How to conduct gas in a private house: paperwork, connection conditions, necessary equipment

Gas is the most environmentally friendly and cheap fuel. In 2017, the gasification of our country amounted to about 68%. 3 years before, the procedures for connecting private houses to gas distribution systems were substantially changed. The changes affected the timing of gasification, its cost, so not every resident of the countryside knows exactly how to connect a private house to the gas pipeline. So what should we do if we carry gas to a private house? The stages of all work will be considered below.

Methods of gasification of a private house

It is worth highlighting two ways to provide a private house with gas:

  1. Autonomous gasification.
  2. Centralized.

In the latter case, gas is supplied to the equipment installed in the house from the distribution system. And if we carry gas to a private house, the stages will directly depend on the supply scheme. In the event that an autonomous system is installed in the house, gas cylinders are used for storage. This method can be implemented if there is no central gas pipeline nearby or it is very difficult to connect to it.

Gasification Option

It is easier to connect to a centralized gas supply system in those areas through which pipelines pass. Usually they are located near large cities, as well as other settlements. In remote places, autonomous gasification systems have become more common. In order to bring the gas pipe to the village, it is necessary to submit a collective application from all residents to the relevant authorities. And before you put gas into an unfinished private house, you need to prepare a building permit.

we carry out gas in a private house stages

Unfortunately, not all settlements have enough funds to carry out these works. In order to spend gas in the area, you need to pay a certain amount, which depends on the distance, the complexity of the work. All this amount will be proportionally distributed to each house that is planned to gasify.

Autonomous devices are individual; they are not tied to highways. Is it worth it to carry gas to a private house in this way? Let's look at the features. Typically, the following elements are used for the arrangement:

  1. Gas cylinders.
  2. Gas holders.
  3. Mobile trailed containers.

Gas holders are made in the form of a tank, their volume is more than 2000 liters. If you heat the house as economically as possible, occasionally heat water, then this amount of gas is enough for about six months. As for gas cylinders, they are usually used only in order to cook food.

Mounting a gas tank

The advantages of this equipment include the fact that it can be used to power the heating systems of several houses. A gas holder is a kind of small gas station. At the heart of her work is the general principle of supplying fuel to the system. Tanks usually have the following forms:

  1. Horizontally located containers. They have a very large evaporation surface, gas heating in liquid form occurs exclusively in a natural way.
  2. Vertically located containers, which occupy a small area, are mounted in confined spaces. The disadvantage of such a gas tank is that it has a very small surface area on which gas vaporizes. The design of the tank is very similar to a conventional thermos, which maintains a constant temperature of the fuel stored in it for a year.
how to conduct gas in a private house

But how to properly conduct gas in a private house using gas tanks? Installation Options:

  1. Underground. In this case, the tanks are buried in the ground. The depth at which the container is located is at least 60 cm. This will protect it both from mechanical damage and from overcooling. Above the surface, leave only the refueling unit and the neck.
  2. Ground location. In this case, the tank is mounted on a site that is protected from exposure to sunlight. To equip the system, it is necessary to use vertically located gas holders connected to each other by means of a local pipeline.

Installation of the gas tank is carried out according to the regulations. Be sure to comply with the requirements that will ensure the safe operation of the entire system. If you asked yourself how cheaper it is to carry gas to a private house, then you need to correctly position the mains. It is worth noting the allowed distances:

  1. From buildings intended for people to live, you must retreat more than 10 m.
  2. The distance from industrial facilities should be more than 8 m.
  3. From trees, outbuildings, garages, it is necessary to retreat more than 5 m.
  4. It should also be noted that there must be a distance of more than 15 m between the fuel tanks and the water intake well, and more than 5 m to the nearest septic tank.
  5. There are also requirements for distance to power lines. Must withstand at least 1.5 m.

Installation of gas cylinders

This option of autonomous gas supply is suitable if home ownership consumes a small amount of gas fuel. In order to install the cylinders, it is necessary to equip a separate room, in which it is necessary to make forced ventilation. As for the area of ​​this room, it should be at least 8 times larger than the total volume of all cylinders.

