Wedding Anniversary Gift Options

Thinking about what kind of wedding anniversary present parents should give? Can't decide what exactly is worth presenting? Some people believe that expensive gifts should be presented, while others think that it is better to give something intangible. Below are the options for presentations for every taste and budget.


What is the most appropriate wedding anniversary gift for parents? What your loved ones have long dreamed of. For example, it may be something small and not quite useful. As an option - a sandwich maker. This item is used infrequently, but it does make awesome sandwiches. You can take them to work or to the forest. Yes, perhaps this is a whim, and parents will eat plenty of hot snacks for a year. But if they want to get this thing, give them that pleasure.

wedding anniversary gift to parents

If you think that a gift should be necessary, ask your parents about what kind of thing they would like to update. Perhaps your loved ones have been using a vacuum cleaner that has been falling apart for several months, or the iron does not smooth things well. It seems that giving such small household items is not presentable? But then you can make life easier for parents. They donโ€™t have to go to the store, stand in line and waste their energy making choices.


The technique is updated very quickly. Therefore, a tablet, phone or laptop will be a great gift for parents on their wedding anniversary. Older people do not see the difference between a push-button telephone and a smartphone exactly until the children talk about the existence of Skype, Viber and Votsap. These applications allow you to chat with people for free, wherever they are. You can take beautiful photos on a good phone, and using a computer and printer you can independently process and print them.

give a gift to parents

Of course, you will need to show the older generation how it all works. You may have to do this more than once. But then, as parents, it will be nice when they can independently use a modern telephone, which can greatly facilitate their life.


The perfect wedding anniversary gift for parents is a picture. And not just an image, but a family portrait. Today you can make an order to any artist, and he will draw the picture of your choice from the photograph. Moreover, often artists suggest creating family portraits in some style. For example, put your family in a knight's castle location or in a tropical jungle. Also, the artist can change the outfit of a person. You can order both a family portrait and individual portraits of mom and dad. Such paintings, written in the same style, will be a good decoration for any living room.


If your parents, when they got married, bought inexpensive rings for the reason that there was not enough money for gold, then you should not think long about what to make a gift. Parents should present custom-made jewelry on their wedding anniversary. You can even make a sketch yourself. After all, no one can know the taste of parents better than children.

gift to parents for 25 years

You can buy beautiful typical options. You can purchase standard rings, and their highlight can be engraved. They will apply it to you in any jewelry workshop. Which inscription to choose, decide for yourself. It can be a sweet phrase, parent names and even an infinity sign.


What is an original gift for parents on their wedding anniversary (25 years of marriage, for example) can be presented? Did the children grow up and the parents stayed together in a big house? Yes, grandchildren visit relatives, but they cannot fill the remaining void. If your loved ones love animals, you can present them with a pet. Yes, the gift is not the most trivial, and not everyone will be happy with it. But after all, as the saying goes: they donโ€™t look at a gift horse in the mouth.

living gift to parents

And if you bring a cute puppy to your parents, they just donโ€™t have a hand to raise it. You can present both a thoroughbred animal, and one that is devoid of warmth and affection and lives on the street. True, in the second case, it is desirable to take your โ€œfindโ€ to the veterinarian and do whatever is necessary to rid the animal of worms, fleas, depriving and other diseases.

Tea set

There are people in our country who can drink tea from morning to evening. They have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. If your parents belong to this category, then the choice of a gift should be obvious. A set of good tea is not cheap, but it will take a long time to drink. People do not always have time to walk to the store and stand for a long time, choosing their favorite smell and composition. So that you can facilitate this task. Buy assorted. But still it is advisable to know the preferences of your parents. For example, some people like black tea more, others like green tea, and still others prefer herbal tea.

Bakery products

What can be done as a gift to parents on their own wedding anniversary? Bake the cake. It is impossible to refuse such a presentation. Especially if you are good at cooking. Although today you can find many recipes, biscuits for which are obtained even from people who rarely stand at the stove. Therefore, dare and do not doubt your success. Well, if you are not at all confident in your abilities, you can order a cake in a candy store. In this case, you can choose a complex design that will be made of chocolate, cream or whipped cream to your taste.

sweet gift to parents

What is the most appropriate birthday gift for children from their parents? Small cupcakes with filling can please any sweet tooth. Children and adults at the holiday table will surely appreciate a pleasant surprise.

