Graduation in kindergarten: organization and planning. Preparing for graduation in kindergarten

Summing up, completing the first stage of children's socialization - this is what graduation in kindergarten is. Organization and Planning Celebrations are necessary for a successful event. Decoration, gifts, a sweet table - how to remember and prepare everything in high quality? How to make a holiday refined and memorable for children and parents?

Graduation in kindergarten: how to organize?

The graduation holiday in kindergarten leaves behind a lot of joyful and touching moments. This event requires competent organization and careful preparation. We should not forget that the main purpose of the holiday is to give pleasure to children.

Exhausting drill during the preparation of the event can lead to emotional fatigue of the child. Do not bore children with lengthy rehearsals. The high spirits during the preparation of the event, the availability of material (poems, sketches, dances, songs) will contribute to the comfortable state of adults and children.

kindergarten graduation organization and planning

An interesting scenario, contests, gifts will make the graduation in kindergarten a fascinating and memorable one. Organization and event planning lies entirely with the staff of the preschool institution and the parents of the preparatory group. The best option for preparing for the holiday is to create an initiative group that will deal with the design, purchase of gifts and flowers, script development, and the invitation of animators.

Graduation costs for kindergarten takes over partly. This design of the hall, groups, diplomas and medals for children, pies on a sweet table, preparation of the official part of the event. All financial issues are worked out with the teachers and the administration of the preschool institution, after which they are submitted to the parent meeting.

Holiday decoration

Corrugated and multi-colored paper products are suitable for designing a group. Pompons and ribbons can be used to decorate curtains and walls. Hang colorful garlands over the ceiling. Paper-cut flowers, pigeons will look elegantly on the windows. Fresh flowers, balls will add sophistication to the holiday.

For tables and chairs, you can order or sew a stand-up meal - they will transform the group. This is done if the festive banquet will be held in the garden.

graduation cost of kindergarten

Preparing for graduation in kindergarten starts a month or two before the event. Orders, gifts require special attention. If helium balloons are used to decorate the hall, it must be ensured that they are delivered to kindergarten on the day of the celebration.

Inflatable flowers, garlands, shapes - design ideas can always be found in a company that sells helium balloons. A delivery contract is concluded with her, decoration elements are negotiated.

Also in the hall you can hang garlands or streamers with the words: "Goodbye, kindergarten!" Decorate the backdrop of the stage with spectacular fabric, flowers, balls, pompons.

Video and photography

At the graduation from kindergarten Be sure to invite the operator of the photo and video. Do not trust amateur pictures on such an important day. Most often, the operator in a few days begins to make videos of children's everyday life in the garden. Sometimes parents ask that from the beginning of the school year, the videographer will record various activities from the life of the preparatory group.

After graduation, the operator makes a collage of photos and video editing. It turns out a whole film about the life of children in kindergarten.

Holiday script

Poems, farewell songs, dances are taught by children in Graduation party in kindergarten. The script is worked out to the smallest detail. It consists of 4 parts.

First part. The ceremonial entrance of children into the hall, reading poetry, singing, dancing.

Second part. Costume performance - a synthesis of fairy tales from children's rooms, scenes with the participation of adult characters, funny contests for children and their parents.

The third part . It has a golden ratio, the culmination of the holiday - the most moving and sad moments. Children read thank-you poems to kindergarten employees, perform a farewell song, a final dance.

The fourth part . Graduation, gifts to children. Parting speech of the administration of the kindergarten. Parents' return speech, giving gifts to employees of a preschool institution.

kindergarten graduation plan for organizing

A good tradition was the performance at the graduation of kids (I or II younger group). They conclude part 1 of the celebration, read poetry, dance or sing. In conclusion, they are given a sweet treat by the educators of the preparatory group.

After the official celebration, children and parents are invited to a banquet. Parents should consider in advance whether he will be in kindergarten or whether to order a banquet hall in a cafe.