Do they conduct gas in the winter in a private house

All interior decoration should be made of fire-resistant materials. It is allowed to place gas cylinders in boxes of metal. They should be installed on the outside of the house, as far as possible from heat sources or open flames. From these gas cylinders it is necessary to lay pipes to consumers. Thus, it is quite simple to carry natural gas into a private house, but not all organizations are engaged in refueling.

The installation of cylinders is only vertical, it is necessary to place special pallets under them. Domestic gas cylinders have a volume of about 50 liters.

Connection to the central highway

As you know, this can only be done if your village is gasified. With this connection, you can use automatic boilers, without fear that you will run out of fuel at the most inopportune moment. The equipment itself allows you to regulate the flow of gas, as well as control its flow. The connection to the highway should begin with the development of technical conditions for the gasification project.

In this project, it is necessary to calculate all the equipment that needs to be connected to the trunk. A detailed plan of its location is being drawn up. Development must be trusted to companies or services that have approvals for this. Sometimes the question is whether gas is carried in winter to private homes. Carried out if climatic conditions allow this to be done. Judge for yourself, you won’t dig the frozen ground in order to make a trench for laying the pipe.

Varieties of gas pipelines

Gas pipelines perform one function. They transport gas from the place of production to the final consumer. This is a complex system, it includes various distribution systems and networks. Private home ownership is connected to the highway in several ways. First you need to choose the right pipe installation method in order to transport gas. The cost of carrying out operation and connection directly depends on this.

how to conduct gas in an unfinished private house

Two types of gas pipeline can be distinguished:

  1. Aboveground.
  2. Underground.

Underground types of pipelines have the following advantages:

  1. Sufficiently high pipe protection.
  2. The operation of the system is as safe as possible.

But there are several negative points, for example, the very high cost of installation. Also, the underground pipeline is much more difficult to perform than the aboveground. And if communications are laid across the road, you will have to change the route of vehicles for a rather long period of time, block traffic on the road.

As you know, this may require permission from the traffic police. When performing underground pipe laying, soil investigation will be required. In the event that the soil has corrosive properties, pipelines are strictly prohibited. Also, they can not be mounted if wires are laid next to which a high voltage current flows.

As for elevated pipelines, they have the following advantages:

  1. Maintenance and repair is very convenient.
  2. Fairly low cost and maintenance during operation.

It should only be noted that the above-ground gas pipeline should not interfere with the movement of people or vehicles. It is also necessary to check with local specialists whether gas is delivered to private houses in winter.

Be sure to install appropriate traffic signs next to it. The disadvantage of the overhead pipeline is that the likelihood of corrosion is very high. In order to increase the resource of the gas pipeline, it is necessary to use vinyl-plastic, polyethylene or asbestos-cement pipes in its device.

The procedure for connecting a private house to the gas pipeline

To date, the procedure is regulated by a bill that entered into force in 2014. More precisely, the bill was adopted on December 30, 2013, and entered into force in 2014. Gasification is a complex process, as a large number of documents are issued. By law, all owners of private homes are assigned to the first group of consumers.

Is it worth it to carry gas to a private house

For them, the norm is set - 5 cubic meters per hour. In principle, this is a normal consumption rate, which is more than enough to heat a house with an area of ​​not more than 250 square meters. True, it all depends on the specific region.

In order to connect home ownership to a centralized gas pipeline, the permission of the gas pipeline owner is required. With an unauthorized tie-in to the trunk, it can be damaged. For this, you can get not only a fine, but also a real term. In administrative offenses there are articles for which a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles is prescribed. If you are thinking about how to spend the "left" gas in a private house, give up this idea. It will be more expensive for itself.

After the local system is installed or connected to the central highway, it is necessary to conduct tests, as well as subsequent acceptance. All work is best trusted only to organizations that are members of the SRO and have the appropriate licenses.

What documents will be required

Before collecting documents, you need to determine the following points:

  • Who is the owner of the central highway to which you want to connect.
  • Decide on the type of gas supply, as well as find out the final cost of installation.
  • Calculate heat loads and determine which gas boiler needs to be installed in the house.

