GTA 5: characters. Secrets, cheats, codes

The long-awaited hit from the developer RockStar! Available for Playstation, Xbox and PC. The game takes place in the city of Los Santos and its environs. The gameplay has been changed beyond recognition: a lot of features have been added and the life and biography of each character has been thought out in detail.

GTA 5 characters

New features

In this part of the popular game, a new opportunity has appeared: to play immediately for the three main characters of GTA-5. Switching characters is both in the free game mode and in missions. But provided that the protagonist is present in the plot. In addition to the three main characters, the game has many secondary ones with which the player can interact.

In GTA 5, characters have their own story and a set of specific skills.

How to change a character in "GTA-5"

At the beginning of the game, only one hero is available - Franklin, then there is the opportunity to play for Michael, and only then Trevor will appear.

A character change in "GTA-5" will be available after the mission "Reuniting Friends", and all subsequent time you can change the characters. But some missions are completed by only one character, and some by two. In some cases, switching occurs without the participation of the player.

When playing GTA-5, you cannot choose to play only one character. To advance in the story, you will have to play by everyone, except for the performance of some tasks.

In "GTA-5", characters that are not involved in the player can go about their business: sleep, ride a car, clean up the house, and so on. You can catch your hero for any business that matches his character. When switching, the camera rises above Los Santos and moves in the style of Google maps to the selected character.

How to change the character in "GTA-5" on PS 3 and XBOX? To do this, press and hold the Down button.

How to switch the character in "GTA-5" to the PC? This is done with the F8 key.

A window for changing will appear at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner. Michael is blue, Trevor is orange, Franklin is green. There is a fourth sector - for the GTA Online character. If it is not created, then the sector will remain empty.

how to change character in GTA 5

How to switch the character in "GTA 5" to Chop? You can play for Franklin’s dog only in two missions: Chop and Predator. Chop will be displayed in the wheel, and you can switch to it in the same way as to an ordinary player.


Former criminal. Engaged in crime in the Midwest. In the past he was a successful bank robber, but now he has retired. After a failed case, he changed his name and made a deal with the FBI. Lives in the prestigious Rockford Hills area under the guise of a witness protection program , with his wife and two children.

Relations with the spouse do not add up: she is a little crazy and loves to lead a smart life, naturally, with her husband’s money. Relations with children are also not very good. Michael is annoyed by the daily routine, and thanks to his wife, money runs out, and he decides to return to crime. Michael finds his old friend Trevor and the young boy Franklin. All together begin to engage in robbery.

The character’s special skill is shooting. He is better than others in possession of firearms. It can slow down time when it shoots. It is also the “think tank” of the team. It is he who is working on all the robbery plans.

Michael is thoughtful and prudent, can change his mask depending on the situation. Having achieved everything he wanted in life, he now does not know what to do next. This is another reason why he wants to return to the criminal path.

GTA 5 crashes when switching characters


In the past, a military pilot. Currently - a forty-year-old crazy burglar who sits on drugs. Lives in a trailer in the Blaine County area. I have known Michael for a long time - they robbed banks together.

He is Canadian. Debauchery, drug and alcohol abuse have left their mark. It has many scars, a bald spot and a tattoo on the neck. Does not take care of himself: untidy and always in dirty, wrinkled clothes.

Trevor is fearless and easy to climb. He will not have to persuade him to commit a crime, he will agree without hesitation. But at the same time he is very quick-tempered and aggressive, he can resort to violence for no reason. He does not like to limit his freedom, and does not recognize the word "no." Always having fun to the fullest. He does not know how to hypocrite, loyal to his friends and always honest.

Once Trevor and Michael had a strong friendship, but after the latter made a deal with the FBI, they quarreled. At the time of the game, the characters interact, but often argue.

A special skill is piloting. Can fly planes and helicopters. It also has the ability to fall into insanity - inflict double damage and take half as much damage.


This character is young: he is about twenty years old. Franklin never had a family. At one time he was selling drugs, after one of the transactions he was arrested. He is engaged in knocking out debts from those poor fellow who cannot pay a loan for a car taken at an Armenian auto show.

