Dog after anesthesia: possible complications and recovery period

Many dog ​​owners, having heard from the veterinarian that their pets (sick or completely healthy) need anesthesia for any kind of medical manipulation, are faced with a difficult situation. Not everyone knows about the features of such a procedure. Some are very scared and often refuse the help of a veterinarian, while others are too frivolous about this complex procedure.

The condition of the body in which the dog loses any kind of sensitivity is called anesthesia. In veterinary practice today it is used quite often. And carrying out this procedure is far from always associated with abdominal operations. Anesthesia can also be used in other procedures. For example, dental calculus removal at the dentist. But today we will talk about the condition of the dog after anesthesia. You will find out when this procedure is vital, how the animal is prepared for it, and what kind of care it needs when leaving this state.

How much dog leaves after anesthesia

When is anesthesia necessary?

Dogs are rather restless patients, and sometimes they are dangerous for the doctor. For this reason, in modern veterinary practice, anesthesia is used quite often. It is necessary in the following situations:

  • prolonged surgical interventions: operations on the limbs and abdominal;
  • cosmetic, diagnostic procedures;
  • various medical manipulations in relation to very large dogs, when there is no possibility of their fixation;
  • procedures, including even inspection, of too aggressive animals;
  • if the animal can experience serious stress from the manipulations.

Preparing dogs for anesthesia

A preparatory examination of the animal is very important. How much the dog leaves after anesthesia largely depends on it. Before the operation, the veterinarian must prescribe a blood test, ultrasound, ECG, x-ray. If any acute or chronic disease is detected, the animal is treated and only then prepared for surgery.

Depending on the condition of the animal, therapeutic measures are carried out aimed at reducing the risk of anesthesia. The owner of the animal gives written permission for its use. In addition, the owner of the dog is warned that the dog can be fed for the last time 12 hours before surgery.

Animal examination

Used drugs

At the preparatory stage, the doctor carefully selects drugs for anesthesia. This takes into account the age of the animal, its weight, general health. The choice of the drug used depends on the diagnosis. Quite often, the drug "Rometar" is used. He has proven himself as an anesthetic that does not have sleeping pills. This is an adenoblocker that blocks pain sensitivity, but does not immerse into deep sleep.

The drug "Rometar"

The composition "Propofol" for intravenous administration is close to it in composition and purpose. It has a short action - the animal’s sleep comes very quickly and the dog wakes up also quickly. The cardiovascular system does not practically suffer from its action. In cases where it is necessary to conduct endoscopy, examine the oral cavity, remove foreign objects from the pharynx or mouth, and perform ultrasonic cleaning of the teeth, this drug is used.

The drug “Zoletil” has a strong analgesic effect. This is a high-quality, modern, combined remedy. In surgery, Ketamine is often used, which can cause hallucinogenic sleep. This negatively affects the psyche of the animal. Modern drugs "Antisedan" and "Domitor" have a specific antagonist that allows you to quickly relieve anesthesia. Oxymorphone is used for sedation or biopsy.

Dog after anesthesia

After the operation is completed, the animal, departing from anesthesia, needs complete rest. Quite often, owners are interested in: “How long does the dog leave after anesthesia?” It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. In each case, it depends on the right drugs and the individual characteristics of the body. Some dogs emerge from this condition after two to three hours, while others - after almost a day.

How the dog departs after anesthesia

The dog departs from anesthesia even in the clinic, therefore, if any complications occur, experienced doctors will be able to provide timely assistance to her. That is why veterinarians always ask owners not to rush to write out their pet home until the moment the animal opens its eyes. Only after the dog’s final awakening, having received all the grooming tips and recommendations of the veterinarian, can the pet be taken from the clinic.

Do not be afraid of what a dog looks like after anesthesia - it is very weak and needs your love and care. About how to care for your friend during the recovery period, we will talk a little later. Many owners note that the dog often breathes and trembles after anesthesia. It should be taken home very carefully, covered with a warm blanket to reduce chills and protect fresh joints from drafts.

