Wiring in a wooden house: step-by-step installation instructions, hidden and open wiring, features and recommendations

Wooden houses are highly valued for their low cost, environmental friendliness and ease of construction. Many people prefer to build such houses for suburban life. Despite all the advantages, the tree is characterized by increased fire hazard. During the installation of electrical wiring , it is especially important to ensure that all safety requirements are observed. That is why you need to know all the nuances of construction, regardless of whether you are building a house yourself or not. You can read more about wiring in a wooden house in this article.

Safety requirements

Safety is the first thing to think about when wiring. If at least one detail is done incorrectly, the consequences can be terrible. Every year, hundreds of people die from fires in homes, and a large part of these disasters are associated with spontaneous combustion of wiring. What rules should the correct wiring in a wooden house comply with?

wire for electrical wiring in a wooden house
  1. All conductors must be insulated in non-combustible material. In no place should there be bare wires.
  2. A core is a metal wire that conducts current through itself. The safest wires are copper. An additional requirement for this part of the wiring is the presence of an insulating layer that protects materials from contact with current.
  3. Open wiring is more secure than hidden. It allows you to control the condition of the wires, although it is less aesthetic than closed.
  4. During the purchase of materials, preference should be given to high-quality materials from well-known companies. Adequate value for money guarantees a long life of products.
  5. For safety reasons, before starting work, the cable cross-section must be correctly calculated. The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductors determines the total amount of current that the core can pass through itself. If you make a mistake in the calculation and exceed the norm, this is fraught with spontaneous combustion.
  6. Wires for electrical wiring in a wooden house must be closed in the distribution panel, which, in turn, must be equipped with an emergency shutdown device.
  7. The electric cable inside the house should be located only in metal pipes. If there is a problem with the wiring, this can save you from a fire.
  8. Steel pipe wiring must be grounded.

By observing these electrical wiring rules in a wooden house, you can protect your property from fire for many years.

Wiring Methods

During the construction of a wooden house, it is important to understand exactly how you want to lay the wiring. This affects the consumables and section thickness. Currently, there are two types of wiring in a private wooden house:

  • open;
  • sneaky.

In a hidden version, all wiring is located behind the casing, without going outside. The installation of such a design requires some experience and great thoughtfulness even at the stage of laying the foundation. After all, if something goes wrong, you have to dismantle the casing and redo all the work again. Open wiring has less aesthetics, but is more picky in installation. Even a beginner can install it. Open wiring is pulled along the walls of the room, and copper or aluminum rubber wires are used for installation. This is a cheaper and less time-consuming method, but nevertheless it has a number of disadvantages. During its implementation, it is necessary to observe strict technical standards and monitor the quality of materials. Installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house is fraught with certain difficulties, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing and is suitable for those cases when electrical wiring is laid in a new house. If you want to expand the existing electricity network or work is being carried out in an already built building, then it would be more logical to choose an open method.

electrical wiring in a private wooden house

Wiring diagrams

How to make wiring in a wooden house? Before starting the work itself, you need to draw a detailed diagram, which will depict a plan of the future building and wiring. This will not only allow the correct conduct of electricity, but also prevent damage to the wires in the case of a closed installation method. After all, if you decide to hammer a nail into the wall in the future, you can inadvertently damage the wires located in the wall. On the diagram it is necessary to designate all sockets and an electric meter that will be in the house. You also need to pre-calculate the distance between them and indicate this in the diagram. You can make a similar drawing based on the drawing of the house or on the basis of an already constructed building. Experienced electricians recommend laying electrical. wiring in a wooden house use the following rules:

  1. The shield is best installed in the corridor on the ground floor, while it should be located at the height of the eyes of an adult. This will protect the electricity from the actions of children.
  2. The height of the circuit breakers is best designed at the same level: it will look aesthetically pleasing. Usually, switches are made at a height of 80 to 100 centimeters.
  3. Despite the method of laying the cable (open or closed), the wire should be located at a height of 20 cm from the floor or the same distance from the top of the ceiling. The fact is that in these places the wires are least likely to be damaged.
  4. There are no defined standards in the GOST for the height of outlets. Therefore, you can install them at any height.
  5. According to building regulations, at least one power outlet must be installed in each room. The upper value is limited to 1 socket per 4 square meters of living space. For example, in one room with an area of ​​15 square meters, you can install three single sockets.

After you draw a detailed drawing, you can begin to purchase supplies and work on installing electrical wiring.

