How to make a fence from pallets with your own hands: features, description and recommendations

Many transport companies use special wooden pallets to transport various goods and cargoes. They are called pallets. This material may remain after delivery, for example, of bricks or a solid fuel boiler. Pallets can be used when arranging a wooden fence.

The fence of pallets will harmoniously fit into the country style or with the folklore design of the site. The cost of such a construction will be minimal. How to do the work, you should learn in detail the owners of suburban real estate.

Material Features

When considering how to make a fence from pallets for a summer house , you should pay attention to the main characteristics of this material. Pallets allow you to quickly create a reliable fence, both around the perimeter of the site, and for zoning. Pallets do not require special handling. They are initially manufactured to specific standards. Therefore, it is very simple to apply them for construction purposes.

Pallet fence

To create a fence, you do not need to purchase a special tool. It is enough to use a hacksaw or a jigsaw. Also, a lot of experience in carrying out construction work is not required. A master may have minimal skills.

Most often, pallets remain in the country after its construction. However, if they are not in the economy of summer residents, such pallets can be bought at a transport company or a hardware store. The cost of such pallets will be significantly lower than ordinary boards.

Pallets are considered strong, reliable and durable material. Therefore, to use them for the construction of fencing is more than appropriate.

Types of Pallet

The fence of pallets should be erected from a certain type of pallets. Not all materials are suitable for this. Today, metal, plastic and wooden pallets are actively used for various transportations. The last option is the best when building a fence.

DIY pallet fence

Metal pallets are not suitable for the construction of fencing in the suburban area. Plastic varieties can be used for similar purposes. However, such material is more suitable for cottagers who are engaged in breeding climbing plants. They will look beautiful on a plastic fence.

Wooden pallets are considered the best option for creating a fence in the country. They can be easily processed with ordinary tools and have a long service life. It is also a very durable product. That is why most summer residents choose wood pallets to create a fence on their site.


A wooden pallet fence has many advantages. Therefore, many summer residents choose this option for their suburban area.

Wooden pallets are an inexpensive and easy to install material. You can create a fence in just two hours. Such a fence will be strong. He will be able to protect the site or flower bed from animals and people.

How to make a fence from pallet ways

If the section of the fence is damaged, it will be easy to repair. To do this, purchase boards and eliminate broken elements.

Wood is not exposed to moisture and temperature changes if it is properly processed. Therefore, such a fence will last for many years for the benefit of its owners. It can be painted in any color or varnished. This will emphasize the individuality of the owners.

Ways to build a fence

There are several approaches to making a fence from a pallet. The methods that are used today by craftsmen do not differ from ordinary construction works of this type. It is necessary to take into account the general style of the site.

There are two main ways to create a fence from pallets. In the first case, single pallets are used, and in the second - their double varieties. Everyone chooses for themselves an option that harmoniously fits into the overall style.

How to make a fence from wooden pallets

Double pallets look a little rough. Therefore, this option is well suited for giving in the old style. When building a house with decoration for the ancient Russian hut, this option will be more preferable. For other approaches to the design of the exterior of the cottage, the option with single-layer pallets is more suitable. They are easily divided into 2 halves. To do this, you need to break the part that is pierced by a large nail obliquely.

Materials and equipment

Studying the question of how to make a fence of wooden pallets , you should consider the necessary materials and tools. They must be prepared in advance so that the whole process goes quickly.

How to make a fence from wooden pallets

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the number of pallets that will be used during construction. In addition to pallets, wooden support poles will be required. Pallets will be attached to them.

It is also necessary to purchase concrete mix and crushed stone. This is necessary to ensure a strong fixation of the support posts. To do the job correctly, you must use the level. Also required fasteners.

Of the tools should prepare a garden shovel or drill, screwdriver, pliers. Measurements are made using a tape measure. After careful preparation, you can begin the process of erecting the fence.