Met Michael when he was trying to steal his son’s car. Franklin saw in him a man who would help find the real deal. After a showdown because of a stolen car, he comes home to Michael with a request to take him to his team. He refused, but agreed to drink with Franklin at the bar. At this time, Michael's son was supposed to sell his father's yacht, but buyers hijack her and kidnap her son. Franklin offers his help, and together they go to work. After saving his son, Michael offers Franklin to come to him again.

Due to his youth, the hero is very ambitious, sometimes naive and happy to get involved in any adventure. Has a dog that he considers his best friend.

A special skill is riding. Since Franklin is a professional car thief, he is well versed in cars. Also, being inside the car can slow down time.

GTA 5 crashes when changing character

Minor Characters GTA-5

  • Leicester Cross . The mastermind during the planning of the robberies with the main characters. He is also a longtime friend of Michael and gives out missions to kill Franklin.
  • Dave Norton . Another friend of Michael. He works at the FBI and put his friend on a witness protection program.
  • Lamar Davis . Franklin's best friend, despite the difference of views and constant discussion.
  • Steve Haines Two-faced type. Pretending to be decent and principled, but in fact - an easily bribed FBI agent. Using his official position, he exploits Michael, Trevor and Franklin for his own purposes.
  • Devin Weston The billionaire, for whom the main characters of the game are recruited by Haines. But soon, Weston refuses to pay, and they become enemies.
  • Amanda is Michael's crazy wife. He loves to scandalize with her husband and spend his money. In addition, she found a lover and does not hesitate to drive him into a house with Michael.
  • Tracy is the daughter of Michael and Amanda. She studies at school, and all her hobbies are typical of a teenage girl. She began a wild life early.
  • Jimmy is the son of Michael and Amanda. She dreams of becoming a famous gangster, but does nothing, only smokes weed and plays video games. Has a strained relationship with his father.
  • Ron is Trevor's neighbor. He is under fifty, sees in every little thing a world conspiracy and leads a radio show.
  • Chop is a Franklin Rottweiler dog and part-time best friend. You can manage Chop in one of the missions, and in your free time you can train.

Characters from the past parts of GTA

In GTA 5, characters also appear from other parts of the game.

  • Patrick McReary character from GTA 4. You can not even suspect his presence. Patrick appears in a random event as a mercenary. If you played the fourth "GTA" and did not like this character, then in the sequel there is an opportunity to give it to the Altruists for devastation.
  • Karen. Another character from the fourth part. Former girl Nico, who actually turned out to be an agent of a government organization. In GTA 5, she continues to learn her new profession and is doing well in it.
  • Lazlo Jones. This is one of the few characters that appears in many parts, starting with GTA 3. But in the last part, you can finally see his face, because before that he was just a voice from the radio. Here he is presented as the host of the popular television show Shame and Glory.
  • Marnie Allen. A random character from GTA 4. In the fifth plays the same role. Niko’s moral teachings helped her give up drugs, which ultimately led her to fans of the Epsilon cult.

Character upgrade

If in the online version of the game pumping is logical, then in GTA 5 you need to try.

In order to pump power, you need to participate in hand-to-hand battles, play tennis and golf.

For shooting you need to go through the shooting range. Plus it will give a 10 percent discount in the gun shop.

Flight skills are pumped in flight school trials.

Endurance is pumped out corny - the more you run, the higher the rate.

To improve driving skills, you need to reel in a large mileage and jump from a springboard.

To increase lung capacity, you need to stay under water for about twenty minutes in scuba gear.

GTA 5 character upgrade

GTA 5 bugs

There are errors in any game, GTA V is no exception. But besides annoying bugs, there are funny and even sometimes useful ones.

For example, for quick money. We buy the Sonar Collections dock, and the player has a personal submarine with everything necessary for scuba diving. We board a boat and look for a package under water. It has 12,000 dollars. As soon as they took the package, we very quickly switch to another character and back, until the hero crawls out of the water. The package will remain in its former place. And so you can do countless times.

Bug "time dilation". If you want to slow down the time in the car, playing Michael or Trevor, you just need to open the radio selection wheel and not close it. Time will begin to move very slowly, but at the same time all the functions of the car will remain the same.

