Metal slopes on the windows

Windows made of PVC and metal-plastic have long been popular and in demand among consumers. But so that after installation their work seemed finished, it is necessary to establish slopes. Inside, you can get by with constructions made of plastic or drywall. But outside you need metal slopes. They will protect the mounting foam from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation and destruction. Installation of external slopes is a prerequisite for completing glazing of premises. You cannot delay this. This is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a solution to the problems of thermal insulation.

Window Slope Features

Installation of PVC windows is carried out by specialists of the company in which these systems were purchased. The price usually includes installation. However, only one or two companies include the decoration of a window opening with slopes in the price of the service. All problems and work on their installation falls directly on the owner. But very often the owners, for various reasons, do not get to the installation of slopes. As a result, the opening looks incomplete.

do-it-yourself metal slopes [
Due to the fact that the windows are mounted without slopes, this business is put aside in a long drawer. In fact, it is worth taking a responsible approach to this issue. Slopes do not just give a finished look. They perform other tasks. For outdoor installation, metal slopes on the windows are recommended, and there are several reasons for this.

The first and main reason for the need for the fastest installation of slopes is mounting foam. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and other adverse factors, it quickly loses its characteristics and becomes unusable. The waterproofing characteristics of the foam are very weak. It begins to absorb moisture abundantly. As a result, the window will freeze.

metal slope
Foam, which has high heat and noise insulation properties, but not closed at the same time, quickly loses these qualities.

Slopes today are done using plastering, plastic, drywall. All this is good, but only as a temporary measure. All these materials can not be compared with a metal slope either in durability or in attractiveness characteristics. In addition, steel products are much easier to install.

Plastering is the most budget option and, it would seem, a good way out. But over time, the layer of material will crack, and gaps will begin to appear between the frames. This will eventually lead to mold. And the windows themselves will begin to sweat. Drywall as slopes is a good choice, but it can only be used indoors.

metal slopes on the windows
Plaster is very afraid of moisture. Under its influence, the material is deformed and cannot fulfill its functions.

Plastic slopes can not withstand sudden changes in temperature and cold. They are best used only indoors. In addition, plastic is unstable to any mechanical stress. In order for the apartment or house to look like a finished building, and the facade look attractive, it is better to install metal slopes on the windows.


Yes, these products are more expensive than any other. But their positive characteristics fully offset the price. The slope is made in such a way that its metal is reliably protected from corrosion.

Metal slope does not lose its characteristics and performance for quite a long time. Paint does not require updating and is very durable. If desired, the product can be repainted. The metal withstands very well any mechanical damage. The slope is very easy to install. Caring for it is also simple and minimal.

window trim with metal slopes
In addition, this solution has an attractive appearance and looks favorably on different facades. The slope material does not respond to temperature changes, as well as to precipitation. Manufacturers make metal window slopes in the widest range of colors.


Among the shortcomings, only the high price and sound effects that can occur from raindrops or hail can be distinguished. But you can deal with this if you use special sound-absorbing materials during installation. Also, the product cannot be installed in an arched window opening.

Types and Features

External metal slopes on the windows - this is the best option among all available. They are available in different colors.

Manufacturers produce copper, galvanized products, zinc-coated steel, aluminum slopes. The upper part of the product is covered with special material. It can be polyester, pural, plastisol.

metal window slopes
All of these coatings are moisture resistant and protect the slope material from corrosion. Also, due to this coating, a metal slope can be used without any care for it. The coating makes the product more attractive.

As for the color scheme, you can buy a slope in white or brown. Each of them is bought as needed. The first shade is suitable for metal-plastic white windows, dark - for products with imitation wood.


Typically, the installation of metal slopes is carried out by the hands of the homeowner, which means you need to consider how to install them yourself. There is a special algorithm - this is taking measurements, preparatory operations, and the installation itself.

The Importance of Accurate Measurements

Carefully carried out measurements and fixing the results is the most important step in the installation process. Only in the case when measurements are carried out with high accuracy, all structural elements will ideally fit each other. This stage will eliminate gaps between the elements of the slope.

It should also be noted that each part of the structure is measured separately. If the right side has a certain size, then it is not a fact that the left has the same dimensions. The process measures the length and width of the edging of the opening, as well as the width of each of the window slopes. Then slopes will be made according to these sizes.

Preparatory work

These actions are very relevant if the wall is made of brick or concrete. These materials tend to crumble and crack. In the process of preparing for the installation of metal slopes, remove excess mounting foam with a special knife. Depending on what condition the surface is in, close the cracks and remove the gaps. It is important that there are no voids between the slope and the opening.

Each seam must be closed with the use of sealants and antiseptics. This provides reliable protection against mold, which can form in hidden cavities where there is no ventilation. Before applying each coat, make sure that the previous one is completely dry. This is the only way to guarantee a high-quality and tight joint.

Making a slope for a window

For the manufacture of a metal slope, measurements taken in the first stage must be transferred to a sheet of metal. After the sketch is ready, parts of the product are cut using scissors for metal. Thus, the upper, lower, as well as side elements are made.

metal slopes on the windows
To make the result pleasing, it is recommended to use sealing materials - for example, a special tape. The result is nice metal exterior slopes on the windows.

Essential tool

In order for the installation process to proceed quickly and with the highest quality, tools and materials should be prepared. For work, you will need sheet metal or strips from it, a screwdriver, a paint knife, scissors for cutting metal, measuring instruments, sealant and mounting foam. In the absence of a screwdriver, you can use a drill with a nozzle.


In the process of installing metal slopes with your own hands, each of those elements that will touch the frame should be treated with sealants. This will retain and then retain heat.

Direct installation begins with the installation of the lower element. This is the so-called ebb tide. In order to smooth out the sound of water droplets as much as possible, soft materials are recommended to be placed under the tide. If you install the lower part on the foam, you need self-tapping screws - with them the element will connect to the window frame. In order not to spoil the window frame with self-tapping screws, you can install slopes only on the mounting foam. They will hold well.

installation of metal slopes
After installing the lower fragment of the metal slope, the side parts are mounted on the window. Due to the inclination of the opening, the lower parts are cut at the required angle. Then the structural elements are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. To get the right slices, experts recommend first making them on paper. This will help to avoid errors in the future.

The upper part is mounted last. Clearances are recommended to close with the use of mounting foam. On this installation is completed. The finished factory product will already be covered with a protective layer. And in the case of a home-made slope, it should be covered with special anti-corrosion paints. This will help extend the life of the material.


Metal has many advantages over traditional finishing materials. Therefore, slopes are best acquired or made from this material. Any other products will quickly lose their properties in the open. Finishing the window with metal slopes is reliable, high-quality and for a long time. Simplicity of installation will allow even a home master to cope with this work.


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