Preparing for electrical wiring

It is impossible to start laying electrical wiring in a wooden house at any time. First of all, you need to get the technical conditions from the organization that is engaged in power supply in your area. For example, for the Leningrad region it will be the Lenenergo company. However, this only needs to be done if your site is still completely disconnected from the mains. Before applying for a connection, you need to calculate how much power you need. To do this, you need to write out all the electrical appliances that you will use in the house, and add up their power. Most electricity is consumed by electric stoves and microwaves - about 2000 watts. They are followed by heaters and kettles. But the refrigerator needs only 400 watts. A standard area usually requires 5-10 kW.

laying of electrical wiring in a wooden house

After all the formalities are settled, you need to decide on the materials for the wiring. Laying wiring in a wooden house is fraught with certain difficulties, so it is important to calculate all the nuances in advance. In the wiring diagram, you must specify each electrical point, as well as the type of cable leading to it. If double sockets are used in construction, then a three-core cable must be connected to them. Junction boxes must also be installed in each room. For two adjacent rooms you can use one box. According to statistics, the greatest danger is not the wires themselves, but the places of their connections. Therefore, at this stage of the wiring should pay special attention.

Selection of Materials for Posting

Choosing the correct cable cross-section, as well as other consumables, is very important so that your power grid retains its performance characteristics for a long time. For example, some builders tend to choose the cable with the maximum possible cross-section, believing that in this way they can avoid mistakes. However, this is not quite the right decision. The cable must exactly match the expected load. In order to avoid complex calculations, you can use one of the tables of recommended power.

It is better to choose a copper wire for outdoor wiring in a wooden house. Firstly, it can last much longer than aluminum. Secondly, it has better conductivity. Most often they use wiring with NYM copper, as it has an optimal price-quality ratio. Either metal pipes or (most often) PVC corrugations are used as insulation material for wiring. They are made of modern materials and are self-extinguishing. The insulation of the material protects the person from contact with current, and also allows you to place several cores side by side. For complex cases, insulating pipes of several layers are used, as well as with an internal metal layer. Such materials should be used if there is a high probability of damage.

Installation steps

When laying wiring in a wooden house, it is important to observe the phasing. Step-by-step activity will help even a novice cope with the installation of electricity.

  1. After developing the scheme and purchasing all the relevant materials, you need to run a cable that will connect the power line and the house.
  2. After that, you need to stretch the cable through all the rooms and rooms in which there will be electricity.
  3. Then sockets and junction boxes are installed.
  4. One of the most time-consuming steps is connecting the wires. At this stage, the easiest way to make a mistake.
  5. In conclusion, you need to connect the sockets and switches to the network.
electrical wiring rules in a wooden house

Wiring insulation

In order to answer the question of how to make wiring in a wooden house, it is necessary to illuminate the insulation characteristics in more detail. Knowing them, you can choose the material that suits you based on operating conditions.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the voltage that the material can withstand. Usually it is 600-1000 watts, which is quite enough for conventional wiring.
  2. UV resistant. If you lay the cable outside the room, you need to pay special attention to this parameter. Due to direct sunlight, the material can deform quite quickly, which will lead to shortened service life.
  3. Sensitivity to low temperatures. Extreme heat is rare in Russia. Unlike severe frosts. Therefore, if you plan to lay out the wiring outdoors, you must definitely monitor this characteristic.
  4. Also, the wiring must withstand high temperatures. This rule applies not only to the weather, a certain amount of heat is generated during the passage of current through the cable. In case of cable malfunctions or excessive loads, the temperature inside the insulating pipe can reach high values. Typically, insulating materials indicate the temperature limit that they can withstand, as well as their behavior in case of fire or decay.

Switchboard installation

How to conduct wiring in a wooden house? Correct wiring must be equipped with an electrical panel. But how to install it? First you need to equip the device with an accounting device. Then the input device itself is installed, and the phase and neutral are brought to the bipolar circuit breaker. After that, you need to connect the output terminals of the device with the input of the input circuit breaker. After that, you can bring the wire into the house and connect it to the meter. Then, voltage relays, automatic devices for different groups of electrical appliances, as well as a residual current device are mounted in the shield. It may be needed if the wiring closes or the mains voltage exceeds the technical parameters. In order to be able to connect additional devices and automatic machines in the future, it is recommended to leave a certain amount of empty space inside. If you have devices with high energy consumption (electric boiler, dishwasher) on your site, it is better to connect them through a separate machine, as well as make your own RCD.

Cable routing in the room

In order for the house to have electricity, you need to stretch the cable from the power line - even schoolchildren know this. But the practical implementation of this task causes many difficulties. There are two ways to extend the wire:

  • by air;
  • underground.
how to make wiring in a wooden house

Both of these options have their pros and cons. The air way is much simpler and cheaper. To install wiring in a similar way, you need to purchase self-supporting insulated wires and install a fireproof sleeve in the wall of the house through which the entrance will pass. Laying the underground cable is much more difficult. For its insulation, metal pipes are used, as well as a high-strength cable. This method of installing electrical wiring in a wooden house must be coordinated with the energy company.

