Reed cat: photo and description

There are people who cannot live without exotics. Some of them find her on trips, others in pets. The reed cat attracts with its appearance and wild habits. However, do not think that at home he will immediately become affectionate and obedient. This is an animal that you can admire, but do not torment him with cramped apartment conditions.


A reed cat settles in a swampy area

In the old days, the reed cat was found everywhere. It is known that the ancient inhabitants of the banks of the Nile kept these cats in their homes. They took them with them to hunt game. And this is not surprising, since the animal is able to swim to get prey from a reservoir. Apart from the Egyptians, no other nation has managed to tame the swamp lynx. So these cats are called for a certain resemblance to a large relative.

People massively exterminated cats because they attacked animals in their households. Predator skins were in demand. In total, there are about ten subspecies of reed cats. But they are all on the verge of extinction, so it’s hardly possible to meet them in the reeds.


The reed cat does not like to climb trees

Looking at the photo of the reed cat, it is easy to guess what its popularity is. Kittens become similar to their adults at the age of three months.

Description of the adult predator:

  • massive head;
  • the body is powerful, the chest is wide;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • big ears with tassels;
  • eye color yellow or green;
  • the tail is thin and short in relation to the body;
  • the coat is thick, short;
  • color depends on the subspecies.

Males are larger than females. Their height at the withers is fifty centimeters, the length with a tail is about one hundred and twenty centimeters. The weight of a cat can reach fourteen kilograms, and females - up to ten kilograms.


Favorite places for a reed cat are areas near ponds. The animal settles on the ground or in an old badger hole. As a flooring, it uses reeds or reeds. The cat does not dig holes for itself.

The predator prefers not to appear in the open. He moves through the thickets. He does it very quietly and imperceptibly, although he has a rather impressive weight.

Usually he leads a solitary lifestyle. The exception is the breeding season. Then the predator finds a mate, and together they take care of the offspring.

Representatives of the breed swim and dive perfectly. So they get their own food. But even if there is no need for fishing, these animals still need daily exercise in a pond.

The reed predator has excellent hearing because of its erect ears. But his vision and sense of smell are developed at an average level.

Hunting and nutrition

The reed cat creeps quietly and imperceptibly

The reed cat eats everything that moves. He will gladly eat caught fish or birds, but he will not refuse reptiles and even insects. Inhabited near human households, he will encroach on domestic animals. It's about a bird, a muskrat.

The cat hunts in the evening and at night. If necessary, can go out in the daytime. In the process of hunting, he is in no hurry. The predator quietly moves through the reed thickets, looking for the prey. He imperceptibly approaches the intended target, until a couple of jumps remain before it. And after a moment, the prey is in his paws. The cat immediately strangles her, not playing, like his small relatives.

The cat does not pass by the bird's nests. He catches adults on the fly. This he succeeds thanks to his ability to perform vertical jumps. The cat also hunts small rodents. He is able to wait for hours for prey at the mink. How does he fish?

The cat gently touches the surface of the water with its paw, imitating the movement of insects. When an unsuspecting fish swims, it releases its claws. On them, prey falls like a hook. At that moment, the predator dives headlong into the water so that the prey does not break out. With such skills, he can catch not only a lizard or fish, but also a snake.


The breed of reed cats is significantly different from ordinary cat. They do not like to climb trees. Of course, this does not mean that in case of danger they will not climb to the highest branch.

In the natural environment, they find abandoned holes for themselves. They like to relax on the reeds, which are pre-trampled. For a long time in one hole they do not linger.

The female equips the nest in the most inaccessible place. From two to five cubs appear in her litter. There are usually more males among them. During mating games, which usually occur at the end of winter, males are extremely aggressive. They sort things out with each other with wild cries.

Offspring Care

Cubs of reed cats become sexually mature from 8 months

Kittens appear two months after mating. One baby can weigh up to one hundred grams. Like ordinary cats, kittens are born blind. Their eyes open on the seventh-tenth day.

Mother feeds the cubs with her milk for three months. From the age of two months, she feeds them with ordinary food. All this time, a male is also nearby who helps with food production and upbringing. Kittens are considered independent from five months of age, and at the age of eight months they already become sexually mature individuals. Then each of them goes to his territory in order to lead a separate lifestyle.