Cheating bug for endless health, a whole transport and weapons. In free-play mode, we switch to another character and as quickly as possible move on to the previous hero. All indicators stop.

A bug with Trevor. If you turn on his ability just before falling from a height, he will not receive any damage.

Game crashes

But there are bugs that annoy. Basically, "GTA-5" crashes when switching characters. As a rule, this is treated with the death of the character three times and missed the mission.

  • If "GTA-5" crashes when changing character on a mission with a garbage truck. To avoid this, you need to get into the garbage truck and blow it up three times with a grenade, any other improvised means, or die yourself in any way possible. If you do these actions, the option to skip the mission will appear.
  • If "GTA-5" crashes when switching characters on the missions "Blitz game" and "Big jackpot", go to the documents - Rockstar Games - GTA V - Profiles - DFE3B7FD, delete the files cfg.dat and pc_settings.bin. After these steps, start the game, adjust the brightness and DO NOT go into the in-game settings. If this method does not help, you can try not to use Velcro bombs to explode the doors.
  • Another solution to all problems, if "GTA-5" crashes when changing characters - play in windowed mode from the first person. Helps on all missions.
  • Problems with aiming in the car. If we use any throwing objects, in no case do we take them in our hands, do not aim and do not throw the mouse. You need to aim the gun at the place where you want to throw, and use the G key on the keyboard.

character change in gta 5

Cheats and codes of the game

In order to enter the codes, you need to go to the console by pressing the tilde key (~). But after entering the codes it will not be possible to receive achievements. To resume the fight for them, you will need to restart the game.

  • Immortality of the character for five minutes - 1-999-724-654-5537. After this time, the code will have to be re-entered.
  • To restore armor and health to the maximum, you need to enter 1-999-887-853.
  • Not very useful code, but if you really want to, you can experiment. We enter 1-999-547-861, and the character becomes drunk, as a result of this is inhibited, and will see others vaguely.
  • Explosive hand-to-hand combat - 1-999-4684-2637. At each strike, explosions will occur, and the enemy will die as soon as possible.
  • If you enter 1-999-228-8463, then the hero will run faster.
  • Restore special ability - 1-999-769-3787. The yellow bar will be at the maximum mark.
  • In order to maximize slow down time when aiming, you need to enter 1-999-332-3393 four times. The fifth time the deceleration is completely turned off.
  • If you use the code 1-999-759-3255, then the player will fly to the sky, and then begin to fall. But you cannot use a parachute, so this cheat must be used in conjunction with immortality.
  • If you want the whole police to actively search for a hero, enter 1-999-3844-8483. And if this is not enough, enter the code again, and a tough hunt will begin.
  • Funny code for changing gravity. If you enter 1-999-356-2837, then gravity will become, as on the moon. It will be felt when in "GTA-5" the characters jump.

how to create a character in gta 5

GTA online

Based on this part, the developers made an online game. The characters of "GTA-5" appear in it, but, besides them, you can create your own hero. With it, you can carry out any type of activity: rob banks, attack other players, participate in races.

How to create a character in GTA 5 online? First, the facial features that grandparents possessed are selected, then the parents' data is selected, and as a result a character with the corresponding genes is obtained. Sex is selected. Clothes can be changed later.

After you have decided on the appearance, you need to choose interests. This gives twenty-four hours of his life. They need to be distributed between different options for spending time. For example, choosing a run in the morning and training in a simulator, the character will turn out to be physically developed and hardy. But, on the other hand, shooting and driving skills will be weak.

There are seven options for classes - sleep, sports, friends and family, crime, legal work, lying on the couch, parties and parties.

If you choose to lie on the couch, the character will be lazy, but with developed transport management skills.

It will be best if you distribute points so that the skills correspond to the style of the game in GTA-5. Creating a character, like pumping it, must be done wisely, otherwise the game will not bring pleasure.

In the online version of "GTA-5", leveling is very logical and simple: you need to rob, kill and steal. In general, play your character and thereby increase your level.

A problem can occur in an online game: a character is displayed in the GTA 5 strip. To solve this, you need to update the drivers on the video card.

Fascinating and interesting pastime for you to play!


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