German capital, for whom the question of what to bring from Berlin is also relevant.

10 things that are presented below, perhaps, will help you navigate and purchase exactly what your family will like and will become a reminder of a visit to the German capital.

what to bring from Berlin 10 things


Often you can hear in response to the question “What to bring from Berlin (souvenirs, gifts, etc.)?” That this makes no sense, since everything that can be purchased there is sold in Russia. However, such a statement is fundamentally false. Take beer, for example. This drink in Germany is considered a real national treasure and the main souvenir, which is recommended to those who are concerned about solving the issue of what to bring from Berlin. What souvenirs your relatives would not ask you before the trip, a bottle, or rather a small keg of beer, will be the gift that everyone will enjoy. By the way, those who tried this drink in Germany will confirm that the liquid consisting of barley, malt and concentrates, which are sold in Russian supermarkets, most often does not have either the taste or aroma of the original.

The most famous brands of German beer that are constantly heard are Beck's, Krombacher, Warsteiner, Paulaner and Oettinger. Each of the options has many varieties, so it will not be difficult for you to choose exactly the drink that will best match the taste preferences of your loved ones.

Beer mug and similar souvenirs from Berlin

“What to bring from the German capital?” - This question worries many, especially when it comes to a “trifle” for the boss or you want to please the father-in-law, another relative or friend of a respectable age. Fortunately, the problem has an almost win-win solution. After all, any man will be happy with a large beer mug from Germany. In Berlin, they can be purchased at every step, with and without a tin folding lid, painted, simple wooden, ceramic, with coats of arms, in the form of comic figures, with symbols of the German capital and so on. If you think that to bring from Berlin as a gift for a serious reason, you can purchase a souvenir set of beer mugs that can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a decoration for the interior.

what to bring from Berlin as a gift

Liquor "Jagermeister"

The Germans adore various bitters. Among these traditional bitter herbal tinctures is Jägermeister with a strength of 35%. They have been manufacturing it in Germany since 1934, and the recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. The beverage recipe includes 56 different components. Before putting liquor on sale, it is aged in oak barrels for a year. The manufacturer recommends storing the drink in the refrigerator and drinking it chilled either in cocktails or in shots.

There is also a lesser-known herbal drink called Kräuterlikör. However, it is more often used as a medicine, and this bitter has some contraindications.

what to bring from Berlin what souvenirs

Fragment of the Berlin Wall

The construction of this building once brought much sorrow to the inhabitants of the German capital, as it separated parents from older children, and even became an insurmountable obstacle to happiness for many couples in love. For decades, it was the subject of hatred of the Berliners and symbolized the Cold War. The destruction of the Berlin Wall was the beginning of a new era in the history of Europe and, above all, Germany itself.

In any Berlin gift shop today you can find hundreds of gifts associated with the famous Wall. It is noteworthy that the very Germans, who are extremely sensitive to any mention of the role of their country in the outbreak of World War II, eagerly talk about the destruction of the border between the two Germany in November 1989. That is why do not be surprised when in response to the question of what can be brought from Berlin, they will recommend a souvenir in one way or another connected with this ominous structure. In particular, even today in the German capital, you can easily buy small stone fragments, supposedly being fragments of the original wall, which once divided the city into two parts. At the same time, it is impossible to establish the authenticity of such a piece, and the Berliners themselves only make fun of gullible tourists who buy ordinary construction waste for money.

At the same time, there is no doubt that bringing various interesting souvenirs with the symbols of the famous Wall from Berlin is the right decision, especially when it comes to a gift for your friends who are interested in the history of Europe in the 20th century.

Model "Trabant"

Although quite a lot of time has passed since the disappearance from the world map of the country called the GDR, some traces of its existence can be found in the German capital. Among them are miniature car models of the Trabant brand, which was produced in communist Germany in the middle of the last century, sold everywhere. Its image can be found even on one of the few fragments of the Berlin Wall that has survived to this day, where it is as if ramming a concrete barrier through and through.