Internal laying rules

Conducting a hidden electrical wiring in the house does not require special preparation. Usually, already at the initial stage of construction, a place for cable is laid. Installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house is carried out using a specially made strobe. These are the furrows that are made under decorative cladding. Concealed wiring must have a double sheath or be placed in protective pipes. As insulation, metal and PVC pipes that are resistant to combustion are used.

If you decide to do open wiring, then you will need to provide more nuances. There are several ways to wire:

  • Metal insulating pipes do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but they protect the wiring well from fire. In order for the pipes to effectively fulfill their purpose, it is necessary that they be filled with a cable no more than 40%.
  • Ceramic rollers look very unusual - in this way they laid wiring several decades ago. Laying retro wiring in a wooden house is practically no different from the usual installation method.
  • To wires seamlessly fit into the interior, you can resort to using special skirting boards. They made holes for cables, and they have increased fire resistance.
  • Cable-channel made of plastic is the most common and cheapest way to finish. It reliably hides the wires and protects them from external mechanical stress.
  • Simple brackets can be used in utility rooms, in which there is no need to make a more complex finish.

Electrical wiring

How to make wiring in a wooden house? As a rule, all wires are connected in a junction box, which is carried outside the premises. Installation of a junction box is a very responsible task, since it is during these works that the power of the electric current between the sockets is differentiated. You can connect the wires to each other in several ways: using crimping or clamping with a sleeve-pliers. Simple twisting of wires between themselves has not been used for a long time, since this is the least reliable way. Also, you can quickly connect the wires using screw terminals. To do this, clean the ends of the wires with 5 mm of insulation, insert the wires into the clamp and tighten with a screw.

turnkey electrical wiring in a wooden house

Having finished connecting the wires, you can proceed to further work. During installation of the junction box, it is important to know the characteristics of the cable labeling. In order to understand how the cable is connected inside the junction box, carefully study the connection diagrams.

Grounding wires

Laying electrical wiring in a wooden house is always fraught with certain difficulties. One of the most important points that you should pay attention to is the grounding of wires, without which not a single house can do. Why do you need grounding? The main purpose of this system is to divert hazardous electricity to the ground in case of cable failure. , - , - ( ) . , .

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Final work

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  • Measurement of the resistance of the insulation coating. You need to check both the outer sheath of the cables and the insulating pipes (if any). If the device shows even the slightest voltage, this may mean that the materials are selected poor-quality or work was performed incorrectly.
  • Checking the resistance of grounding devices. If you don’t have special devices, you can simply connect the wire to the grounding device and try to turn on the light. If it burns, it means that grounding does not fulfill its function.
  • Control of circuit breakers.
how to conduct wiring in a wooden house

Common problems

Unfortunately, after checking the power grid, many are disappointed. Not all people observe the rules for wiring in a wooden house, and because of this, electricity simply does not work. What could be the problem?

  1. Incorrect wiring can begin even from the design stage. Carefully calculate how much electricity all appliances consume if turned on simultaneously. Then correlate this figure with the characteristics of the components. Perhaps the cable cross-sectional area was incorrectly calculated.
  2. Poor quality materials. If you decide to save on materials for wiring, then after the end of work you may be seriously disappointed. Cheap Chinese materials do not conduct electricity well and often do not meet safety requirements. When buying components, you need to pay attention not only to quality, but also to the expiration date.
  3. Connecting all outlets to 1-2 wiring lines is an unacceptable error. For those outlets to which especially powerful electrical appliances will be connected, a separate circuit breaker equipped with an RCD must be made.
  4. Wire connection. If the wires were connected in the wrong order or in the wrong way, then it is likely that electricity will not work at all.
  5. The distribution panel is the center of the electrical network in the house. The wiring diagram is quite complicated, so novice electricians often make a mistake in this area.

In the event that you laid electrical wiring in a wooden house in a hidden way, do not rush to do decorative decoration immediately after finishing work. Otherwise, you will have to start all over again if there are any problems in the mains.


The rules for laying wiring in a wooden house will help you save a lot of time and money, and also not to painfully look for your mistakes after completion of work. In order for everything to succeed, do not forget about careful planning and procurement of quality materials. Installation of electrical wiring in a turnkey wooden house can be done quickly by a specialist, but if you decide to do it yourself, you can save quite a lot of money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19764/

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