How to put the boor in place? How to respond to rudeness?

In real life, everyone has to deal with rudeness. At the same time, we do not always know how to behave with a person who wants to scandal. Therefore, it is important to understand how to put the boor in place. A few simple tricks will help you feel more confident in such a situation, to avoid unpleasant stress.

how to put the boor in place

Keep your dignity

If a person openly provokes you for no apparent reason, this means that he wants to mess with you. You do not know how to respond? Do not rush to answer him. The rude is just waiting for this. Especially if you have to meet this person often. In such cases, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • pull yourself together and mentally calm down;
  • react to all statements addressed to you with restraint, without raising your voice;
  • by all means, let your opponent know that you are completely in control of yourself;
  • invite him to express his dissatisfaction in a more relaxed manner;
  • no matter what feelings you have in this situation, keep calm and calm.

If you can keep yourself in control, the boor will become chilly and, in any case, this time, will leave you alone. And another time I’ll think about whether to deal with you.

quarrel rudeness

Psychologist's advice

How to put the boor in place? Of course, you can get out of the conflict with the rude by clever phrases. This method will be especially effective if it is unfamiliar with the meaning of the words you have spoken. But not always the right thoughts come to mind immediately. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the advice that psychologists recommend.

  • Know how to keep silent in response to boorish attacks. If you did not immediately reciprocate, such a person can gradually calm down, realizing that further attacks are pointless.
  • Smile A smile can disarm a provocateur. After all, his behavior, he could not scare you. On the contrary, it becomes clear that you will not allow to upset your inner balance.
  • How to respond to rudeness with dignity? Put the attacker in an awkward position. Parry his words with a joking phrase, a wise saying, just ignore it. This may discourage him from continuing to contact you.
  • Try to pretend that you agree with him. Assent, agree. Maybe this is what he is waiting for. If such a person decides that he succeeded in achieving his goal, he will simply leave you alone.
  • In any case, do not try to prove anything to him.
rudeness self-control

How to replace an arrogant person

Nowadays, one often observes the arrogant attitude of some people towards others. Such types keep themselves brazenly, they are absolutely sure that everything is allowed to them. Explaining their wrong is almost useless. Therefore, by your behavior show the boor that you do not recognize his superiority:

  • Put it in place with a wise phrase.
  • You can answer such a person witty, but not provoke frank mockery.
  • Show that you don't care about his arrogance.
  • Courtesy is a powerful weapon against people who can do harm.
  • Do not answer him with obscene expressions.
  • Outwardly keep yourself calm, do not show your anger.

If you were able to restrain yourself, then you managed to cope with the task, you know how to put the boor in place. A calm reaction to such a negative will keep you in a good mood and poise, and the arrogant snapper will no longer want to show you his superiority.

How to respond to rudeness at work

It is very important to be able to replace a rude person with whom you meet every day at work. After all, if you do not stop him in time, your presence in the service will be simply unbearable.

  • If a colleague bothers you with their nit-picking and rudeness, explain to him that you will not allow you to talk to yourself in this way. Reduce your communication with him exclusively to working matters. In other cases, this type is simply ignored.
  • As a leader, stop gross attacks on your part from subordinates. If you show cowardice, the team will cease to respect you. Talk to the abuser in your office. Do not stoop to clarify the relationship. Your trump card should be the flaws in his work. Make it clear that you are going to take in his place a more competent employee.
  • How to put in place a boor-boss? It is necessary to remain alone with him and listen to all claims against him. Promise to correct all your mistakes. At the same time, in a tactful manner, let him know that he is behaving inappropriately and that you do not like it.
how to respond to rudeness with dignity

How to respond to the rudeness of relatives

Sometimes you are faced with an unacceptably rude attitude towards yourself of people with whom you are in a family relationship. How to put in place a boor relative? In such situations, follow some simple tips:

  • Learn to control yourself and not lose your temper.
  • Weigh your every word, control emotions.
  • Find the strength to talk to him calmly and explain that you no longer tolerate boorish attitude towards yourself.

Perhaps this person considers such behavior to be the norm and does not think that he might offend someone. Let him know that this is unacceptable. If your relative is a sane person, then the conflict between you will end.

how to react

How to punish rudeness

Any rudeness is unacceptable and must be punished. The methods of punishment depend on the personality of the rude:

  • If the employee allows such behavior, disciplinary sanctions can be applied to him. Extreme punishment may be dismissal.
  • If the seller is naughty, it is necessary to require a book of complaints and suggestions and describe in detail the conflict situation. You can also send a written complaint to the head of the company.
  • It is not uncommon for public transport drivers to behave rudely. In this case, the passenger can turn to the management of the enterprise that serves a specific route. If the complaint is ignored, you can go to court.


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