How to make a birdhouse with your own hands. Make a birdhouse for a summer cottage

Country life is multifaceted and beautiful. Having coped with all the troubles, you can enjoy the delicious and juicy fruits grown on your own site. The fruits that the whole family looked at and did not dare to eat until they ripen, but which some moth came first to eat. Yes, do not forget that country pests - these are the same owners on the site, like you. And if chemically it is better to use pest control as a way of mass destruction, then when things are not so bad, you can get by with natural possibilities. For example, to attract birds to the country. How to make a birdhouse with your own hands? Very simple.

If you build a birdhouse, then you will create not only a cozy house for birds and you can watch them, but also protect yourself from the attacks of insect pests. Few people know, but one family of birds can eat up to a thousand larvae of the May beetle, caterpillars, and other insects per week. It is difficult to argue with such arguments, so we will tell you how to make a birdhouse with our own hands.

So, what should be a house for feathered friends. Firstly, the birdhouse must be made of wood (any species other than conifers will do), no plastic, much less metal. The walls inside the house are specially left untreated so that the birds can cling to them with their claws.

The second point in solving the problem of “how to make a birdhouse with your own hands” is the size of the house. The size was determined for us by nature itself. Most birds accommodate a hollow in the trees for housing, so the size of the bottom for a birdhouse should be 10 * 12 or 12 * 12 cm. We start making the house from the bottom. For this, an unplaned board of 20-30 mm is used and the corresponding workpiece is cut. Then, the back and front walls of the house are made, with a length of at least 34 cm and a width equal to the bottom side plus two board thicknesses. This is done because the side walls of the birdhouse are inserted between the front and rear parts of the house. It is also worth noting that the roof of the birdhouse is sloping and preferably from slabs so that water flows better through it, so the front wall of the house should be slightly higher than the back, but not shorter than 34 cm.

Having cut out all the blanks, we take the front wall of the house and, stepping back from its upper part 8 cm, make a round cut exactly in the center, the so-called “letok”, through which the birds will fall into the birdhouse. Then we nail the side walls. We’re not in a hurry to beat the last plank, since you will still need to attach a triangular-shaped rail to the bottom, which will imitate the scope of the hollow in the tree. We nail the back wall and the roof to the house, which, as already mentioned, is better made from slab. The roof should protrude slightly above the birdhouse from all sides. It remains only to attach a perch under the tap-hole and the birdhouse with your own hands is ready, and the task - "how to make the birdhouse with your own hands" is solved.

The house can be hung on a tree, wall or pole to a height of at least 2 meters, tilted forward slightly so that rain does not fall into it and letch to the southeast or east. To fix a birdhouse to trees is better on a wire, but not on nails. Many are interested in - “Can I paint a birdhouse?” It depends only on the wishes of the master himself. However, if you nevertheless decided to give the birdhouse a little aesthetics, then you need to use water-based paints, and paint exclusively from the outside. Do not use green paint. Starlings will not settle in a green birdhouse.

By placing the birdhouse in your area or near the house, do not forget that the birdhouse requires periodic care. In autumn or early winter, it is necessary to remove the birdhouse and remove feathers, garbage, food debris from it. It will not be superfluous to also process it from the inside with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. This will avoid the reproduction of parasites in the house.

So we answered the question "how to build a birdhouse with your own hands." It only remains to arm yourself with materials and tools and give our feathered brothers a cozy house.


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