Theater ticket

Love is a feeling that is not given from above. It must be protected and maintained, like fire. Thanks to the joint efforts of two people, a family can live in a happy marriage for many years. What gift for the 30th wedding anniversary can parents present? Present them with theater tickets. Not all people take the time to attend social events.

going to the theater for parents

For some, publication is extremely rare. But do not bury yourself in your routine. And even if your parents are not too mobile, they will still appreciate your concern and efforts. Buy tickets for comedy shows. In such performances, the plot is very easy, and your parents will be able to laugh plenty.

Video clip

If you well know one of the computer programs for video processing, you can make an original gift for parents on their own wedding anniversary. It could be something like a family video. Yes, the material will have to be prepared in advance, and in order not to cause suspicion on the part of the parents, it is necessary to start no later than six months before the holiday. Then you will have enough time to shoot family scenes and ask friends and relatives of your parents to say a few good words on camera. From this material you can collect a short video for literally 3-5 minutes. The older generation will be thrilled. They will be especially pleased that the children spent a lot of time making a holiday clip.


How often do you update the interior? Most likely, very rarely. Usually people do just that. Even those families who hired a designer to make the room unusual, then change little. But periodically you need to bring something new into the room. Therefore, an original gift for a wedding anniversary to parents can be a carpet.

parents wedding anniversary

All people like to walk on long-piled surfaces. It pleasantly tickles the legs, and it seems that you are walking on the grass. Caring for the carpet will be quite easy. Once a week during cleaning, you will need to treat it with a special powder. That's all the care. Therefore, if you want to bring comfort and warmth to your parents' house, then give them a carpet. The older generation will surely appreciate this present.

Family tree

Can't imagine what a gift for parents on the wedding anniversary of 30 years of marriage would be appropriate? Draw a family tree. Older people like these things madly. With age, you begin to appreciate your roots, and you want to learn more about your ancestors. Give parents such a pleasure. Yes, composing a family tree is not an easy task, but it's worth it. First you need to ask your living relatives about the departed ancestors. Draw a diagram as detailed as possible, and then go to the archive with this paper. There you will be able to find out your origin, and also you can find out that blue blood flows in you. This thought will warm your soul not only for you, but also for your parents when you tell them about your discovery.


Do you love your dear people? A wedding anniversary gift for parents (25 years old) can be very unusual. Present a medal. You can buy such a souvenir or make it to order from a jeweler. Relics are great value, but not all people have them. So, giving an interesting thing, you can begin the collection. And the presentation of medals can be a good tradition. Each year you will wear medals on your father and motherโ€™s chest. And each time you can come up with a new speech. For the first time tell us what wonderful parents you have, for the second time mention a marriage made in heaven, etc. Instead of a medal, you can give a goblet or something else, but always symbolic.

Photo album or photo frame

Over the years, people are increasingly beginning to appreciate memories. And the more a person has them, the happier his life goes. Some memories are kept in our heads, and some are captured in photographs. But parents usually have few such pictures. They are stored somewhere in the cloud or on a children's computer. On the eve of the holiday, you can print to parents a lot of different photos for different periods of their marriage. Thus, it will be possible to create a photo album. If you donโ€™t want to print anything, you can go to the electronics store. There you should purchase an electronic photo frame. Such a device can store and play thousands of color pictures with your memories.


How do you imagine cozy family gatherings? Everyone, young and old, sits at one large table and drinks tea. And what should be on the table? That's right, samovar. Do you think that it will be unrealistic to bring such a picture to life? Nothing like this. Today you can buy anything. For example, an electric samovar. He will work on the principle of an electric kettle. But such a thing will look much more spectacular. This is not to say that the taste of tea will be very different, but the atmosphere at the table will definitely change for the better.


What do people live for? In order to see something new, experience unique emotions and live a busy life. But not everyone has this dream come true. If your parents rarely travel somewhere, then you can give them a trip. If finances allow, send your parents to relax on the islands, but if your budget is quite modest, you can buy a ticket to a domestic resort. Parents will gladly accept the gift and adjust their vacation to the necessary dates. And if necessary, they can even take a vacation at their own expense. You need to rest as often as possible, especially if there is such an opportunity, but many often forget about it.


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