The drug "Immunal" for a child (reviews, effects)

In autumn and spring, when there is a seasonal exacerbation of colds and many other diseases, children get sick much more often. How to strengthen the immune system, without causing harm to health?

immunal for baby reviews

One of the most popular means

Means β€œImmunal” for a child (reviews prove this) is one of the most commonly used drugs to strengthen the body's strength and protection during the spread of diseases. It is a freshly squeezed juice of a plant called echinacea purpurea. The product acts specifically on non-specific immunity, increases the level of leukocytes in the blood, has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, especially effective in the fight against acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, herpes, along with the use of antibiotics for chronic diseases. Available in the form of drops or tablets.

how to take an immunal for children


How to take "Immunal" to children? Before buying this (and any other) immunomodulator, you need to visit a doctor and consult with him. At your own peril and risk, drinking is worth nothing. If the drug "Immunal" is bought in tablets, then it is taken depending on age. Children four to six years old are prescribed one tablet once or twice a day. From six to twelve years, there is one tablet, but already three times a day. Children over twelve years old take the pill three to four times a day. The reception should be accompanied by a large amount of water, the tablet can be crushed if desired (if it is difficult for the baby to swallow it). Some people like to drink medicine than necessary and children are taught to do the same. This is completely wrong. Tablets should be taken only with water, so as not to cause unnecessary chemical reactions in the body and not cause additional harm to health.

Immunal for children instruction drops

The preparation "Immunal" for children: instruction

Drops are supplemented in a box with a special plastic pipette to make it easier to measure the medicine. Medium in liquid form is more popular than in tablets, because it is easier to take. Children from six to twelve years old should drink it three times a day, one and a half ml. Older than twelve - two and a half ml, but also three times a day. From a year to six - one ml with the same frequency of use. You can take the drug for ten days, and after two weeks, repeat the course to fix the result.

Who should not drink the remedy

The drug "Immunal" for the child (reviews indicate this very clearly) is considered by parents to be very effective and safe. But is that so? No, in fact, not everyone can drink it. Firstly, the pill is contraindicated in children under four years of age. Secondly, it should not be drunk in the presence of a number of blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, and also with immunodeficiency. Thirdly, it is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity to echinacea.


The drug "Immunal" for a child (reviews about it are mostly wonderful), despite its effectiveness, has a number of side effects. This is, first of all, a decrease in pressure, facial swelling, allergies, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating. You can not take the drug for more than eight weeks, otherwise you can provoke the development of leukopenia. An overdose is expressed in vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, irritability, and insomnia.

Customer reviews

The drug "Immunal" for a child (reviews say so directly) is an excellent trustworthy health promotion tool. The only drawbacks that many parents indicate are the ability to cause allergies and the high cost of the drug. A box with this medicine costs more than two hundred rubles. For comparison: Echinacea produced domestically in tablets or solution is sold at a price three times less. In addition, Immunal drops are not at all risked to be given to children because they are alcohol-based.


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