Young parents often wonder why a child spits up a fountain

Why does a child burp a fountain? The question is very worrying for young parents. Maybe the baby is sick? What is happening to him?

Why do the kids burp

Regurgitation in infants after eating is considered normal. So babies get rid of air trapped in the process of feeding, from excess food.

why a child spits up a fountain

The baby’s stomach is fragile, and if it is not enough to gently move after eating or shake it sharply, then do not be surprised that the child burst out of the fountain.

The causes of the occurring phenomenon can also be explained by improper grip of the nipple, the fact that the child was uncomfortably placed near the chest or bent over, giving a bottle. Children spew out food if they manage to get very hungry, with overwork and excessive excitement. Colic, which often occurs in infants, contributes to regurgitation.

It is necessary to ask the doctor why the child is spitting up a fountain, but if you didn’t find any pathologies when you were discharged from the hospital, then you should not worry. If the child has dysbiosis or pathology of the intestinal tract, then drug therapy is required.

How to independently verify that regurgitation is not a disease

If the baby is developing normally, gaining weight, responding to parents, then you should not worry about it. If breastfeeding, then you can verify this yourself by conducting a kind of test.

child jumped out a fountain of reason

  1. The child is weighed before meals, without diapers, but in diapers.
  2. Fed.
  3. Weigh again without changing clothes, even if he is relieved after eating.

By gross weight before and after meals, it is clear that the child has sucked out a portion much larger than that required by his growing body. And the question of why the child spits up with a fountain, mom no longer asks. Weighing shows that the baby gets rid of excess food. It is impossible to control the portion of milk that he sucks in one feeding from the breast.

How to reduce the chance of regurgitation

So that the baby spits up less, you need to find a comfortable pose for feeding. Keep the baby gently, do not bend, look so that it captures the nipple completely, with the areola.

If the baby has a nose, it needs to be cleaned before eating. Otherwise, along with milk, the child swallows mucus and will necessarily spit it out with milk.

With artificial feeding, you need to carefully examine the nozzle of the bottle: how milk flows.

The wrong hole is an explanation of why a child is spitting up a fountain. If it is wide, the baby chokes when sucking, if it is narrow, and the nipple is tight, air is seized.

2 months baby spits up in a fountain

Before feeding the baby, it is advisable to massage the tummy or lay on it. Usually babies love to lie on their stomach, and they perceive massage with joy.

After eating, in order to get trapped air, the child must be put in a column. So he will get rid of it with the least losses and not burp a fountain.

If you feed the baby more often, then he will not greedily suck and, accordingly, take air. Do not give your child a hassle before eating.

After eating, the baby does not need to be pulled, changed, thrown in his arms. The baby has unstable peristalsis.

Practice shows that almost every child 2 months spits a fountain. And even a little more. By 3 months, normal regurgitation ceases, and the parents calm down.

Spitting up may resume during teething, but don't worry. The child begins excessive salivation. Similarly, he gets rid of excess saliva.


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