Baby food "Semilax": reviews of parents

One of the best mixtures for babies is considered to be Semilax. He receives mostly positive reviews. But not so simple. Baby food "Semilax" causes heated discussions among interested parties. What do young parents share? Let's get a look.

Why choose Semilax?

semilax reviews
Reviews that mothers share without stint lead to the following conclusions. Semilax attracts parents with its high-quality composition. Very many picky choices for their children. So, "Semilax" does not contain palm oil, which compares favorably with a number of its analogues. This fact attracts the attention of mothers who do not have milk. I want the baby to grow up healthy. His food should not contain low-quality or, especially, harmful elements! In addition, the mixture contains vitamins necessary for full development, trace elements that allow all organs to grow normally. Doctors say that Semilax is most similar in composition to breast milk. This captivates those who want only a good child.

Semilax: parent reviews

Unfortunately, mothers do not vote unanimously for any mixture. Baby organisms are individual. Everyone "chooses" his own food. “Semilax”, the price of which speaks of its quality, at first they try almost everything. Many

baby food semilax
kids are happy with this mixture. They sleep and grow up quietly, delighting their parents with a non-capricious character. This is not always the case. There are parents who complain about the baby's loose stools . At the same time, changing the mixture saves him from problems. Sometimes "Semilax" can provoke colic in a child. In such cases, it is recommended to change the mixture. In some cases (rarely), the product may cause allergies. Then the baby's cheeks redden, hives may appear. Naturally, an urgent need to change food. Among the opinions of parents, positive prevail. Often there are stories that children got rid of problems with their tummy and sleep only thanks to this mixture.

Semilax: what doctors say

Aesculapian children are unanimous. They consider Semilax one of the best products. Of course, it is difficult to replace natural feeding. Women are advised in no case to refuse breastfeeding for as long as possible. But in the absence of milk, the doctor will advise you to use Semilax. Parents' opinions are unanimous: they have not yet come up with another product that would look like breast milk. The kid gets everything he needs with him. At an age when it is especially necessary to receive a completely balanced diet, Semilax is the most suitable. The fact is that the manufacturer took care not only about proteins and carbohydrates - the basis of the growing organism, but introduced those trace elements that are responsible for the development of the brain and immunity into the mixture. This is very important for a small person who is just starting to live. From what he will eat, it directly depends on what he will be next.

semilax price

It turns out that Semilax is a very useful product. But it is good in the case when the child's body responds positively to it. But if the mixture causes colic or allergies, then it is better to try something else.


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