Beauty and Style Workshop: Autumn Costumes for Autumn Ball

Themed parties and holidays have become commonplace in our lives. They are held in schools, institutes, sometimes for employees of firms and companies. The main task of such events is to diversify leisure, make the rest interesting, exciting, to rally people into a single team. Various balls became especially popular. Unusually colorful, for example, it will turn out autumn.


autumn costumes for the autumn ball
A feature of any thematic party is that it is customary to come to it not just in weekend clothes, but in a special outfit corresponding to the theme. What should autumn costumes look like for an autumn ball? Naturally, spectacularly, to match this wonderful season. And of course, they must meet the idea of ​​the event! What nuances should be considered? First of all, the color scheme of the outfit. It can be warm colors characteristic of autumn: beige, shades of yellow, orange, burgundy, brown. Blotches of green or blue, cornflower blue are also quite appropriate. After all, autumn costumes for an autumn ball are associated not only with withering foliage, but also with islands of fresh grass, so bright after the warm rains of Indian summers, as well as with the piercing blue sky, so pleasing to us on a fine day. But an additional, autumn accessory will emphasize the occasion for which everyone gathered at the party. And thus, the conditions of the festival will be respected!
photo of autumn costumes

Selection of accessories

autumn women's costumes 2013
And to emphasize that these are autumn costumes for the autumn ball, various details should. It can be a charming hat decorated with branches with leaves and berries of rose hips, viburnum or mountain ash. Or a bunch of foliage. A light scarf, stole or colorful shawl, thrown over the shoulders, will also be very useful. A wide belt imitating foliage, a flower attached to a blouse or dress, flirty beads or a necklace of berries, massive earrings from them, made by hand, will add charm, a flirty note to the autumn costumes for the autumn ball. Do not forget about ribbons, hairpins and many other improvised tools and materials that can turn you into the queen of the ball, into Perfection itself. And one more nuance, which should not be forgotten either. Of course, we are talking about makeup. It must necessarily correspond to the time of year to which the holiday is dedicated. And in harmony with the outfit. Plus a perfume that completes the image of the queen of the ball. You should select smells with a slight bitter note, to match the autumn. Or those in the composition of which there are aromas of flowers and plants, fragrant in September and October.
outfit in autumn colors

Dressing clothes

going to the autumn ball
Having discussed the details, we will focus on the main thing - dressing outfits. How to do this, you will be prompted with photos of autumn costumes. Naturally, if you embroider an ordinary dress or skirt and blouse with beautiful colorful leaves, the look will be gorgeous. And most of all, maple, linden, chestnut, oak, aspen are suitable for these purposes. And branches of a Christmas tree, mountain ash (yellow, red, aronia). If you did not find anything suitable, all this can be cut out of velvet colored paper. By the way, couturiers, preparing samples of the collection β€œAutumn Women's Costumes 2013”, offer such an option for a headdress as an elegant crown of leaves and berries. Of course, among designers it is presented as an elite costume jewelry, but you may well succeed in homemade jewelry. And the "antique" styles will very much correspond to it.

Happy ball, beauties!


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