Possible complications

When a dog leaves anesthesia, a number of complications can arise:

  1. Awakening after surgery is delayed.
  2. After anesthesia, the dog shakes.
  3. Breathing becomes slow.
  4. The heartbeat is weakening.
  5. The dog begins to wheeze and breathe often. Such a complication often manifests itself in animals with problems with the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system.
  6. Lowering body temperature.
  7. Allergic irritation to the abdomen is possible.
  8. The dog vomits after anesthesia.
  9. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system (urine does not drain, constipation).

Pulmonary edema

Possible manifestation at a later stage of the postoperative period of pulmonary edema or stroke. Such a complication is characteristic of animals weakened or having prerequisites for these diseases. Timely qualitative diagnostics reduce the risk of negative consequences for your pet to a minimum.

What does a dog look like after anesthesia

Cerebral edema

With prolonged hypoxia, the animal may develop cerebral edema caused by circulatory disorders. This may result in the death of the animal.

Severe chills

The dog trembles after anesthesia, which is explained by hypothermia, since thermoregulation is disturbed. Severe chills often provokes respiratory depression. For this reason, after surgery, the animal often needs to measure temperature and warm if necessary.

Problems with heart

Another serious risk of prolonged anesthesia, experts consider changes in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Most often this is manifested by a change in pressure and the amount of blood that the heart pumps, the occurrence of arrhythmias. In some animals, the drugs used during anesthesia cause cardiac arrhythmia and hypotension, which leads to a lack of oxygen for body tissues and the brain. The result is damage to the central nervous system (blindness, cramps, etc.).

We listed possible complications in a dog after anesthesia. This does not mean that such problems will occur in your pet. We just wanted to emphasize how important the preoperative examination of the animal is, and to warn many owners that they should not be neglected.

Possible complications

The recovery period in the hospital

As we have said, the dog after the operation is transferred to the hospital. It is necessary that specialists observe how the dog feels and behaves after anesthesia. At this time, the animal does not control its behavior, it is weakened and disoriented. After epidural anesthesia, the dog for some time does not own the hind limbs, so it should be limited in movement so that it does not get injured.

In the postoperative hospital, the dog undergoes thermometry if necessary, it is additionally warmed to reduce pain after surgery and the prevention of edema. In addition, oxygen is supplied to the animal and painkillers are administered. Only after the veterinarian decides that nothing threatens the life of your pet, he will be discharged from the hospital with all the appropriate recommendations.

Dog after anesthesia: what to do at home?

First of all, you need to prepare a warm and comfortable litter for your friend. It is better to place the mattress on the floor, as jumping and sudden movements can cause pain to the animal. The room should be free of drafts. It is advisable to cover the litter with oilcloth: on the first day after the operation, your faithful friend is unlikely to be able to go outside.

An electric heating pad will come in handy, as the animal often has a decrease in body temperature and chills. On the first day, the owner should moisten the dog with lips and tongue with water if it is difficult to get out of anesthesia. Later, you should put water, which must be changed daily near the place where the operated animal lies. If the dog refuses water, it is injected into the mouth with a syringe (without a needle). At the first signs of dehydration, it is necessary to put a dropper with saline.

You can drink the dog five hours after it leaves the anesthesia. And with feeding, you should wait a bit. The first feeding is allowed after ten to twelve hours. In this case, it is necessary to observe the measure. The body of the animal is not yet able to spend energy on processing solid food. Ideally in this situation, low-fat liquid broths, cereals are suitable. They should be given in small amounts, but often. And never feed the dog forcibly.

Home Care

If the dog is experiencing severe pain or behaving uneasily, inject the analgesics prescribed by the veterinarian. In order to prevent complications and inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed. To support the functions of the heart and liver, veterinarians recommend putting droppers. If the owner of the animal alone cannot make the infusion, the specialist comes to the house.

To summarize

Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to conclude that the recovery period after anesthesia is no less important than the anesthesia itself. Therefore, until the animal completely exits this condition, careful daily monitoring by qualified personnel is necessary to reduce the risk of complications.

Nevertheless, owners of animals who are afraid of this procedure should be reassured: in modern veterinary clinics where experienced specialists work, animals undergo a full examination before anesthesia, the condition of the four-legged patient is monitored not only during, but also after anesthesia. This allows complications associated with anesthesia to be minimized. And owners who know how the dog moves away from anesthesia will be able to create all the conditions for a recovering friend.


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