Health and Disease

The wild reed cat, whose photo captivates with its wildness, has no hereditary diseases. This is his huge plus. They are not susceptible to depression, are distinguished by strong immunity.

In the wild, cats live for about fourteen years. The same amount they live with a person with good attention from the owner. They need a balanced diet, sunlight, a lot of freedom. Then the disease does not shorten its life cycle.

Pet owners should pay attention to their joints. Due to the large weight, the load on the entire skeleton is very impressive. An important element of prevention is vaccination. They should not be forgotten, since there are quite a lot of feline diseases.

Caucasian subspecies

The reed cat catches fish

There is a Caucasian reed cat in Russia. Its habitat is the coast of the Caspian Sea, the delta of the Volga and Terek rivers.

The color of the Caucasian subspecies is its distinguishing feature:

  • wool on the back of a grayish-brown tone;
  • the coat on the belly is whitish buffy.

Of course, he has the notorious tassels on his ears. It is thanks to them that this species is sometimes called bog trot.

Each individual in the wild guards his plot. They are poorly adapted to life at low temperatures, so they insulate burrows with dry grass and wool. The main threat to them are large predators and people. Caucasian cat is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The subspecies is on the verge of extinction due to human activities. So, in the eighties of the last century, these animals disappeared from the territory of the Astrakhan reserve. People exterminate the remaining individuals due to the fact that they threaten their households. Another cause of extinction was the reduction of wetlands. Cats have nowhere to raise offspring.

Wild animals are tamed with difficulty. An individual can recognize the owner in a person only on condition that he will raise it from a month old. It also requires a lot of effort to educate her. But if this succeeds, then the person will get the perfect pet, which will combine the skills of a hunting dog and a dexterous cat. Dogs will be afraid only of his gaze.

For those who want to get a cat that will resemble reeds only in appearance and ability to swim, it is worth paying attention to the chausi. The name is due to the fact that it is translated from the Latin language as “reed”.


The reed cat weighs up to 14 kg

When it became clear what a reed cat looks like, you should learn more about its hybrid version, which is commonly called chausi. Breeders bred a more friendly breed, crossing a wild animal with a domestic short-haired pet.

A person can have it at home without fear of predatory instincts. However, this does not mean that the pet does not need to pay much attention. These animals love to play, swim. If there are still pets in the family, more attention should be paid to the reed predator. Otherwise, he could harm his neighbors.

At home, the reed species must be fed once a day. As the main food, beef or other low-fat meat is perfect. It should be fresh and raw. Diversify the diet with the help of rats and mice. Young chickens or quails are also suitable. Once a week it is necessary to give fish. So that the pet does not gain extra pounds, once a week he should arrange a hungry day. Living at home, he does not spend enough energy, so you need to protect him from obesity. Since the pet will not be able to independently obtain its own food, it needs to add fresh herbs, vitamins to the menu. You can’t offer cereals!

Domesticated individuals are docile and graceful. So that the cat does not accumulate a lot of excess energy that can break out at the most inopportune moment, it is worth exhausting it with various games.

Pet Cost

It is almost impossible to get a purebred reed predator. There are a lot of ads for the sale of kittens, but you can’t check their belonging to the wild breed. Therefore, it is better not to make a purchase from doubtful people.

On the black market, reeds will be sold for about 10 thousand euros (687 thousand rubles). Hybrids cost about 200 thousand rubles. Why are they so expensive?

This is due to the fact that only part of the kittens from the litter has a corresponding wild appearance. The rest are born like ordinary domestic cats. In addition, every third born male is not able to give offspring. And the photos of the reed cat are so beautiful that there are a lot of people who want to get an unusual pet.

Conclusion about the breed

Photo of reed cat

Summarizing the information, it is worth weighing everything well. Photos of a domestic reed cat look great. But there will be little pleasure from keeping such a pet. The animal will constantly spoil furniture and walls. That is why it is better to keep the cat in a private house, building him a separate aviary.

An acceptable option is a hybrid of reed and Abyssinian breeds. In the fourth generation, such animals become domesticated. It is worth paying attention to such individuals so as not to regret the availability of a new pet.


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