If you decide what to bring from Berlin, then, having chosen a souvenir with the image of “Trabant”, you will probably not lose. Be sure that the strange exterior of this car will seem funny to young people, and that among representatives of the older generation, the gift will cause pleasant nostalgia.

Souvenirs depicting a Berlin bear

This main symbol of the German capital has been adorning the coat of arms of the city for many centuries. It is believed that even the name of the city itself is associated with the word "bear" in German. In addition, this powerful animal is the hero of many legends associated with the founding of Berlin. In any gift shop you can find hundreds of different trinkets with the image of a bear. They have long been a real salvation for those who puzzle over the question of what can be brought from Berlin. Small bear figures painted by hand are especially in demand.


An attentive tourist who finds himself in Berlin, always notices that the traffic along the pedestrian crossings of the German capital is “guarded” by a funny little man in a hat appearing at the green traffic light. His name is Ampelman, and for almost 70 years he has been meeting Berliners at every crossing of the city.

what to bring souvenirs from Berlin gifts

He was so fond of the locals and visitors of the city that in any souvenir shop you can find many toys and trinkets with the image of a green man. So, if you are thinking about what to bring from Berlin to your friends, then feel free to choose Ampelman.


If you already decided that it would be best to bring beer from Berlin as a present, then you should also grab traditional German sausages. Of course, no one will argue that the best such delicacies are sold in the south of Germany. However, only the most sophisticated consumer is able to distinguish sausage produced in Munich from its counterpart produced in Berlin. Smoked meat products are also great for beer, and your family will certainly appreciate the excellent taste of sausages for frying or cooking, which are best purchased in vacuum packaging.

If you find it difficult to decide on a meat delicacy that you should take to Russia from the German capital, then you can first glance at the Berlin Sausage Museum . There you will learn what types it is and what it is made of, and you can make the right choice.

What can be brought from Berlin


If you are considering what to bring to Berlin as a gift to your loved ones, various confectionery and other goodies can be a great option. For example, your friends and acquaintances will certainly be happy if you present them with a couple of bars of Ritter Sport chocolate with different tastes. As a sweet present, a set of Lebkuchen gingerbread cookies, also known as "Nuremberg", by the name of the city where the recipe for their preparation was invented, is suitable. Although they have traditionally been an attribute of Christmas, they are sold in Berlin's pastry shops throughout the year. These gingerbread cookies are glazed on top and beautifully decorated, so they are not only tasty, but also beautiful.

what to bring from Berlin

Children's toys: what to bring from Berlin as a gift

Ideas about how to please the baby, returning from a trip to the German capital, can be very different. However, most often travelers opt for toys. Which one to choose depends on the gender and age of the child.

For the smallest, it is worth buying wooden toys. They are beautiful, inexpensive and durable, therefore they will settle in your home for a long time, passing from generation to generation. Young children will also like the traditional Nutcracker. Such a toy is one of the attributes of German Christmas, and miniature options are quite suitable for decorating a Christmas tree. Since we are talking about Christmas Eve, then in this period, preceding the New Year holidays in Russia, in Germany, it is worth buying toys that depict angels from porcelain and wood to decorate the room with them.

As for girls, schoolgirls, anyone will be delighted with an elegant doll with a porcelain face. This is a rather expensive gift that requires very careful handling, so it should not be given to babies. At the same time, such a doll can be a great addition to the decor of the room of a teenage girl or even a bedroom of a young girl.

Toys, or rather porcelain figurines, will be a wonderful gift for both the mothers of the children and their grandmothers. In particular, Hummel products are highly valued throughout the world, representing a set of figures based on the works of the Franciscan nun Maria Innocenti Hummel.

what to bring from Berlin as a souvenir

What else can I recommend bringing from Berlin

The presented list is only part of what you should buy in the German capital for your family members and friends. In addition, marzipan, pralines, cuckoo clocks, garden gnome figures, Meissen porcelain, miniatures of local attractions, a bottle of ice wine, scarves and gloves can be brought to Russia from Berlin.

Now you know what to bring from Berlin as a souvenir, and you can please friends and family with authentic gifts that will convey all the charm and charm of the German capital.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19730/

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