In total, there are two stages of paperwork for the gasification of a private house. First, you must submit a written application to the local organization that provides gas supply to households. It is also necessary to provide a passport. You told yourself firmly: "I want to conduct gas!". In a private house, this is not difficult, but you will have to deal with the collection and execution of all documents.

carry natural gas to a private house

The following documents must be attached:

  1. Papers confirming ownership of a home.
  2. In the event that the pipeline is planned to be laid in the private territory of other owners, their written permission to conduct work is needed.

Obtaining technical conditions

Specifications are a document in which the approval of tasks for creating a specific project takes place. Technical conditions must be drawn up in the appropriate organization. In order to draw up technical conditions, it is necessary to provide documents, namely:

  1. Application from the owner of the home. Here you must specify the address of the facility where gasification is required. It is also necessary to indicate the purpose of using the gas pipeline, the average amount of fuel consumption. Be sure to specify the types and quantity of gas equipment that will be installed in the home.
  2. A copy of the certificate of ownership of the house and the land on which it is located. It is absolutely necessary to apply the data sheet of the object. In the event that the house is under construction, you must provide permission to carry out these works.
  3. Situational plan.
  4. An examination of the soil if an underground pipeline is being created .

In the event that you personally submit all documents, you must provide your passport to a citizen of the Russian Federation and TIN.

In the event that documents are submitted through a representative, he will need to write a power of attorney. Moreover, it must be notarized. Documents are issued within 10 days. In the event that the gas distribution company refused to issue a permit, it must explain the reasons in writing.

What will be required for the gasification project

You can draw up a project in Gorgaz or in any private company that has certificates for these works. As soon as technical conditions are received, it is necessary to draw up a project consisting of 2 sections:

  1. The layout of the gas supply pipe in the area, as well as the home connection unit.
  2. The pipeline that runs from the gas distribution substation to the site where the house is located.

If gasification of the settlement is carried out as part of the state program, then the second part must be paid by the administration of the settlement. As you understand, it will be much cheaper to spend gas in a private house under the state support program. The first part is paid by the landlord. And this is already significantly reducing costs.

how to spend gas in a private house

In order to conduct gas in a private house, documents must be collected all. Design can be carried out on the basis of such data:

  1. In the presence of a topographic survey, which was made no more than 2 years ago.
  2. In the presence of technical conditions for the work.
  3. If you have a data sheet for home ownership, as well as a site plan.
  4. Permission from the local administration will also be required to carry out the development of project documentation.
  5. All gas equipment must have technical documentation in Russian only.
  6. The certificate of inspection of chimneys and ventilation in the house.

All projects must be agreed upon in the GRO. Necessarily required to make the location of the entire gas pipeline, all distribution elements and equipment. All components must be entered in the specification.

Coordination of gas pipeline installation with a construction organization

After you coordinate the project with official organizations, it is necessary to search for a contractor who can do all the work as efficiently as possible. The ideal option is those companies that perform all the turnkey work. In this case, you will only have to coordinate with them the deadlines for all work on the project, their cost, as well as the order of delivery of the object.

The organization must have licenses and permits for the installation of gas pipelines. At the same time, you, as the owner, act as a customer. You conclude a contract with a contractor, and also coordinate all installation work with the authorities, the traffic police, etc. It is imperative that all conditions agreed upon between the parties be specified in the contract.

Please note that all materials and equipment for the installation of the gas pipeline must fully comply with all specifications, as well as have certificates.

Acceptance of work

Be sure all installation work must be carried out in accordance with the technical design. If you deviate from it, then the pipeline will not work. As soon as the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the system and carry out the acceptance of work. This is carried out by a special commission consisting of:

  1. The customer.
  2. Representative of the GRO.
  3. Contractor

When checking, it is necessary to pump air into the system and inspect all butt joints for leaks. It is necessary to install a seal on the counter.

As soon as you check the system, you need to draw up an act of acceptance. The technical documentation is fully supplied to the gas distribution organization, with it you enter into an agreement for the supply of gas, as well as for the maintenance of fuel supply systems.

Before supplying gas, with the customer, that is, with the homeowner, a safety training is required. You must sign in the journal, the signature must be confirmed by the instructor. The fuel is introduced into the gas pipeline system by specialists from the gas distribution organization.


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