Beginning of work

Do-it- yourself fence made of pallets (pallets) with your own hands . To do this, using the tape measure the perimeter of the site. Next, the resulting value is divided by the length of the pallets. The result will show how many pallets the owners will need to prepare.

Fence from pallets how to build

Please note that pallets can have different lengths. Therefore, it is recommended to use pallets of the same size during construction. If they are different, you need to sort the different types of pallets. Using measurements establish the required number.

Equally sized pallets will look better. In this case, the design will be stronger.

After preparing the required number of pallets, attention must be paid to the selection of support columns. They should be smooth, without defects. The length of the bars should also be identical. In this case, it will be easier to install all the structural elements. The fence will turn out more beautiful and stronger.

Installation of columns

Correct installation of support poles requires a fence of pallets. How to build such a design will help to learn the advice of experienced builders. The foundation in this case is not required. The design will not have a lot of weight. Only support pillars will need to be strengthened in the ground.

To do this, in certain places they dig a shovel hole. They should be separated from each other at the same interval. The distance between the pits should be slightly less than the length of the pallets.

A support column is installed in each recess. They are sprinkled with rubble and sand. This will add rigidity and stability to the structure. Using the level you need to control the position of the pillars. They should be the same size and stand perpendicular to the plane of the base. After this, the recesses are poured with concrete. Mix water, cement and sand. The solution is poured to the upper level of the fossa.

Installation of pallets

Having studied how to make a fence from wooden pallets , you can assemble the structure quickly and simply. After the concrete hardens (you will need to leave the supporting posts for 3-5 days), you can proceed with the installation of pallets.

This will require wood screws and a screwdriver. The pallets are installed in the places provided for them and fixed with metalware. When the entire fence is assembled, it is necessary to properly process the material. There should be no roughness on it. To do this, the fence is treated with sandpaper.

How to make a fence from pallets for a summer house

To avoid rotting wood, it is coated with a special antibacterial agent. It will prevent the appearance of fungus and the destruction of material by insects. After drying, it is recommended to paint the fence. This will give the structure a finished look, and also additionally protect it from environmental influences. If desired, you can open the surface with varnish. This will preserve the natural appearance of wood.

How to disassemble the pallet?

Recommendations from experienced builders will help you understand how to make a fence from pallets. The advice of the masters will also help to disassemble double pallets. This is a rather complicated process. To do this, you need to prepare an ax, pliers and a shovel.

In order not to harm the material, it is necessary to hit the pallets accurately with each ax. They crack after such an impact. At the same time, both sides of the pallets remain unharmed.

Using pliers, it is necessary to get all the nails holding the two sides of the pallet. In some cases, it is possible to separate them unchanged. However, there are such pallets that have to be disassembled into separate boards. In this case, after dismantling all the structural elements using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, the fencing blocks are assembled independently.

Masters Tips

Erecting a fence from a pallet with your own hands , you should listen to the lights of experienced builders. They argue that there are ways to reduce waste during the installation of fencing blocks. To do this, fasten the short boards on the back of the pallet. In this case, the pallet material will be used more efficiently.

Open wood with varnish or paint should be at the very end of the work. During the assembly process, there is a chance of damage to the coating. Therefore, the processing of the pallet is carried out after the entire installation process.

If you cannot disassemble the double pallet, you should take a hacksaw for metal. With it, you can cut the hats of nails that hold the board. This approach allows you to maintain the integrity of both sides, immediately mount them on the support posts.


Fence from pallets can be decorated in various ways. Some prefer to simply paint the boards in the same color or open them with varnish. However, the design of the fence can go further. The fence can be painted with various techniques. Design correlate with the overall design of the site and the house.

Many cottage owners like to install flower pots on such fences. This design looks original and stylish. Flowers can be chosen different, depending on the taste preferences of the owners.

Garden furniture can also be made from pallets. In this case, the exterior elements will be in harmony with the same fence. If you color them in one color, you get a complete composition.

Having considered the technology of how to make a fence for a summer cottage from pallets, each owner of suburban real estate will be able to perform this work efficiently and quickly.


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