Leptospirosis in cats: signs, symptoms and treatment

Pets, like people, can get sick. A caring owner will always notice a change in the behavior of his pet. In this case, the first thing you need to contact the veterinarian. Only he can determine the severity of the disease, because some ailments are transmitted to humans. One of the most dangerous diseases in cats and dogs is leptospirosis, and it can be transmitted from animal to owner. Among cats, the probability of infection is low. But in order to detect the disease in time, it is necessary to know the signs and causes of the appearance. We will talk more about this below.

What it is

Before talking about the symptoms and treatment of leptospirosis in cats, you need to know what the disease is and how it appears. The cause of the disease is parasites - leptospira, which have many groups and types. Leptospira do not tolerate a sharp change in temperature and do not survive well in the external environment. That is why the disease is considered rare.

The main carriers of parasites are rodents. A cat can become sick after contact with infected animals, their urine or feces. The disease can also be transmitted through milk from a nursing cat to kittens and through contaminated food and water. Leptospira is transmitted not only from patients, but also from already recovering animals. An ill pet will be a carrier of parasites for 3-4 months.

Bacteria enter the cat's body through the mucous membranes, digestive tract or respiratory system. The incubation period of the disease lasts about ten days. In cases where the cat has strong immunity, the disease can develop up to 30 days. Then the bacteria begin to affect all the internal organs of the animal, especially the kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract. As a result, a pet can die from developed kidney failure or seizures leading to a coma.

veterinarian treatment

Symptoms of leptospirosis in cats

When infected with this disease, the following symptoms occur in the animal:

  • temperature rises;
  • the appetite is lost, the animal can completely refuse food;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and lethargic;
  • feces and urine change their color and smell, blood may appear in the feces;
  • the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes become yellowish;
  • the liver increases in size, this is felt on palpation;
  • mucous membranes of the mouth may be covered with ulcers;
  • vomiting is possible.

Leptospirosis in cats develops most often at a young age. Due to stronger immunity, adult animals are most often just carriers of bacteria.

how to treat a cat


The presence of the causative agent of leptospirosis in the cat's body can be detected by conducting a laboratory study. The most accurate method is microagglutination (MAT). With its help, it is possible to detect antibodies to a parasite in the body of an animal with a high degree of probability. Also, a specialist will diagnose:

  • PCR;
  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • will study a smear of a cat.

Additionally, the veterinarian may prescribe an ultrasound of the liver and kidneys in the cat. Leptospirosis is transmitted to humans and can cause dangerous health consequences not only for the animal itself, but also for the owner. Therefore, specialists in veterinary clinics conduct a particularly thorough study in cases of suspected disease.


There have been cases of a cat's sudden recovery. All signs of the disease disappeared, and the animal returned to normal. In this case, it is worth remembering that the causative agents of leptospirosis in cats after recovery live for a long time in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the cat suddenly recovered in an isolated room until laboratory tests show a complete absence of the disease and pathogens in the animal's body.

cat treatment

Treatment for leptospirosis in cats

After diagnosis, the specialist, depending on the clinical picture, prescribes a course of treatment, as a rule, this is the use of antibiotics. To them are added the drugs necessary to combat the effects of the pathogen.

Treatment occurs in two stages. First, drugs are prescribed that immediately stop the reproduction of leptospira in the cat's body and reduce the likelihood of fatal complications of the infection. Due to this, the risk of serious damage to internal organs is significantly reduced. Usually, Ampicillin or Amoxicillin is prescribed during this period. The medicine is administered intravenously, especially in cases where the animal is severely affected.

At the second stage, Doxycycline or similar drugs are prescribed. This drug is administered to the animal through the oral cavity, with a diseased liver, it is forbidden to use the medicine.

Independently, without consulting a veterinarian, you can not take any funds for treatment. Only a doctor, based on the data of the cat’s analysis, can prescribe this or that drug.

During treatment and during the recovery period, the cat needs rest. For such an animal, special nutrition and an additional intake of vitamins are recommended, which the specialist will prescribe. If necessary, you can use a dropper with a glucose solution.

leptospirosis in cats


For domestic cats that do not visit the street, the disease is practically not terrible. A pet that walks or is periodically taken to the country can get sick, for example, by catching a rodent or during contact with homeless brothers. Since it is impossible to control a walking animal, the only way to avoid the disease is to be vaccinated against leptospirosis. It is done once a year and completely protects the animal from infection with this ailment.

If leptospira is found in the cat's body, it is urgent to isolate it from other domestic animals, the elderly and children. And during the treatment period, it is strongly recommended that disinfection be carried out at home as often as possible, after the cat should be cleaned only with disposable gloves.

sick animal

Leptospirosis in cats is a dangerous disease that can be transmitted to humans. Therefore, any owner who cares about his health and the health of the pet needs to be vaccinated on time. Only in this way it will be possible not to worry about a possible infection with this ailment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1974/

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