How to leave the clan in a computer game?

Online multiplayer games have gained incredible popularity in recent years. Over the past ten years, players have gradually moved from offline to online, choosing their favorite games and competing in them with other gamers. The popularity of MMORPGs can well be explained by the improvement in the quality of both the computers themselves and the Internet connection. If earlier on the network it was possible to play only the simplest games, now in online battles you can see such beauties that no one dreamed of ten years ago. However, one of the most attractive moments in mass online games is the presence of a clan system. Naturally, no one forces you to participate in this, you can always swing and move up the career ladder yourself, but at the same time you can join the clan at any time. However, before this you should understand what the clan is, how to join it, and most importantly, how to leave the clan. With the last point, many players in various projects have special problems.

Clans in games

how to leave the clan

So, before moving on to the urgent issue of how to leave the clan, you need to figure out why to join there at all. A clan is an in-game organization that unites players with the same goals under their banner, as well as with the desire to help each other in difficult situations, train less experienced players, raid powerful bosses together, and so on. When joining a clan, you accept its terms and conditions, acknowledge the leadership of the head of the clan and agree to do everything in accordance with the charter. Naturally, in return you will receive a huge number of various privileges. And, of course, playing along with other gamers is always much more fun, especially if you managed to find some clan whose theme you are interested in, or maybe it includes people you know. In any case, this is a real success. But what if the atmosphere in the clan does not suit you, if you want to change it? How to leave the clan?

Features in various games

If you want to learn how to leave the clan, you need to prepare for the fact that there will be no universal recipe for all games. In each project, you can leave the clan in various ways. Moreover, this action in various games may be accompanied by its own characteristics. In one game, you can simply exit the clan without any consequences, and in another you will have to wait a while before you can perform any other actions with the clans (for example, joining a new one). Therefore, it is advisable that you study in more detail information about the clans, specifically related to the game in which you participate. And now it's time to consider leaving the clan in several of the most popular multiplayer games of our time.

How to leave a clan in Minecraft

how to leave the clan minecraft

The Minecraft sandbox suddenly became incredibly popular and gradually took over the Internet thanks to the vast multiplayer capabilities. There you can even join clans or create your own. However, many gamers have a question about how to get out of the Minecraft clan? In fact, in this game everything is nowhere easier - the system is minimalistic, like the game itself. You just need to call the console and write the leave clan command in it, after which you will automatically leave the clan in which you are a member. Immediately after that, without any delay, you can join a new clan or create your own.

Exiting the clan in World of Tanks

how to leave the clan wot

Things are a little more complicated if you want to know how to get out of the WoT clan. Everything is more serious here, because the developers are very attentive to the issue of clans. It is here that you will have to wait two whole days after you leave your clan to join a new one or create your own. Your account will have a window on the right that will show you a message. Its contents will tell you that you will need to leave the current clan in order to create your own or join a new one. Everything is noticeably simplified due to the fact that the words "leave the clan" will be clickable, and it is on them that you will need to click to carry out the action. Naturally, after this there will be a waiting time during which you will not be able to carry out any clan actions, including joining a new clan or creating your own.

Leave the clan at Warface

warface how to leave the clan

As for the popular team shooter Warface, everything is much simpler here than in World of Tanks. How to become free at Warface? How to get out of the clan in this game? You do not have to notify anyone, follow some established rules or wait a while until you can join the clan again. In your account, you just need to go to the "Clans" tab, where you can select the clan you are a member of. Its window will open, in which there will be a list of members, and below the list there will be a button offering you to leave the clan. After clicking it, you will become a free lone warrior.


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