Guest animators

Not without invited animators graduation party in kindergarten. The organization of the holiday should take into account the fatigue of children. Therefore, animators are usually invited for a time after the official celebration. Parents can retire to the buffet table or start preparing it - the children have fun with the animators in the hall.

graduation party in kindergarten holiday organization

After games, contests, artists invite children and parents to launch helium balloons. This nuance is negotiated with the animators separately. The guys take one ball each and go out into the street. Make wishes and launch their balls into the sky. After that, children are invited to a sweet table.

Diplomas and gifts for children

The head and teachers give diplomas and gifts to preschoolers at the graduation in kindergarten. The organization and planning of the holiday should take into account that diplomas are awarded for any achievements of a particular child in a particular field.

Gifts for graduates are schoolbags, albums, felt-tip pens, paints, notebooks, creativity kits, pencil cases, organizers, interactive posters. Everything that can come in handy at school is usually presented to children on graduation.

graduation party in kindergarten holiday organization

In addition to diplomas and gifts, often awarded commemorative medals, cups, pennants. You can come up with comic nominations for the award. By the end of the holiday, the children get tired. Therefore, it is better not to delay the award part.

Thanks speech

Parents' thanks are prepared in advance. It can be rehearsed in the hall. Musical accompaniment will give expressiveness to the response word of the parents.

Natural excitement should not interfere with intelligible diction. A grateful speech is heard better if it is short, dynamic, comic. After it, gifts are given to employees of the kindergarten.

Gifts for employees

Graduation in kindergarten (organization plan) It is developed taking into account gifts of employees. Parents should consider giving presentations to educators. It can be gift certificates, jewelry, household appliances, a set of bed linen.

A gift for kindergarten is given to the head or representative of the administration of the preschool institution. A printer or a telephone, a computer or a TV, a carpet or a wall panel, toys or curtains - such presentations are made at the discretion of the parents. In some cases, you can limit yourself to a personal gift of the manager.

Kindergarten employees (teacher, assistant teacher, laundresses, cooks, nurse) are given symbolic gifts. These are tea or cosmetic sets, flowers, sweets, small plaids.

All presents are presented during an official celebration when they give thanks. If personal gifts are supposed for educators, which are better not to advertise to other employees, they can be presented during the buffet table.

Holiday treat

The festive table suggests graduation in kindergarten. Organization and planning is decided by the parents. The most common option is to return to the group after the holiday and set up a buffet table there.

preparation for graduation in kindergarten

Another option is to go everyone on a picnic. Outdoor games, parent communication - everything will contribute to a pleasant environment. But ticks, insects can spoil the most complacent mood.

You can order a banquet hall in a cafe. Discuss the menu, design should be in advance. Animators for children are best invited to the cafe. While parents communicate, children will be busy with games and contests. Magicians, soap bubble shows, clowns - it all depends on the financial capabilities of the parents.

Graduation Party Outfits

Boys can be limited to a suit - trousers, a shirt, a tie, a vest. The jacket interferes with outdoor games. It is better to wear it at the very beginning of the holiday, and then take it off.

graduation from kindergarten

It is customary for girls to prepare ball gowns. Invite a hairdresser to complete a complex hairstyle. It should be borne in mind that the child in the outfit will walk most of the day. Therefore, shoes, fasteners should be comfortable. Accessories (bags, fans, gloves, boas, hats) are best left to the unofficial part. Children are distracted if something is slipping in the outfit, falling, interfering. Dress should not impede movement.

Event Preparation Tips

  • Decorate the group in the evening, so that on the day of the holiday, calmly do other things.
  • Distribute the responsibilities of parents - who is at the table, who is giving gifts, who is decorating.
  • To pick up an outfit for a child in advance, check it for comfort at home.
  • Rehearsing and presenting gifts in advance so that there are no hitches during the holiday.
  • Prepare a table or order a cafe in advance by discussing the menu with all parents (take into account possible allergic reactions of children to foods).
  • Set graduates at the table, taking into account their likes and preferences.
  • During the informal part, do not forget about the safety of children.


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